Saturday, June 13, 2009

HOME FROM THE MOTHERLAND........And one Big Birthday!!!

We are back from a whirlwind trip to Jersey in honor of our Birthday Girl!!
None other then the very photogenic Miss Sophie........
Miss "B" turned two on May 30th and we wouldn't have missed the big occasion for anything....
We spent two weeks spoiling and enjoying both the daughter and her "Mini Me"......
I hope you don't get bored looking at all the pictures......I couldn't help posting all the fun we had and we are looking forward to returning real soon to take over where we left off.....
And I'm here to announce that the babies favorite person in the whole world........besides ofcourse Mom and none other then the "Boss"
The Official Birthday Portrait....
Don't you just love that Cake hat complete with candle........daughter made it.
My blogging friend Eli from Italy sent this hand painted card that she made just for the birthday girl!!

My favorite picture.....
Sorry but I think she is gorgeous....

Serenading the Grandpa upon arrival.....I think she's going to be musical like her father...

Reason #1 why the Boss is her favorite person......He wears funny Birthday Cake hats and can blow up over 75 balloons at last count.....
Let the Party begin!!

Through the gate to all the fun......and two ponies!!

Every little girl needs a Princess Flag.....

Sophie was right at home on top of Apple the pony....

and she was a real pro when it came to hitting the Pinata....

Daughter had "craft time" for the girls to make fancy party visors...
It was so cute to see all the little ladies in their fancy party dresses....but there was one little lady that was a "World Class Nose Picker".....

Miss "B" knew just what to do with the glue stick.....

Perfect Trio....
Sophie....Pony......Fancy Party Hat

The Family about to cut the cake....

Lots of presents....

A change in party dress and the release of the balloons....

There they go..........

Notice the red winter "Crocs" on those little feet......
Sophie is the Imelda Marcos of the Toddler set....She loves shoes but especially any kind of Crocs.....these were a gift and she had to put them on as soon as she saw them...

Not to worry......Grandpa can blow up more...

The next day we took a day trip down to Long Beach Island to see the Barnegat Lighthouse

The Boss and the Son in Law hiked it up to the is a view from above....

Ofcourse being Italian we never go anywhere without packing a lunch....

Everyone says me and daughter look exactly alike.....I say she's her father's twin....
except for the gray eyebrows....

We drove down the other end of the island for some shopping where the old schooner
Lucy Evelyn used to be........destroyed by fire in 1972 they replaced it with this replica and there's all kinds of neat shops and places to eat....

We all indulged in this wonderful chowder.....

We then hit up the beach where daughter took some great pictures.....she is always at the ready with her Nikon....

Baby enjoyed her first time playing in the sand......

I just love this bag......Yes, that's Princeton's Zip Code....How cute is that?

Sophie wandered a few feet away at "Breezin Up" and her father found her modeling hats in front of the mirror.....

She would pick a hat off the rack.....sit down on the little stool and nod her approval at how the hat looked....

We all left the shop with our LBI gear to remember our trip and Sophie's first time at the beach.

It was Son in Laws first time on the Jersey Shore and I think both father and daughter enjoyed themselves....

Before leaving we found some time and a good wind to fly some kites...

Then during the week me and daughter shared some bonding time at a Quilt Class in Hoboken.
Nothing says "Bonding Time" like doing it in Hoboken....
They advertised that you could make a baby quilt in 2 hours and we wondered how?
It was true......we both finished our quilts in record time with a few minutes to spare..

They really came cute and were so simple to make......
After the class we met up with none other then everyone's favorite
Shore(house)Chic Blogger......Miss Laura..
Laura lives in Hoboken...along with her house at the Jersey Shore and she met us for a late dinner at the Elysian Cafe....We had a wonderful dinner and really enjoyed meeting Laura.....
Then I came home to a big surprise.....See these beautiful flowers.....
When I walked into the house on Tuesday night after a very long day of bad travel.....
our hour and a half flight ended up being a 10 hour day due to Delta major delays...
These were sitting on my kitchen table.....
Delivered on Saturday my wonderful neighbor saw them sitting on my front porch and brought them inside out of the heat......She turned on our air conditioning and gave them fresh water....
Ofcourse we didn't get home until Tuesday......They were still beautiful but starting to wilt a tad.....But where did they come from.....Daughter is the only one that ever sends me flowers...
It's not my birhtday????
So I opened the card and what did I find......
"Thinking of You"
Sue Combs....
everyone knows Susie Q from her wonderful blog Rabbit Run Cottage.....
You know Sue..........the one that has the hots for Brian Dennehy....
What a wonderful surprise from such a special friend....
Thank You Sue......I can't tell you how special I felt when I read your card.....
and dear Necie.....the next door neighbor suggested I call the florist and tell them what happened and they so kindly delivered fresh flowers on Wednesday and I'm still enjoying them!!!
So that's it.....we had a wonderful trip and we can't wait to do it all over again....
And it's nice to be back blogging!!


  1. Lovely pics Sue....glad to see you back!

  2. Welcome back, what a nice time you had .. your daughter and husband look alike except for the nose (and eyebrows)

    Happy Belated Birthday to Sophie!

  3. I've been looking for you!! OMG, the photos of Sophie are amazing, you have a great subject to photograph. Happy Birthday to her!! There are two pictures I think you should make black and white if you can just to see what they look like. I like the one of her looking up at the balloons and the one of Sophie and her daddy walking up to the beach. They would be so cool in b/w.

    Now on to your bag. I panicked at first. I thought that was a prison number you were secretly hiding from us. I was happy to know it's a zip code. heeheehee

  4. Wow! I feel as though I was on vacation with you and The Boss! Do you know that our grandchildren are 1 year and 2 days apart?
    Miss Sophie is a doll! I love her hat collection!

  5. Welcome home! You were missed, but I see what a wonderful time you had. Sophie just gets cuter and cuter with a personality to match. How wonderful of Sue to send you flowers - she is such a kindhearted soul. Looking forward to you back on the regular blogging road. Sally

  6. Terrific pictures, Sue. Welcome back to bloggie land. Sophie is adorable and how very special that you all shared in the birthday celebration.

  7. Happy belated birthday to Sophie. She looks like a very happy little girl.
    Love the photos...thanks for sharing.

  8. Welcome back Sue! Those pics of Sophie are too cute. She is just adorable no wonder you think she is gorgeous. She certainly had some B-day party.


  9. Do you think you could broker a deal for me? My cash for some of that Sophie hair. It's amazing! How long before she's old enough to start complaining, "I hate my hair!"

    Wonderful pics of a great family!


  10. Sue, looks like you had a wonderful visit with your daughter and family. That Sophie is too precious for words. Like a little doll.
    Welcome back home. It's boring here...LOL

  11. The photos are adorable, and she is a princess for sure. Glad your home from the travels all safe and sound.


  12. Sophie is so cute! I love that curly hair and those cute chubby legs. So many great shots of her but I love the one where she looking up at the baloons!

    Welcome back! Glad you had such a nice time! Weren't you there recently? Time to move back maybe LOL!


  13. Awww....our picture came out so cute!! But not HALF as cute as the birthday girl.! And the hat model photos...HA!

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed our dinner...THANK felt as if we had known each other forever and were just "catchin' up." I hope to see you again when you're back in Garden State. I've been without a computer at home (nasty, ugly, icky cootie virus) but I can't wait to show the world your pillows! Oh MY. Love them. And your quilts look even BETTER when it's not pouring rain out (which, p.s., it's been doing prety much every day since. Ugh.)

  14. Little Miss Sophie is a baby doll!
    So glad you had a nice visit.

  15. Sophie is adorable! I love all the pics of her...such a doll! Welcome back! :-)

  16. Fun, fun, fun!

    Looking forward to meeting you on one of your trips.

  17. Happy belated Birthday to Miss Sophie! What a wonderful trip you had Sue, and what a darling grand daughter, and daughter and son-in-law you have!

    I've met Laura also --she's a very sweet and fun girl!

    Susie Q was so sweet to send you flowers! What a nice surprise!

  18. Have I ever enjoyed these photos! Your family is so gosh darned beautiful...every single one of 'em!. Oh Miss *B*, the divine still my heart.
    Your ohotos are all amazing! The ones with the
    The Boss in the hat with Sophie and the balloons, how sweet is that?
    LOVE the zip bag!
    Now I am totally craving chowder and it is after one am!

    You have been able to meet so many new blog friends! What a treat for you all.

    I am so glad they brought out new flowers but I feel like an idiot that I didn't make sure you WERE at home! What a dum dum head I am!
    I was just thinking about ya, sitting here grinning over your old posts and thought, I need to send Sue sumpin'. After all, you have been SO, so dear to Miss Grace and to me.

    Love ya,

  19. What a sweetie the birthday girl is. Looks like everyone had a fabulous time.

  20. She IS gorgeous! What a fantastic trip you had and what a fairytale of a birthday party!

  21. Your grand daughter is just too cute, and what a party!! Glad to see you back blogging, I have been taking a bit of a break myself...I do love Laura at Shorehouse Chic- what fun to get to meet her...welcome home!

  22. Sophie is an absolute doll. Looks like a fun birthday and trip to the beach. The quilt turned out beautifully. laurie
