Thursday, April 2, 2009


Welcome back to Weekends in Paris....
Since I missed last weekend I thought I would do a double header today.

First are the wonderful windows of France......Colorful....warm and inviting. They make you want to know what's inside....And the second group of photo's are from our weekend excursion out to Giverny....Monet's home....If you ever get to Paris this is a must see side trip...
Enjoy!!!The use of color is amazing....Gingham curtains in blue....what could be prettier.

beautiful pink blooms against French blue shutters

pastel colors on stucco.....delicate lace curtains....Who wouldn't want to live here.

Greenery everywhere...

A wonderful rabbit painting seen on a building up in the Montmarte section

More lace teamed up with bright red geraniums

You can even buy a window to take home......

At the top of Sacre Coeur there are artists everywhere and many have paintings like this one.

Monet's garden in Giverny......a short ride outside of the city and well worth the trip....
open from April 1st. until October 31st.
We rented a car for the day and took the 45 minute drive without getting lost...Daughter is an expert at reading foreign maps upside down....

We packed a lunch of Jambon and Fromage on a Baguette ......that would be ham and cheese on white......and picnicked out on the grass before going on the tour....

The famous Lily Ponds.....

Inside Monet's old studio is a fabulous gift shoppe.....whenever we go anywhere our first stop is always the gift shop....Sometimes we never get any further then the gift shoppe...
But not this time.....First we ate...then we shopped...then we toured the home and
gardens.... Notice food came first!!

His home is simply enchanting....
The kitchen done in blue and yellow was a cooks dream...

wonderful photo ops.....

more Lily pads...

I think Monet would have loved this subject to paint.....
We hope you enjoyed this weeks little tour.....
Next week something wacky....
French signs....

See you then..


  1. I'm so thankful you show these photos. They are beautiful. I would love to see Monet's gardens.

  2. What a wonderful post..
    I love the bunny painted on the home!

    And you are right Monet would have loved the last subject.
    One day I hope to visit.

  3. Great pictures, Sue. I especially loved all of the window shots. I found myself taking pictures of the windows and doors. Unfortunately, the window boxes this time of year were either bare or, for the most part, "planted" with artificial flowers or greenery.

  4. I'm not a big fan of Monet, but I must say that his digs were amazing. I love your photographs, especially the boats on the pond.

    The windows are so quaint, makes you want to meet the people who lurk behind them.

  5. Any and all of those photos are suitable for framing! I love windows as a subject. Like you said, makes you wonder what's inside. Great job narrating too. Welcome back Weekends in Paris!

  6. Oh Sue! I loved this one! French windows are one of my favorite the lace and geraniums! The town where I lived even had a contest each year! And Giverny...isn't it wonderful? The house is amazing!!! glad to see you again. I hope you are feeling better! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

  7. Lovely .. now go rest the finger!

  8. Beautiful pics, as always. I haven't been to Monet's gardens, but it is a must do on the next trip. (If there is a next trip - come on stock market!!!!) I assume that is your beautiful daughter, mother of Sophie, in the last picture. She certainly looks like she belongs there. Sally

  9. Sue, I'm glad you're feeling better, you've been missed!

    Ahhh, thank you for the lovely mini-vacation, I enjoyed all of the sites very much ~ C'est Beau!

  10. I love the romance of the white lacey curtains and red geraniums, beautiful. My favorite window. AND, you are right, they do make you want to look inside!!

  11. Monet has always been my favorite Impressionist artist-how amazing is his home and the gardens...I am really jealous now! thanks for sharing the great photos

  12. Sweet Sue, Ces fenêtres rapportent totalement mon rappel de mon propre voyage français. .... Comment je manque ma destination préférée. Soupirer & les déchirures. ... = (Les autres photos sont juste fantastiques ! Merci pour donner m'un flash-back fantastique ! ;)~ CC Catherine

  13. Wow! I can't believe that was almost 11 years ago! Crazy!! How time flies... love the windows-- you needed the black and white picture with the old woman in the window! ;)

  14. Hi Sue, those photos are just beautiful! You should make them into note cards or a calendar! Love them!

    Congrats on the awards too. I got the Archival stamp at Hobby Lobby and it doesn't wash off when you hand wash the plate.


  15. Amazing window shots! I'll bet it smelled wonderful with all of those flowers in bloom!

  16. The most beautiful photo was the last one, Sue!

    I'd love to see both Monet's garden and home one day inspirational it must be there!

  17. wow, i love the photo ops.
    one does not need to ever buy art when they can print these images.

    beautiful, beautiful, daughter.
    she looks like she belongs there.

  18. The light in Paris is perfect to showcase the colors of shutters and precious curtains .... how amazing is the bunny painting!! Your photos are wonderful. I need to return ~ soon.

  19. Hello Sue...

    Enchanting...simply enchanting!!! Beatuifully colored shutters, window boxes full of blooms, and vine covered stone...ahhhh!!!

    We didn't make it to Givery while in Paris...maybe next trip! Not only are Monet's gardens fabulous but I would love to see his home also!!! Thank you so much, once again, for a weekend to Paris!

    So happy to hear that your hand is doing better, my friend!
    Warmest wishes,

  20. oh this was my very fav... i am a garden girl 100%, the windows have always captivated me, doors too. the rabbit painting, oh so charming. you have such a great eye to take us traveling with you~

    and the gardens... oh i must get there, it gave me pangs of pleasure... the lilies, iris and nasturtiums are forever imprinted in my brain. you had such a wonderful trip and i am so happy your share! your daughter, i assume, is beautiful, what a fantastic getaway you 2 had. thanks for sharing, great way to start my day~

  21. Beautiful photos....we missed Giverny when we were there in 2001. Maybe next time. We couldn't see everything and decided on Mont Sainte Michel instead.

    There is something special about windows and I love your photos of them. My personal fave is the white lace with red geraniums.

    I'm enjoying reliving my own Paris trip via your photos...and seeing things we did not get to see.

  22. Loved this post! Loved everything from the windows to the flowers and everything in between.

  23. Oolala! I hope to make it to Monet's home some day. When I went to Paris, I did go to Rodin's home/studio which I found totally fascinating...I think it was one of my favorite places for sure.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos....Le sigh...
