Friday, March 20, 2009


Welcome to another week of Weekends in Paris...
Everybody's favorite city.....
K Beau leaves for the City of Lights in the morning and I wish her a safe and fun trip and of the Darling Bakers says Bon Voyage next month....What lucky ladies!!
This week we are viewing the famous Paris Rooftops.....Enjoy!!Taken from atop Montmarte

Most of the roofs are covered in tile.....isn't it cool.

Taken from atop a Penthouse apartment that we visited...Can you imagine living this close to the Eiffel Tower....

I love the French flag.....It's nice as our flag...

Our neighborhood cat across the street......I would watch his acrobatics all day long...He loved to have his picture taken..

another view of the Tower.....with tin roofs in the forefront...

No cable t.v. for these folks!!

How old do you think this building must be??

And another shot of "Jimmy" the cat....
Yes, his name was Jimmy....
He was a very daring cat.
Stop back next week when you'll see Paris Windows....
Have a Great weekend everyone.....


  1. what an interesting perspective, i loved this tour! and jimmy, well he is truly the cats meow for me. you captured so many wonderful pics, i will be sad when your weekend installments stop...

  2. Great shots again this week. Keep them coming!!! Sally

  3. Thanks for the pictures. This will be my Paris fix until I arrive on Sunday morning. I'm all packed and ready to go.

  4. Just looking at those pictures make me feel like I'm in Paris. Great shots. Jimmy's cute. I can't wait for the window edition...

  5. Now I just love this post - so clever and unexpected. Beautiful sites! Thanks for the trip. Linda

  6. Hi Sue! Beautiful, just Beautiful. You really got some great shots. The Eiffel Tower shots are great, love the flag, and the cat is darling. Thank you for sharing.
    You must have some wonderful memories.

  7. Hi Sue...

    How lovely...Paris from the rooftops!!! I loved the tour, my friend! You know...only in Paris can one find such interesting roof tops...hehe!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

  8. Who knew rooftops could be so beautiful! I love the many of them are suitable for framing! And yes I truly did drop my camera in the tub. The funny thing was I was trying so hard to be careful, I was being super cautious because I wanted to make sure not to get it wet. I was sitting on the side of the tub, taking pictures and bathing the dogs...and decided to put it into my pocket so it wouldn't get splashed with water. I bent forward to rinse off Ozzie and it popped out of my pocket and right into the tub. I totally freaked and I'm pretty sure both dogs were laughing!

  9. The view of the Eiffel Tower seen through the haze and between the antennas is most intriguing. Wonderful views.

  10. The perspective is great looking at rooftops and the views surrounding them. Jimmy the cat is great!

  11. Wonderful rooftops .. thanks for sharing your memories

  12. Gee, even the rooftops are more interesting there! Great photos!

    That Ballard is on DeFoor Avenue in Atlanta. The manager said that Ballard just bought a warehouse of furniture at High Point and will be stocking this location with it in the next few weeks.


  13. I've been wanting to go to Paris for awhile. You really make it look so beautiful. I'm getting the itch to just go. I might have to talk the mister into it though. Mimi

  14. I feel as though I have been transported. Great post!

  15. Guess Jimmy was in the circus with his high roof act..nine lives for sure! Great shots. Commenting on the Ballards store if you decide to drive down to browse call me as I can walk there from my daughters house.

  16. Oooh! I love Paris and I want to go back!...Christine

  17. My favorite photo is the Tower with Tin Roofs .... love kitty Jimmy too! Friends of mine were recently in Paris .. on a gray and dreary day they visited Notre Dame. As they were snapping outside photos, a beam of sun broke through the clouds followed by an amazing rainbow. They emailed the photo to me on returning to their hotel.

  18. Hi Sue...I had a busy weekend and misse dthis one! I love Jimmy the cat! Your rooftop photos are amazing! Can't wait to see windows!! Theirs are so much more interesting than ours!! Feel better...hugs...Debbie

  19. Wonderful photos Sue! A friend of mine sent a post card to be when she visited Paris of the roof tops --they are so picturesque!

  20. I know you're kind of under the weather, hope you're doing better. I've been given the Honest Scrap meme and thought I'd pass it along to you. Don't feel obligated. Check it out on my blog. Mimi
