Friday, May 1, 2009


Welcome back to Weekends in Paris...
Lucky for you that I'm running out of pictures!
Along with beautiful architecture Paris has beautiful flowers everywhere you look....and ofcourse a Cafe' on every corner.....
How cute is this? We stumbled upon this cafe while wandering the winding streets up in

Flowers for sale on the
Rue Mouffetard

This was called the "Pacino" sunflower....
growing in the Jardin des Plantes
not as colorful as the red gingham tables but quaint none the less...

Parisians will set a table and chair on any sidewalk no matter how small...

I love this guy....if I could have brought him home in my suitcase I would have....

Table for Two.

just plain pretty

It was wonderful being able to step out your door everyday and buy fresh flowers

Another cute guy announcing the specials of the day...

I hope you enjoyed today's offering and with only two more weeks to go.....
Okay....keep the cheering to a minimum....
Next week we go on a scenic Road Trip to someplace very special.....
Followed by the final week of our luxurious accommodations...
See you then....Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Wonderful pictures. I have finally finished editing the more than 700 pictures that I took on our trip. The next challenge will be to decide which ones to put into my digital scrapbook.

  2. I hate to see the series wind down, but look forward to the last two episodes. Beautiful pictures, as always!!! Sally

  3. I love the flowers and cafe tables. I want to pull up a chair and drink wine soaking up the afternoon sun.

  4. Amazing shots, just like the previous Weekends in Paris....thanks for sharing!

  5. Sue,

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics. I love that chef too, how cute. Are you going to post some pics of NJ and Miss Sophie?


  6. Hi Sue, just catching up and I can see I've been missing a grand tour! These pictures are so beautiful I want to hop on the next flight for France:>)

  7. I love the weekends in Paris! I haven't been to France since 1979 -- oh dear, that's a long time!

    Looking forward to pics of your NJ trip!

    (And there's a good reason that husbands and pets are often grouped together as sofa-warmers! I know if I need to find any of them, where they'll probably be.)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Sue,
    Gorgeous Pics, what a fabulous trip. I love the gingham cafe, everything is just so pretty. Cindy

  9. Great photos and I pray that I get to Paris one day in the future so that I can experience all these cute little places to eat. I can't wait to see where we will be going with you on next weeks Friday tour.

  10. I've got a great idea. Why don't you get together a tour of France or just Paris and invite your blog friends. You could even charge to be the guide! It would be so much fun. You know all the cool places. As for the cake, it was best eaten a little warm. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of it. It looked like cake baked in an oven but was a little moister. I'm gonna try to do a lemon cake next time. Mimi

  11. What a beautiful sunflower..among many other great shots too. So what's a girl to eat in the wee morning hours of Paris?

  12. L'art de vivre à la française... Nous adorons ça, flâner en ville, boire un café aux terrasses des bistrots, manger un bout dans un petit restaurant au soleil et regarder les gens passer devant nous, le visage au soleil.
    I love this images !

  13. okay but i'm sorry....this just seals the deal. i am going to paris, dammit! i was actually drooling over these shots, sue. wow. so beautiful.

  14. It's so beautful! And it's so sweet!why I wasn't born in Paris...
