Thursday, April 2, 2009


What a nice way to be welcomed back to the blogging world by getting a Friendship Award!
Linda over at Some of our Favorite Things
was kind enough to send me this award.
I am suppose to forward it on to 8 friends but how do you do that when there are so many wonderful friends out there who I would love to see have this little icon on their
and ofcourse if you know me you know that's not really the reason.....Yes, you are all wonderful people but if the truth be known I don't do you can see by Linda's address up above.
I know a few of you have sent me directions....well, more then a few.....but it's kinda
like reading an appliance manual or how to operate your digital camera.
My brain freezes and all common sense goes out the window.
I will be seeing the daughter soon and I will make sure she shows me how it's done...
I'm a visual person.....not a reader of directions....
So in the meantime I would like to give this award to
Ellen Too...
Just started her new blog so please stop by and visit this fun lady....tell her I sent you..
so please ladies come pick up your icon and pass it on if you wish.....
I love you all for entertaining me everyday!!
I will be back tomorrow with my "Weekends in Paris" please stop back.
It's so nice to be back...


  1. Glad to see you back!! Hope things are going well for you now, and the hand is back to normal. Congrats on the friendship award. I'm honored that you thought of me to pass it on to. Looking forward to your weekend post on Paris. Sally

  2. Welcome back Sue! Glad you're feling better -- you were missed!

  3. Well aren't you just as sweet as sugar? (I've been baking my brains out so that seems like a fitting analogy. ;-)

    Glad you're feeling better. Can't wait to journey to Paris with you this weekend.

  4. Do you mean me?

    So glad you are back to blogging. I've been having a blast reading your daughters' blog. She is so funny and I love her outlook on the Gymboree moms. And we don't live far from each other.

  5. Glad that you are back. We had a great time in Paris, etc. The French people were all very friendly and helpful--so unlike what I had been told. I'll post some pictures as soon as I get them edited.

  6. Congrats on your award - you deserve it, and I hope you are feeling better and your hand has no more boo-boos! Can't wait to see your new photos!

  7. How are you? How is your friend after her surgery???

  8. Thank you Sue.

    Now let me know if you are coming to see your daughter. Maybe we can meet for breakfast or lunch.

  9. A much deserved award. You must be feeling better!!

  10. Why thank you, Sue! Such an honor. I know what you mean about being linkagely-challenged. At least you can ask your daughter. My son just shakes his head at me although I often remind him about who taught him to use the computer back in the day!


  11. Thank you muchly, this will coordinate nicely with my new red accents on the blog ... this is just the nicest award/badge and I am off to 'pin' it to my sidebar .. glad you are back please take it easy! muaah!

  12. We missed you SO much! Welcome back lovely lady.

    Thank you so much for an award that MEANS so much to me.

    I hope your hand is well mended, or almost so. Now, let's get to that tour of always, you are the BEST guide!

