Monday, March 16, 2009


This falls into the category of
"It can only happen to Sue..."
A month ago I had new shoes put on the Bug......
I was looking for an American made tire...didn't want one from Taiwan, China, Korea or Japan...... After all it is a German car.....After calling around to everywhere I found the best price and the right tires at Big Ten Tires over by the mall......Knowing I could leave the car and spend an hour or so wandering through TJMaxx and Marshall's I went over to get them installed....Not thinking to look at them before driving off I got home to find something other then Bridgestone tires on the baby......

After a month of many calls from the "Boss" to the manager....and then to the district manager we got the call that they had "Real" Bridgestone tires in and to come over to get them put on......So this morning and against my better judgement to wake up early in the rain and drive over.....I showed up at 10:00 at Big Ten....I was the only one in the place....This is important to the rest of the story....I'm told by the manager that his Tire Guy didn't show up and it would take a little bit of time....No problem... I brought a book to read....I thought maybe and hour or two....It was raining so no walking over to do some bargain shopping....but I'm an extremely patient person....

So I sit in the waiting area and start reading my book.....The biography of Van exciting. Then I glance over to my right into the mechanics area and what do I see.......the mechanic standing mesmerized in front of a t.v. ..........remote in hand......watching what appeared to be some sort of "Girls Gone Wild" video....He was having the best time. Fast forward......Rewind....Stop action....there was alot of that going on...He would work on a car for a few minutes then wander back over to the t.v.......This went on for 2 and a half hours....Now I assumed that no one was waiting for the car since I was the only one sitting there....Wrong. But back to that in a minute.....I kept getting up to check on the progress of my tire exchange and my poor Bug was just sitting up on a's Rotors exposed for all the world to looked so pitiful.....The manager no where to be seen.....He finally popped out his head to say "Do you have a question...I'm doing the best I can."..........he wasn't doing anything so I would hate to see him at his worst?

I continue reading......but out of the corner of my eye I see the video getting really raunchy.....Is this something you should be watching in a business where women can see you....I'm getting highly offended by this point....and I hate to think of the poor guy's car that he's working on.....When in walks the "poor guy"......a very nice Atlanta Firefighter who was waiting for his car to be done.....He had gotten there a little past me and was told it would take awhile because they were working on my car so he went over to the mall..........That's a joke my car sat there for 2 hours before anything was done to it.....At 12:45 I noticed the t.v. set gone off of the tool chest and the Employee of the Year was out helping with my car because the manager needed a break?? I drove off at exactly 1:00 with a headache and the e-mail address of the fireman so I could send him the phone number and name of the district manager.......
Just a note to the people higher up at Big Ten......try not to offend your women customers...whether it be selling them one brand of tire and giving them something else or letting your employees watch "girly videos" in plain view of the customer......I don't know maybe your trying to get Man Business......but women buy tires too!!


  1. Sue...that's disgusting. You are way more patient and nicer than I would have been. I'd have been on the cell phone with coporate the second I saw the Employee of the Month watching a t.v. with the remote...even before I saw the garbage he was watching. I always buy my Michelins at Costco...had a great experience every time...they are by the mall, too...were you at Town Center? Don't know if they carry Bridgestone. Hard to believe a place like that can stay in business at all in this economy. Susan

  2. ok you had me howling! you are a great story teller, but you need to dump the nice and patient person stuff, i can teach how to scream holy heck in 30 seconds or less! i am a train wreck waiting to happen, i have no in-between, its calm and quiet, straight to frothing ballistic out of control and that tv would have been smashed to smithereens with the video machine trailing it its wake.

    send this to corporate, let them see that everyone is getting an earful. in this economy they should jump hoops to make you happy. heck i would send this to your local news station too, personally i find this so disgusting i wouldn't stay quiet...

    how is your hand today, you getting any better?

  3. Given that the tire industry still clings to that bastion of man-oogling womanhood the annual Pirelli Tire Calendar

    I'm somehow not surprised that the guy at Big Ten was watching something from the "Girls Gone Wild" genre. But really, who besides people in the television industry should get paid for doing their job (or not doing it, as the case may be) while watching tv, especially tv that's offensive to half their customer base!?! Geesh!

  4. A letter to corporate would suffice...what is the world coming to? Public spitting and now public disgusting videos...yes, write a letter.

  5. No way I would have been that patient. I got mad just reading your post. Maybe it's because I have one of those jobs where I get to tell men what to do. I will say that most of the men who work for me are the absolute best. They have learned that I usually know what I'm talking about and that I treat them fairly.

    That guy should be out the door.

  6. Wow, I have a headache just reading this! You poor thing.


  7. Wow! I'm not sure what else to sorry your day went the way it did. Great employee of the month and oh if you could have video taped that and sent it in to the news! Hahaha....that could have been a funny moment! Oh my. I hope your car is ok too.

  8. Sue,

    Write something to the editor of the AJC, I think more people should know about businesses or people that are doing wrong (and when something is right, too). I have a bone to pick myself but can't do anything at the moment but as soon as I can I think the AJC might be getting a letter.


  9. So disgusting, where is good customer service these days!! Being the big mouth NYer that I am, I might have walked over to him and said stop looking at this and get to work!!!!


  11. This is terrible. The store owners need to be contacted and the manager should be fired for letting this sort of behavior go on during his shift. There's no excuse for this. I can't believe how patient you were! OMG. I must be a royal bitch because I would have been on the phone to district or something!
    But I'm just a tad impatient.

  12. Simply pathetic. You were a patient customer - much more so that most would have been. You will have to let us know what the corporate office has to say about your experience.

  13. I hope you really let them have it. I am seriously offended for you, on so many counts, the porn, the lies, the wait, grrrrr.
    Lots of people need jobs and these guys should be looking for new ones.

  14. I wonder what they would have done if you took off your top and sat reading your book. I think I would've made a stink, then again, maybe not since your car was on the rack. Goodness. America at it's best!! A letter or email to the big office should work a little magic. What PIGS!!!

  15. You are a very patient lady. I probably would have started freaking out after the first half hour. And I would have thrown my shoe through the TV! What a tacky thing for them to be watching out in public...c'mon fellas ...that just ain't professional!

  16. OH MY! I would have definate got a hold of corporate on this one. That is unbelievable!

  17. Best. Headline.

    And why am I not surprised. That said, I would have gone bat-crap crazy. But that's just me. ;-)

    I bow to your self control, sensei.

  18. I HATE getting the oil changed, tires, or any mechanical thing done to my car. I say what good are men if they can't take care of it? I'd honestly rather have a root canal than have to deal with it. I know I'm wimpy. Your post has proved why I hate it so much.

  19. Hello,

    Thanks for visiting my blog and your comments..

    Have a nice week..


  20. How horrible for you to experience that!! Hopefully, they will be run out of town. May this week hold better experiences - enjoy St. Pat's Day with some great Italian food to raise your spirits!!! Sally

  21. Oh do manage to have more adventures than anybody else I know without trying! I do believe that after I let corporate know what happened, I'd never go back there! My tire store also had some weird reality cop thing on TV. I had to get up and walk around...couldn't bear the sleezy perps! The guys waiting didn't seem to mind. Hello...there are women here?? What is it with men and tire stores?? And about Steve's partner..she always looks like that!! lol...Debbie

  22. Sue!! I am so angry just thinking about it. I have had awful experiences with car dealers, mechanics and tire salesmen....and wonderful ones as well. Sad to say the bad experiences ring clearer in my little head.
    I hate that they did this and especially to someone as nice as you. I would have done as you did but i do think you should contact corporate. Even if they do nothing (I lack faith in most offices anymore), YOU will feel better and that is the main thing.

    Oooh...let's get a huge gaggle of us and storm the place.

    Yes, contact the fire fighter too...

    Funny, I won't stand my ground for myself but if I had been there, I would have carried on for YOU! yes, I know I am odd...very huh?

    I can be a pain when someone else is bothered, shunned, embarrassed, hurt, annoyed, flumoxed...gets my dander up!

    Give me the word sweet friend...I KNOW people...da te da te da te da..


  23. Shout, shout your story to the rooftops .... things there need to change.

  24. Sue........what a HORRIBLE experience, that place is SCUM for even allowing the employees to watch this at all. YUCKY POO! Wow...I just cannot believe they did that to you, and to every customer that walks in that place. Thanks for making us aware of this type of smut so we can be on the lookout! ~CC Catherine

  25. This story makes me somewhat embarrassed to admit that for over 33 years our family has owned an automotive related business. Day in and day out we fight the image that the black sheep tend to perpetrate in our industry. I do have to say, this one truly takes the cake. I think an email to your state's auto repair regulatory agency is in order. I'm sure they have lots of women in that department that would just love the opportunity to pay a "random" visit to Big Ten to ensure they're following all the required safety rules. My guess, if they allow this to go on, they don't. What a pity if they had to cough up fees to cover any violations that might turn up due to your putting that regulatory agency on notice. Oh, and I would definitely write a letter to your local newspaper. If I was feeling extra vindictive, I'd also check with the local school district to ensure they aren't employing minors with this going on.


  26. I think you need to "rate" this business:

  27. OH gosh I'd have been mad!
    Well I am!

  28. Thanks for the warning, Sue. I'll be sure to avoid that place!
    I'm not sure what I would have done, but surely not a happy customer.

  29. Sue, a note from Big 10 Tires Corporate Office. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this situation with you. Could you please email us at with your contact information so that we can address this with the proper personnel? Thank you.

  30. Rude, disgusting, lazy, unforgivable, disgraceful, revolting ---I could go on and on and I hope you used all those adjectives in your letter to corporate headquarters, and the management of this place. This was abuse and sexual harassment. I hope your will be compensated in some way and I'd make sure never to do business there again!

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  32. Anonymous -- how does a customer deal with such an issue in a "professional and courteous manner?"
    And why on earth would they deserve such treatment after the prior problem just getting an original issue resolved not to mention the audacity of the second issue.

    You only get one chance to make a good first impression. This customer gave you two chances, at least.

  33. And "Anonymous" should have the not be Anonymous is (s)he feels so strongly.

    Just saying.

    -- Laura, my real name, and proud of it. :-)

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  35. It's obvious the people at Big 10 need to focus on improving their customer service skills. In this economy, given the slowdown in business overall, hopefully they'll use the lull to reflect on their responses to disgruntled customers and step up their professionalism. If they don't, it's only a matter of time before this lack proves to be their demise.

    Were you contacted by "corporate" yet? If not, it just proves your point. If so, were they as appalled as you by the conduct of their employees? I sure hope they aren't counting on the comments by "anonymous" posters to improve their public image.

  36. You should not let this situation reflect upon every Big 10 tire. I would have to say (as a customer) they are overall a great company with excellent customer service. Go see the store manager, Paul Granville at the Woodstock location off of Hwy 92. He will take care of you and I assure you there is no nonsense there....

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  42. I have been a customer at big ten for a while now and I have never had this experience at all!!! I usually go to the big ten in woodstock at hwy92. The guy Chris that does most of my work is one of the nicest guys that I have met in the business. He always gets my car fixed quick and right the first time. Chris is very approachable and has great customer skills. So I would like to thank Chris and his managers for all the good effort and customer service!!! Best Regards, Sue and Mike of Woodstock.

  43. I hope you complained! Not only is that disgusting, but making you sit there and wait as if your time isn't valuable is just wrong! I hope they get in BIG trouble!

  44. i am a current Big 10 employee and the problem is that they care less about customers and more about keeping payroll down. Everyday i get a call from the district guy telling me to send people home because payroll is high and leaves the store to me and a mechanic (mechanic refuse to do tire work). They care less about customer service and more about the all might dollar

  45. Big 10 Filed for bankruptcy on April 2

  46. can someone please give me the address of their headquarters

  47. can someone please give me their corporate headquarters address.

  48. "Anonymous said...

    Big 10 Filed for bankruptcy on April 2

    April 22, 2009 8:02 PM"

    they didn't file BR because of money issues .
    they filed because of being bought out by a hedge fund that was screwing them on rent .
    pretty smart move if you ask me
    now the edge fund is getting the money dripped out instead of the rip off they were trying to pull .

    sorry about the bad experience at the tire store .
    you can thank corporate american for that , like the guy said
    payroll payroll payroll !!!!

    no excuse for the pornlite guy
    I how his wife finds out
    make that his mom , he most probably doesn't have a wife .

    not all places are like that and
    that's a fact
    so don't lump ladies , it's wrong .

    call corporate they need to know !
    after all ....
    it is their fault it happened in the first place .

    open 7 days a week 12 hours a day
    you do the math ...

    payroll payroll payroll !!!

    then of course EVERYONE wants a
    GREAT price on getting their car fixed right ?

    drive safe and when your car breaks ?
    fix it yourself ...

    that I would love to see ...
    2 or 3 hours would be a blessing ?
