Sunday, May 3, 2009

CATSITTING...........With Benefits.

We are slowly becoming professional cat sitters....
Just getting back from Jersey where we had the pleasure of babysitting Miss Kitty for 10 days while the Jr. Fam jetted off to Italy....
Most people think we're crazy for sitting with a cat....
We know that daughter greatly appreciates this whenever her and the troops pack up for much needed vacations and we are more then happy to show up and take care of house and cat.
Now I am not a cat person infact I have been known to despise cats.....Hey, they hiss......
But I have grown very fond of Miss Kitty and by gosh she actually likes me....
The minute I sit down on the sofa she is right there head butting me and I hear that's a sign of endearment....With cat sitting also comes very nice benefits.......basically gifts from the trip....
Daughter never disappoints and always goes above and beyond to keep the folks happy....
This trip was no exception...
Here are some of my goodies.......
From Vietri.....this fabulous platter.
Joyce predicted I would be getting something with lemons....

This really cool Murano glass bracelet with charms...
Daughter picked this up on Capri.

I flipped over this red leather purse from Ibiz in Rome and really went nutz when I found out it was actually hand made by a father and daughter....
I have never had a handmade purse before...
and I vowed to daughter put a pen in the purse.
I have a history of leaky pens and good purses...

and this cute little green pitcher because I collect green pitchers.....
The Boss also got a good haul including.....ofcourse.....
an Italian hat.....

And along with all that good stuff we got to stay at the above beautiful accommodations...
Not too shabby.....
We will be back when the pool gets opened.....
and if all that wasn't enough.....

When I got back there was a unexpected package in the mail for me from my blogging friend
Daryl at
inside this pretty little brown bag is a sterling silver and enamel New Jersey state charm
Thank you Daryl for thinking of me in your travels!!

More Jersey posts to come.....We went house shopping and have lots of pictures of lots of houses..
Everyone loves to look inside people's houses....
so stay tuned and have a great week..... and to see some great pictures from daughter's trip to Italy stop by her blog at


  1. House shopping? Are you moving?

    Love your gifts from Italy.

  2. traveling with a pet at home... a good pet sitter is hard to find..

    love the blog..

  3. My oh my. Your daughter is a great shopper. Glad you got a chance to get to Communiversity. We walked to town but it was so beastly hot that we cut it short and headed home after eating lunch.

  4. What great gifts you received! I would have cat-sat, too, for that great haul. I popped over to your daughter's blog, which I enjoyed. Several of her pictures were the same that our son took in March!! That was fun to see - how small the world really is. No Murano glass bracelet for me, but I did get a great piece of Murano that he bought in Venice. We trained our kids well to not forget Mom, didn't we?? Take care, Sally

  5. Jain will love your kitty!You had Christmas in May!

    I love your DD's home:)

    How special Venice was for me..we didn't travel to Murano.. But Venice holds a special place in my heart for sure.

  6. I really like that red purse. How nice!

  7. I've never been a cat person, having been raised with dogs in the house, but I could get used to this friendly kitty! What a beautiful red purse and lemon platter...and nice daughter.

  8. What a great haul. Sounds like your daughter had fun on her trip too.

    Looking forward to meeting you on your next trip north.

  9. Welcome back! I know you enjoyed your stay. Love your gifts and your daughter's home is beautiful!


  10. Wow, all kinds of wonderful benefits to cat sitting....not to mention learning to perhaps (?) grow fond of cats...this from a cat lover like me, is high praise.

    Your daughter has wonderful taste in gifts!

  11. Wow I will cat sit for your daughter after seeing all those wonderful gifts. All I get when I cat sit is a big bag of kitty litter:) the lemon platter reminds me of Capri. I know the leather on the purse is as soft as a babies bottom and the bracelet is super and also your new charm..wear them all in good health. Your daughters home is gorgeous and looks like enough room for a few horses. Just think you can horse sit too:)

  12. Red purses are my favorite. If you do put a leaky pen in there, call me, I'll come take it off your hands. The purse I mean. And yes, I agree. A good pet sitter is terribly hard to come by and my guess is your daughter is so very appreciative of your kitty cat care!!

  13. Sue,

    Your daughter can be my daughter anytime, she picks out wonderful presents. Actually my girls do pretty darn good when it comes to giving gifts. Love the house. Did you find a house you like?


  14. Definitely an awesome bunch of gifts...the bracelet is making me drool!!!

  15. What wonderful treasures!! Your daughter is a fabulous shopper! Would she like to adopt me as a big sister?? *laugh* Having your loved ones look after your home and sweet cat is such a blessing...

    What a sweet charm too! You arejust awash in fantastic goodies! And why not? You are pretty special!


  16. Oh Wow! Those were all such magnificent gifts! Your daughter has wonderful taste and a generous nature, Sue!

    I love cats -- call me next time and I'll cat sit for you! :-)

  17. Hi Sue...You must be a wonderful kitty grandma! Your daughter's home is beautiful! And you did rake in a haul! Love that platter...gorgeous! And a NJ thoughtful! Have a great weekend. Now I'm scrolling down for a little trip to Paris!...Debbie

  18. Oh you were in NJ! (Your daughter's house is BEAUTIFUL!) We'll have to all catch up when you're back again (end of the month, oui?). And of course I love the charm. Very sweet of Daryl!
