Thursday, April 23, 2009


Welcome back to Weekends in Paris.....
The grand tour is almost complete....just a few more weeks..and this week we have statues...
They are everywhere you look in Paris....some are very famous....others are just wonderful decorations in the gardens that are all over the city....
This guy looked awfully bored......or maybe he was on a cell phone?

I love this one.....I do remember that it was in the Jardin des Plantes..... the gardens across the street from our apartment...
I would go there during the day to read while daughter was in class...
It is in the 5th. Arrondissment and has been there since 1626
Now that's old!

Winged the Louvre

Venus de Milo......also at the Louvre

every statue needs a pigeon!!

this one was on someone's tomb....

Another shot of my favorite....the flowers in this garden were beautiful..

This was also in the Jardin des Plantes ......there was also a small zoo and a science museum...

They went that away..........

this is a miserable looking man......but I wouldn't like living in a cemetery either....

The Pigeon family tomb......they didn't believe in
"Till death do us part".... and gives new meaning to the phrase.....
"Not tonight I have a headache"....

and my personal favorite....
If I was him I would be ashamed too!!

Thanks for stopping by.....Daughter is still in Italy...they went to Capri today and everyone is loving Miss Sophie.....I have yet to lose the cat so things are going well....I'm still having a little problem with retrieving and sending e-mails....and I'm missing visiting every one's blogs....but other then that I was lucky to be able to post this.....See you all next week when we're winding down with cafe's and flowers....


  1. I love statue pics lately so I'm happy to see this post. They are so cool. Now the last one, reminds me of my ex husband. Seriously.

  2. Great to read about you and to know that Miss Sophie and parents are having fun in Italy. Enjoy your weekend and... mind the cat!Hugs Eli

  3. They are all exquisite..I loved every statue in Europe..and funnily enough many of mine had the same pidgeon!:)
    Your blog makes me want to go back

  4. Oh Sue...such wonderful photos! But best of all is your commentary!! lol You are such a hoot! Glad things are going well with the kitty. Hope you get your 'puter fixed soon! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie
    PS...Yes, that is the soundtrack to Amelie! Isn't it so frenchy?

  5. As usual, stunning Paris photos. You got a closer shot of Winged Victory than I did, mine is from across the staircases. I loved the Louvre but didn't get to spend more than a day there.
    Thanks for the getaway to Paris via your blog every week.

  6. Who wouldn't love Miss Sophie in Italy? I'm sure she looks like she belongs there! Glad things are going well with the cat; but poor Boo is in the kennel! Where are your priorities??? Once again, I enjoyed your Paris pictures! Sally

  7. I am jealous your daughter is in Italy, Capri was one of my favorite places, we saw Barbara Streisand there just walkin' down the street like a normal person--beautiful statues om your tour, thanks for sharing all this beauty.

  8. Great photos and captions! Did you see that giant head in Luxembourg Gardens?

  9. I love these...and I will just have to learn how to quell all of this Paris envy I am experiencing. : )
    Miss Sophie in Italy...oh those lucky Italians!! She will have them eating out of her sweet little hand.
    I am so glad to know that you didn't kill the cat. And how is poor Boo...are you calling him daily?? *smile* We kept Kip at a Petsmart Hotel last Summer...and they *encouraged* us to call him every day. We called once and he had nothing to say so we chose to forgo that little bit.


  10. I enjoyed this Sue! I love sculptures and funerary art. I volunteer in a cemetery (it's on my blog today) and I love to stroll the hills and look at all the statues.

    Glad Ms. Sophie is having fun in Capri with her parents! She must be a big hit with the Nonna's there!

  11. Sue...these are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  12. LOL the statues are wonderful...the commentary was EXCELLENT!

  13. Love the guy on the cell phone..who would of thought of a cell phone pose way back when:) I have to visit France one day. I know the kids will ADORE the island of Capri. So many great 1 day cooking classes in that area. Bet they bring home lots of lemon type things and some to drink. I can't wait to hear about your day out in Princton as it sounds like you guys had so much fun. I laughed at the biscotti bake off:) Have fun playing with the baby when the kids get home. Maybe you can take her back home for a week? Talk about fun. I have a portacrib you can borrow for the week and every toy know to man too:)

  14. I have so enjoyed your series! Thanks for sharing again.

  15. I recently discovered your blog. I like your references to Clark and Rahway. I grew up there, too. Stir up some old memories with images from an artist named Lloyd Garrison...
    My brother bought us all Christmas cards of "Walt's" on St George Ave. with Jeans Beans in the background. We all cried. Mine is framed and on the mantle!
    Great writing and love the grandbaby!!!

  16. Sue,
    Great pics, I so want to go there! Thanks for the tour, the last one is a hoot. Cindy

  17. Back from holiday, trying to catch up ...

    Did you get a snail mail envelope from me?

  18. Such lovely artwork...
    Your daughter will fall in love with Capri, how I miss my sweet Napoli :)

  19. Hey Sue......What gorgeous PARISIAN statues! Love them! ;) ALL OF THEM! Hey, I forgot to let you know on my last post that I'm having a SUPER blog giveaway and I think you'd enjoy winning it! Come on over Sue and get your entry in by leaving me a note! Also...YOU GOTTA MEET CHEF CLAUDE PETER...I got him done! ;) ~CC Catherine
