Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BLOGGER MEET AND GREET...............My Friend Ellen.

There are some very special and talented Bloggers out there in Blogland and I would like you to meet my friend Ellen of Nouveaustitch........
Ellen enjoys blogging but has run into some very strange bloggers....you see she leaves comments on people's blogs of which she feels she has common interests and the un-friendly bloggers at the other end don't respond.........Infact she just told me she sent a message to someone in her own hometown and didn't hear a word.......
I figure she's not blogging with the "right crowd"......
And that would be you guys!!
Let me tell you a little bit about Miss Ellen......She lives in Michigan and is one fabulous seamstress......she makes designer throw pillows to die for......not only does she make them but she will give you step by step instructions on how to do it yourself........
she posts lots of decorating ideas with her specialty being window treatments......
No need to buy an expensive decorating magazine for new ideas...just visit Ellen....
The women can also bake up a storm.....she recently spent a few weeks in New York at a Culinary school learning all about bread and pastry baking.....

Here's another sample of some of her beautiful pillow designs

Crafts.....she does that too.....how cute is this "clothespin Holder".....she whipped this up in a day and gives you the resources to try your hand at making one...

And the lady can bake up a batch of croissants......
Stop by her wonderful blog and let her know you stopped by.....
What's great about Ellen is she will offer up any help you need and answer any questions you have about sewing....baking.....decorating.....
She's like having your own personal teacher at the touch of your mouse.....
her blog address is


her post about her recent stint at the New York Institute of Culinary Education is at


I think you will enjoy getting to know her as much as I have....


  1. Thanks for sharing info about an interesting blogger. She is incredibly talented and how discouraging when folks don't leave comments. I love visiting some of the international sites of bloggers that are in languages I can't understand. I still leave a nice comment thinking to myself, that is my way of spreading world peace. I will surely stop by and leave her a friendly note.

  2. oh, man....look at those breads.....!

  3. I have had a great time reading around your lovely blog this morning.

  4. Nice stuff... I cant imagine who she visited that didnt return the visit... that's just rude

  5. Hi Sue,
    Thanks for the introduction. Ellen has a great website and I always love to meet another Michigander:>) I would like to remind people that if you are not signed into your google account, or whatever you use, when you comment it is impossible to reply. If you aren't signed in the return address in the email is noreply-comment@blogger.com which doesn't connect to anything. Just a thought if anyone is having the same trouble of not getting replies:>)

  6. Hi Sue! On your recommendation, I checked Ellen's blog out and thoroughly enjoyed it. We have already commented back and forth a couple of times. Hope your commercial helps her to find a better group. Sally

  7. Gosh! I can't thank you enough, Sue! What a kind and generous lady you are! So many of your friends stopped by and I was able to visit bunches of new blogs too. It's just amazing how talented everyone is. Thanks everyone for the visits and the lovely comments. I truly am honored to have Sue as my friend!


  8. From the title, I thought you were posting about me and we haven't met yet. Ellen is not the most common name.

    Thanks for the kind words on the loss of our Maxie. We are missing her so much.

  9. Hey Sue. Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comment. I don't know if it is so much bravery or insanity. But whatever it is photography is my driving force.

    Glad you got to meet a new blogger. Those pics of the bread made me hungry.

  10. Oooh, those croissants look so good! I will go see Ellen and leave a comment. Her pillow designs are fabulous. She is obviously very talented.

    I'm just getting back into the swing of blogging myself, having been gone for 3 weeks across the pond. And now I must do a little more catch up reading of your posts too.


  11. Oh, what cute pillows. I will go over to see her. Thanks for the address. laurie

  12. Thanks for sharing! Her work is lovely...but don't sell yourself short, missy. Your throw pillows are pretty much to die for, too. And if I can get my act together, and find my &#*$&$ camera cord (I am a mess lately. A MESS!) to unleash the hundred or so photos trapped in my camera, I will be sharing your Ladies Liberty with the bloggy world. :-)
