Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MAKING A STATEMENT................and taking a break.

Today I made a statement.......against credit card high interest rates.....
It really doesn't effect me because I only have one active card with a rate of 3.99%....I love my LL Bean credit card.....I get points that I can use to buy more Maine finery...I get free shipping coming and going and I have this cheap interest rate....Thank you Barclay's bank......
But in the mail yesterday I got a notice from Washington Mutual that they are now Chase Bank.
I have a small checking account with W.M. just a "Girls Fun Account".... when I opened it they even chipped in $100.00.
I'm not a fan of Chase......I have a Chase credit card but it has no balance.....hearing lately how they are gouging people with ridiculous interest rates.....taking people's accounts from 9% to over 30%....
I thought this is not where I want to have my money....not even a little bit.
Plus I have been seeing local branches folding up like cheap beach chairs and that is never a good sign...
So bright and early this morning I went over to the local branch and handed the nice lady my check all filled out with the total amount in the account and said.....
"I would like to close out this account".....
She looked shocked and asked why I would be doing such a thing.....like it was a crime taking my own money.
I told her it was because Washington Mutual was now Chase and I didn't like Chase because of their business practices.....This warranted a whistle calling over the Branch Manager.....
He too looked shocked that I was about to take the money and run....
I told him the same thing....smiling the whole time as not to seem hostile.... he assured me that they are still the same "Nice" people that they have always been and he was sorry but there was nothing they could do about the interest rates.....
at which point I said to him....
"I understand but there is something I can do about it....and that would be not to have my money in your bank."
I have to admit although my tone was friendly I did say this a bit on the loud side so the other customers could hear me....
I went on to say that I did not care for the way they do business and I felt their business practice concerning raising interest rates was not something I wanted to be associated with....
I have to say that they both couldn't argue the point so they handed me my money and thanked me and I drove straight away to Wachovia where my "fun money" now sits besides all my other accounts.....
I know this little act of rebellion won't do a thing but I can bet that those two bank employees will be talking about this the rest of the day....
and on the blogging front...a bit of a break is badly needed to get some work done around the house and read some of those books I have stacked next to my bed....
I look forward to reading a much recommended book by the folks over at Borders....
"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society"
that's a mouthful.
Also on the lineup in Naturally Thin by our favorite New York non-housewife
Bethenny Frankel
"Eat This......Not That"....
in a quest to lose half my body weight.......not really that much...... this was also recommended and looks very interesting...
See you all soon with lots of reviews!!


  1. Good for you for taking a stand! I wish more people would do things like that. It is robbery the way credit card companies mess around with interest rates, especially with no warning or real good reason.

  2. Wachovia vs Chase .. interesting to opt for Wachovia which is small ... and you will love that book, I adored it ...

  3. That's great Sue! If more people would do that....
    Wish I could have been there ;)
    Happy reading!

  4. Yeah. DH and I are the scum of the earth people credit card companies like to call deadbeats. Those that pay off our balance every month. What nerve we have! The sole reason I use cards for every little thing we purchase is to use their money for free since they are currently generously paying me nearly negative zero percent on my savings.

    I dislike banks in general...they're all pretty much the same to me. Sorry to those who may be bankers in the blogging community, but this is a sore subject for me. Sue, you're lucky you got your money out without them charging you for the pleasure.

    Oh, and about the books. Let me know how many calories you burn an hour reading. With that list, you should be able to read your way thin sooner or later, right?


  5. I applaud you Sue for taking a stand. I am sick of feeling held captive by big business and banks. I closed out an account to help my daughter pay for her first year of college and the teller said, "and the reason you are you closing your account?" as if I had to answer for it somehow! It wasn't an idle question it was something she had to type into the computer. I told her I was closing it because I wanted my money. I don't think it's really any of their business to ask. Anyway, I think more of us shoudl really take a look at who we want to support in business based on the way they do business and let our pocketbooks show them we have some say in who we do business with and they need to toe the line. Enjoy your break, looking forward to your reviews:>)

  6. Banks make me nuts. They're like Pac-Man gobbling up each other.

    Good luck with your new bank. Around here they're called "Walkalloverya!"

  7. You are still my hero. (sorry the links slammed together in the prior post)

    Change in Terms

  8. I hear you, Sue. I'm going through the same thing with Washington Mutual that is now Chase. I've been thinking about going elsewhere.

    Enjoy your break.

  9. Hi Sue...No fan of Clooney, huh? He's what my sister calls a "beautiful tree." lol Good for you for your stand! I haven't changed banks in 27 years. They are threatening to change my rate..but so far, so good! Enjoy your break! I seem to need more and more time in between posts now. My life keeps interfering!! lol ...hugs...Debbie

  10. Way to go, girl! Have a nice bloggy break. Linda

  11. I am proud of you, girlfriend! Excellent...love this story!

  12. I love it - I am so mad at all of t he banks for raising interest rates....i have a credit card with chase, I better check and see if they raised my rate without me knowing - good for you sue!!

  13. I created a new topic about this topic at Daily-Protest.comI am asking others to put Daily-Protest.com signs in their storefront windows, on a bulletin board, or even a countertop.

  14. Good for you, Sue. I just love your spirit. BTW, you will love, love, love The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.

  15. One more thing. I guess you know that Wachovia is now Wells Fargo. At least they are owned by Wells Fargo, and I assume they will be changing their name.

  16. Hi Sue~~~Oh How I love this little story!! We all need to make a stand and this was excellent! Every little voice counts,,Loved your reply, too!
    Thanks so much for the email about the Atlanta girls getting together....this bloggie world has been so much fun for me!
    Keep it up!!

  17. We use WAMU too. Now Chase. Thanks for the info. I'll be having a little chat with the mister about that scam. It is nice to be at this stage in our lives when credit and the rates are not as important as they once were. We don't keep a balance on any cards. Have a lovely break. Let us know how you like your books. Mimi

  18. Sue! Where have I been? I missed about five of your blog posts. It's been crazy busy for me as I'm planning a party for my hubby --it's a BIG one! :-)

    I'm glad you and Joyce had such a great time together. I laughed at her "hands" shot..lol

    Good to hear your recommendations about the non stick pan --and I love the Food Network Magazine too --I have a subscription.

    As far as credit cards and banks...well don't get me started!
    I do love my Jet Blue American Express card though --I've earned four free fares so far! I like flying Jet Blue -- great service to Denver where my little sweetheart is.

    Enjoy your break and read-a-thon!

  19. Sounds like good reading and I understand the need to take some time off from blogging.
    Good for you, to stand up for something you are against. You are the consumer and it's your choice as to which bank you want your money associated with!

  20. Grrr. Those guys make me so cranky. Way to take a stand. We'd be doing exactly the same thing.

  21. I know the feeling about taking a blog break...The sun is so fleeting in the Northwest, that I want to be out and enjoying it. With a good book and of course something to nibble on.

    sweet wishes,

  22. Yes, we all have to speak up! I pay my balance every month and I will drop any bank who does this. They have already lowered the rates on saving so low it it ridiculous!

  23. You go girl! That is awesome, I agree with you and wish I could have been a fly on the wall!


  24. I have to say that I left the big banks because I was just a number. They could have cared less. So I went to Fidelity Bank here in Atlanta. Shirley, my regular teller at the window (Northlake Branch)has been there for many years. We are on a first name basis! Such a treat!

    Also, they credit back the little annoying ATM fees (domestic & international) that the other banks charge (just take your receipts in to your branch). I have been with them since 1994 and have been very happy!

  25. Oh I soooo agree. I have lots of companies I refuse to do business with......not that they would EVER notice the loss of my puny contributions. But, I feel better about not supporting any business with whom I disagree. Good for you for standing by your principles.

    You go girl!

    By the way........you're missed! :-)

