Sunday, March 22, 2009

TIME OUT..........................

In the best interest of my left hand I find it necessary to take a short break from blogging.......that nasty staph infection has refused to go away and with no signs of it improving I need to stop using the computer......every time I go online to type the finger resembles W.C. Fields nose.....not a good thing.....I hope I can return soon and catch up with my Weekends in Paris....but in the meantime...remember.....Don't garden without gloves!!

See you all soon.....


  1. Take care of yourself and get some rest. That is scary.

  2. Goodness girl, take care of yourself. We will impati,errr, patiently await your return!! Seriously, take care of you!!

  3. sue we will miss you... make your husband read and type for you!

    i hope they can get this licked soon for you, call the dr daily, we already know you are too nice after your tire incident!

  4. Poor you! No better yet!

    I will just keep peekinga nd I hope you will feel better soon!

  5. So sorry to hear that you will be out; we will miss you. Why wear gloves, I didn't hear the story?

  6. So sorry about your finger, Sue!
    I really hope you will be well and back soon. Take care. Hugs.

  7. Oh, sad. I hope you're feeling better really soon. Do take care of yourself. And I knew I should have worn gloves today. I think my hands look like 'man hands' tonight. Ugh.

  8. Ouch! I sure hope it gets better fast...we will miss you in the meantime! I second the calling the doctor daily, idea!

  9. Please take care of your hand, I will miss your funny, amusing posts and I know you will be back soon!!

  10. Staph infection is not to be taken lightly so listen to your Dr. and I am sure the Boss will wait on you hand and foot:)
    I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Remember we can always communicate by phone should you get bored but you will have to have the Boss email me your phone number:) Joyce


  12. So how did you get the staph infection? Guess I won't hear until you come back all better. Hubby and I had one staph infection after another from Jan to Aug of 2006. Have not had any since. Whew! They are not fun for sure. Get better soon.

  13. Take it easy, staph can be scary. Best Wishes to feel all healed up soon. Cindy

  14. Take care of yourself....those cooties can be nasty!
    Hope you are back soon!

  15. I personally think its time to see the doc again .. infections like that linger and maybe a stronger med is needed ... please dont think its going away on its own

  16. Please take care of yourself and yes, you should always wear gloves and cover your feet. Once I walked through the garden in sandals after just having a pedicure, stooped over to pull a few weeds. Harmless, I thought. The next day my toe was swollen like a cucumber...sad and painful lesson.
    Take care.

  17. Hi Sue - I'm so sorry to read about your infection. Those nasty bugs can be very persistent. I hope it clears up very soon.

  18. Sue, I'm sad to hear this ~ it's nothing to mess with, do take good care of yourself & I hope you're back to 100% right away.

    We'll miss you, and will be looking forward to hearing that your finger is completely healed. We'll be waiting to welcome you!

    Sending positive vibes and prayers your way. xo~m.

  19. Feel better. You'll be missed. Loved the rooftop pictures by the way.

  20. Even in your compromised state, you are still "blogging." I remember something about wearing gloves for gardening but couldn't remember why it was so important. Now I know! And I have you to thank, Sue! Get better soon! I know you're still cultivating blog posts with every minute of daytime tv you may be forced to watch! I can just see your first post back, "Martha Stewart/Judge Judy Smackdown!"

  21. So sorry it is not getting any better. I had staph in my thumb once from a sewing needle incident - it took some major meds to clear up. Take care of yourself and keep calling that Dr. We'll miss you. Sally

  22. Sue,

    Ouch! Sorry to hear about your infection, but take care of yourself. I will keep checking to see when you are back.


  23. Thanks for the gloves warning...I usually start with them but can't stand working with them and I usually pull them off.

    Please take care of yourself. We will miss you!

  24. That means no housework, no dishes, lots of relaxing with someone waiting on you right? I'd milk it for all it's worth! Mimi

  25. Oh, my! I do hope your finger recovers soon. Take care. I'll check back often to see when you return.
    Have a wonderful week.

  26. Oh Sue...I am so sorry. We will miss you but you being well is the most important thing. I am sending a good thought, a prayer and lots of love your way.

    Love and hugs always,

  27. Hello there Miss Sue!! I'm just coming by to check on you!! Take good care of yourself...hugs...Debbie

  28. Feel better soon Sue! We'll be here when you get back to blogging.

    Hugs, Pat

  29. Take care, Sue. What a bummer. Hope you're back to blogging soon.

  30. We'll miss you! Take care and get well soon!!

  31. Oooh, just catching up with your blog and so sorry to hear about your sore finger! Hope it feels better soon!

  32. Glad to hear from you today!! I assume the hand is better. Looking forward to a new post from you when you recover. I'm desperate for ideas of what to cook!!! Take care and have a great weekend. Sally

  33. Hi Sue! From one Z-Pack user to another, get better soon! I hope your finger improves. Do find a way to keep us posted...without breaking doctor's orders. :-)

    Hang in there!

  34. Get better soon...I love visiting your blog.

  35. Would love to see Paris....I'll live thru your pictures in the meantime.

    I surely hope your hand heals soon, take care of you for the rest of us!
    Okay take care of you for you first!!

    Nice to meet you sue!

    : )

  36. :-(

    I'm sad to hear/see you're still out for the count...I've wanted to email/comment but feared it would make you type, LOL!! Well, you still managed to make me laugh with your Wedgeman's comment -- HA! That sounds like something my dad would have said. Hope you make the doughnuts...I want to see what you think!

  37. Sue~ I too have been on a medical hiatus. I haven't posted on my home blog i some time, but you can still see me at the Darling Bakers. I know how important it is to take care of yourself. Sometimes it's hard until our bodies give us the not so subtle hints to listen. Take care we'll be here when your ready.

    Sweet Wishes,

  38. sue it was nice to read your update, i have missed your great humor and food! you are ahead of me miss parisian, but alas your memories are still fresh and i am sure you will dazzle us!

    you make sure that hand is perfect before you get active again, knock it out for good!

    miss ya daring~

  39. Hope you are feeling better Sue! Sending good thoughts your way!

  40. Hi Sue, I was wondering how you were doing! I was just telling my daughter's horticulture teacher that they must wear gloves! Her hand broke out yesterday while handling some plants that had a fungus!

    I hope this goes away soon! Take care,


  41. Get better soon! Don't forget to take your meds!

  42. Hello again, Sue! I was hoping you were up and running. I'm sorry you're still a sickie! We misss you, but you need to get well first! Have a great week...Debbie

  43. I awarded you a blogging award... see my blog to claim it!
