Friday, June 19, 2009

WEEKEND MOVIE REVIEW........A Rental and a First Run.

The family loves to go to the movies.....Me...not so much....but every now and again I have the patience to sit for 2 hours....The other night thanks to the wonder of the RedBox and their $1.00 movies we rented "Revolutionary Road"

If you want to get really depressed and think about putting a gun to your head this is the movie for you....I dare anyone to come up with one redeeming quality of this waste of 2 hours of my life. It has to be the number one worst movie every made in the history of cinema..........

I am a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and seeing the trailer for a new Marty Scorsese movie called
"Shutter Island" I will certainly put that on my list to see....but this movie was just horrible.
No need to even mention the plot except to say it was hours of a husband and wife fighting like crazy with each other and it had a really horrific ending......Trust me on this one....Take that $1.00 you would save renting it and buy yourself an ice'll feel better.

On the other hand we shelled over $14.00 for a matinee......when did those prices go up???
we refrained from the usual extra-buttered popcorn with a large Coke Slurpee.....still dieting.....38 pounds between us so far!!!
and we spent the hottest part of the day watching
"The Taking of Pelham 123"
Both fans of the original with Walter Matthau......we thought we would give it a shot.....It did not disappoint. With a really great's always nice to see John Turturro in a was entertaining....action packed and not just a "guy movie".....Denzel Washington was very good in the Matthau roll and John Travolta although creepy looking was good as well.....A small part as the Mayor of NY for James finally hear him sounding like someone other then Tony Soprano.....He was was nice and long so you got your monies worth and that is always important....If you don't get to the theater to see this one make sure to rent it when it's out on DVD......Another recommendation for weekend viewing on DVD......another movie we saw originally in the movies.....Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood....We rented it the other night and it was as good the second time around as the first time we saw it.....It's a great movie for men over 50......
Enjoy your weekend and Happy Movie watching!!


  1. I have long come to the conclusion that movie critics know nothing about what the ticket buying public like. MOvie critics like the artsy fartsy stuff. Me, I like to laugh and occasionally shed a single tear due to something touching. Forget the depressing stuff, really, for there is too much of that in real life.
    I'm with you Sue...let's ban those types of movies.

  2. I'm not the movie-going type either. I always feel like I've wasted the 2 hours sitting there even when the movie is good. When are they going to install individual book lights at the movie theaters, so you can at least look at a magazine? We do occasionally watch movies at home (with the lights on), so I'm glad to have your recommendations. Sally

  3. I saw the trailer for Revolutionary Road and said "why would anyone want to sit through that?" It looked like a downer. Sorry you saw it, but you confirmed my forst impression so I won't even be tempted. I usually like Dicaprio and Winslet too!

  4. Hi Sue...Thanks for sparing me the trouble of watching Revolutionary Road. The fact that Kate Winslet is in it might have tempted me. The older I get, the more I believe what my dad used to is sad enough...why would you read a sad book or watch a sad movie! My kind of movies/books require eating out and having beautiufl scenery...two things I love! So...pretty much, anything by Peter Mayle fits the bill!! lol Have a great weekend...Debbie

  5. Thanks for the tip, I will take the cruddy one off my Netflix que and put the good one on it.

  6. hey Sue.. ... thanks for stopping by my blog...

    Yes...I did see the bread at an earlier visit.. ...and you also sent me some info too ... ... but, I don't think I'll bother buying a Crueset.. I find them extremely heavy and probably wouldn't get much use out of it for the cost. I prefer my stainless pots.. That no-knead Ciabatta I tried worked out was an 18 hour overnighter too...and easy peasy... I'll probably just stick with that...but, thanks again

  7. Husband watched RR and was unnerved by how much Kathy Bates looked like his mother ...

    Have you seen 16MM? Gandolfini is wonderful and totally NOT Tony S.

  8. Husband watched RR and was unnerved by how much Kathy Bates looked like his mother ...

    Have you seen 16MM? Gandolfini is wonderful and totally NOT Tony S.

  9. I can't sit still in a theater, so I wait to rent them. I must have paused this one 50 times. I must say it was depressing and very sad. Now last night I watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.....absolutely wonderful. Well worth seeing...julie

  10. I like movies with a nice story and a happy ending. I was wondering about R Road and I'm glad I didn't rent it afterall. We did rent Gran Torino the other day and you're right the hubby and his friend loved it. I had a little problem with all the f words in it. I guess that's real life nowadays. Sigh. Whatever happened to Doris Day? Mimi

  11. Thanks for the movie reviews. Larry is a huge Clint Eastwood fan, we also forked over the big bucks to go see it, but worth every penny! And you're right, my friend's husband (they are much younger) didn't care for it.

  12. Poor Kate and Leo! Ps. We tried to take Miss B. to see Night at the Museum 2 yesterday, but apparently, most of Central New Jersey also had the same idea. It was the first time in five years of living here that I actually saw a line all the way *outside* of a movie theater, and then when we tried another theater NATM2 was Sold Out!?!?! I guess that's what happens when it has rained for like 2 months straight-- people go stir crazy.

  13. I do want to see Grand Torino. My brther and sis in law loved it.
    My friend Terri went to see Revolutinary Road in the theater and told me it was THE most depressing thing she had seen in years. I decided to save my money and wait for something that would make me feel good...I often go see films that the critics abhor and have the best time! I guess this proves once again that I am not sophisticated! *laugh*

