Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hi and Welcome to another edition of Susan's Tablescape Thursdays.....
Hosted by the decorator extraordinaire at
Stop by Susan's site to see links to all the other ladies participating this week in this Oh...So.. Much.. Fun... Activity....This week over at the Darling Bakers where I contribute very little compared to my other Darling Ladies....we had a St. Patrick's Day Party...
It was all about the food with some green thrown in...
My table was not very creative....just lots of green.
The food on the other hand was pretty darn good....So here's a simple table
and some really good eats!!

Another quilt was pulled out just for the occasion

Along with all my green pitchers....plates and platters...

The Romaine sure was green.....

another excuse to bring out the dinner china....
An old coffee cup....a tiny milk pitcher and my favorite a butter pat plate.
How cute is that?

Polka dot napkin......Nope....polka dot tissue paper...

The easiest tastiest bread ever....
The No-Knead bread recipe.......seeded Rye version...
Perfect for a big corned beef sandwich....

Hot sliced corned beef....cooked all night in the crock-pot...
A little water....a drizzle of EVOO...some pepper and a big onion...
Wake up in the morning to the best corned beef you ever tasted....

Hold the mustard....and add a big deli pickle.
It's Heaven on a plate....
You've gonna think your sitting at a table at the Stage Deli in NYC....

For about some Pistachio Cream Puffs...
My signature dessert....

And this is Millie and Siggy.....
from the early 1940's
My father had to take a trip to Detroit.....or as he always called it...."Dee-Troit"
to drive back a new car for his boss at the time....
He actually brought these back for my mother.
I think it was the first and last gift he ever bought her on his own!!
The only two things I have to remember the real
Millie and Siggy.....
Make sure to stop back this weekend for another installment of
Weekends in Paris...
See you then!!!


  1. Hi Sue! I love all the green in your festive! And Millie and Siggy are wonderful reminders of your mom and dad! Your corn beef looks yummy! My mom always served it on St Paddy's Day. Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Goodness, that is mouth watering good! Would love me a ruben right now.
    Very cute tablescape, love the use of the quilt plus your charming vintage Millie and Siggy, what a thoughtful gift!

  3. That bread looks so yummy. Did you save some for me? Off to Paris on Saturday.

  4. Sue,
    I always love your tablescapes and this is just cute as can be. The food looks fabulous I always get hungry when blogging, maybe not good for my diet. Cindy

  5. hey you are DARLING ALL THE WAY! your dinner and bread look super!i am loving all your green wear and the quilt is a perfect compliment~ love m&s too, very sweet. you always do great tables!

  6. Sue,
    I love quilts so much! And what a beautiful tablecloth this one makes. All the green dishes and the wonderful looking food made for the perfect St. Patrick's Day! Have a great week. :) Brenda

  7. I love the quilt you used! Looks like you had a great St.Patrick's Day celebration. Have a great day!

  8. Beautiful quilt, Millie and Siggy are adorable, Happy St Patrick's day, your food looks delicious. Kathy.

  9. Love all the green...and the beautiful quilt!

  10. Milly and Siggy are so cute! The food looks so good and the table looks good too!...Christine

  11. LOVE green and LOVE corned beef... YUM!

  12. I left you the lemonade award on my blog for inspiring me with your attitude. I hope you will stop by and pick up your award and share the love.

  13. What a wonderful tablescape! The quilt and old coffee cups are the best though the rye bread and corned beef are almost irresistible! Millie and Siggy simple top the cake. Top 'o the morning to you!

  14. A pretty tablescape -- love all the green.

  15. The bread looks great and I love a quilt used as a tablecloth. Pretty!

  16. Just goes to show that a St. Paddy's tablscape can be festive.
    All the food looks yummy and the quilt just set it off. Lovely

  17. Just love the dishes, pitchers, and the food looks delish! Deb

  18. I continue to be amazed at the amount of tableware you own .. your storage space must be ginormous!

  19. Love all your green tableware...Your rye looks delicious too!

  20. Tablescape is so darling. Love the corned beef and bread and the mention of a NY deli. May the luck of the Irish be with you every day!

  21. Looks like you had a great St. Paddy's day!
    Your crock pot corned beef looks wonderful! I'll try making it that when we want to use it for ruben sandwiches. Those pistacchio cream puffs look yummy too --recipe please!

    I enjoyed your festive green tablescape. Mille & Siggy are really cute.

  22. The food looks delicious and table is inviting - what more could you want?!! Milly and Siggy are adorable and a lovely memory!

  23. I also used a quilt today. They make such special table cloths and yours is really beautiful. I loved the table and the food looks so yummy.

    Have a Thankful Thursday
    from the Raggedy Roberta Anne

  24. Love the quilt,
    LOve the lettuce,
    Love the pistachio cream puffs--
    Love it all!

  25. I'm impressed, not only with your tablescape, but that you make your own bread. You go girl!

  26. Millie and Siggy are just too sweet. They hold sweet memories too which makes 'em EXTRA special!
    That corned beef looks SO good. Bill and I have decided to sty home and cook next year on St.Paddy's Day. I hope our CB will turn out as yummy as yours!
    And with that wonderful bread? Wow. To die for.

    The dessert is so decadent and I am all about decadence. : )

    I think your table looks just perfect. So there.


  27. What a wonderful meal! Love your quilt and the green pitchers. That bread looks wonderful - sure it's easy? :D Jewel

  28. Hey Sue
    Oh yes, RHNYC was entertaining as always. I did catch where Simon didn't correct the person who introduced him as the owner of the hotel..I bet the true owner is pretty pissed! Oh well, they are all full of bull, so at least Simon and Alex are honest about their obsession with trying to be high society. I heard Betheney might be on Dancing with the Stars next season. Her jaws are amazing, aren't they? She and Maria Shriver look like they are related. But she is cute and has a knock out body...even though she had to buy it... LOL. Check out Scented Glossy Magazines . She has a great post on this weeks show.

  29. What a cute tablescape! I love Milly and Siggy.

  30. The pastries look divine. You have now just gotten me off the couch in search for some dessert. Seriously...I am going.

    -Steve-French Cupboard

  31. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  32. Green green green!! I love Millie and Siggy, great little story with those.

  33. I do love corned beef sandwiches. I love rubens too. Did you make your own bread? If so I need the recipe. We have a hard time finding rye bread in Utah. It's the misters favorite kind of bread. Mimi

  34. You made that bread?! Oh. MY. And I make super easy cream puffs...and if your filling is what I think it may be (pistachio instant pudding mix??), what a FAB idea!! I use vanilla or never occurred to me to try another flavor.

    Of course, I love the Millie and Siggy the most in this post.

    p.s. The man of the house is a Polewop, too, LOL!!! 100% in fact. ;-)

  35. hold the mustard??????? What are you nuts...ya gotta have the mustard or it ain't a sandwhich! I love Millie and Siggy...they are adorable.

  36. Love your tablescape! The food looks delish also. Keep your Paris pics coming. I like to look at them.

  37. What a lovely tablescape. Millie and Siggy are just the cutest and the food looks wonderful!


  38. Lovely charming and very green tablescape - sweet! I want the recipe for that bread!! I just love quilts, and yours are beautiful.

  39. Sue what a wonderful table. I love the use of the quilt and all the diner dishes, just perfect. The meal looks absolutely wonderful, really makes me hungry. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  40. Beautiful greens in your tablescape! I would love to have a reuben right now! Your's looked wonderful...

  41. Hi your St Paddy table! Millie and Siggy are soooo the memories. How sweet of you Dad to pick out such a darling gift...he must have known it would delight your Mom! :-) I adore those darling polka dot napkins and the quilt tablecloth! Great tablescape for TT! Susan

  42. Love the quilt! The dishes I believe are like mine! The bread, so yummy! My hubby would love to know how to make this corn beef. Our Mother's did, but I never learned. He orders a ruben when he can.

  43. I am so loving green this year. You table looks beautiful, and that corned beef and little puffed partries look sooo good!
