Sunday, March 15, 2009

CITY KRAUT.........

Have your ever had a sauerkraut dog from a New York City cart? Sitting in that cloudy water for probably days at a time....if you can get past that it sure does taste good...probably the best kraut you have ever tasted....So we set out to replicate that taste at home and we achieved our goal...with the Boss at the helm we came up with a recipe that is so tasty you swear you were eating on the corner of Park Ave. and's the recipe...

1 large bag of sauerkraut (we used Hebrew National)this can be found in the hot dog section of the store.
1 large red skinned potato shredded
1/2 large or yellow shredded
1/2 Granny Smith apple shredded
You can use a Cuisinart to shred or a hand grater...
1 heaping tablespoon of Dijon mustard

Add all of the above except the mustard into a heavy pot with a lid...add about 1 cup of water. Cook on medium heat uncovered for 1/2 hour....stir a few times and add water if you need to. Then cook an additional hour with the pot covered and the heat on a low simmer....again checking often to make sure water is in the pot...not too much, but just enough so sauerkraut doesn't burn....when the 1 1/2 hours is up add the mustard and stir well....
You can use this on your favorite hot dog....Nathan's!!......or like I'm doing for lunch tomorrow...on a Reuben sandwich....I also use it as a base in the crock pot for stuffed cabbage rolls...It only gets better the longer you cook sitting in a crock pot for 8-10 hours under the cabbage rolls....Well...the taste is incredible.....


  1. I hope your finger is feeling better. it was nice that your daughter stepped in for you. If I let my sons guest post, it would not be pretty.
    Take care.

  2. So do you shred everything in a food processor or by hand? That's a lot of shredding.

  3. Hi Sue...

    Oooh...I love sauerkraut!!! This recipe sounds delicious, I'll have to give it a try...thanks for sharing it! I remember when I was a kid my folks decided to make their own sauerkraut! They had a big ol' crock that probably stood 24 in. was huge! I don't know how long they let that kraut ferment but you couldn't hardly stand to go down into the basement...hehe!!! It really was good though!

    Well my friend, I have been enjoying our weekly tours of Paris! Of course, being the good tourists that we are, the Eiffel was one of the first sites that honey and I had to check out while in really is an amazing piece of architecture!!! We never did take a boat tour...but we spent many hours just walking along side of the Seine...enjoying the sights!!! Thank you again for sharing your life and times in Paris with us!

    Hope that you're having a super Sunday!
    Warmest wishes,

  4. I'm so happy you are better now. Pictures of the previous post were nice and interesting and your daughter a great guest. Talk soon. Have a good week. Hugs

  5. I am hungry and I want some now! Would go perfectly with my pork loin in the oven!

  6. ever had a NYC one.. never seen a bag of some here.But I LOVE SK..
    I bet this one is delish!
    I too hope your finger is better!

  7. This sounds incredible. I love it with pork. Yum.

  8. Sue, I must admit that I've never eaten sauerkraut - never sounded good to me, however, I must also admit that you got my attention with potatoes and apples. Hmmmmmm, I really might give that a actually sounds good! Linda

  9. Ooh, I may have to try that recipe. i just usually add some fresh cabbage that has been wilted in a bit of bacon grease.

  10. You know how I feel about SK!!! My grandmother made SK every summer. It really stinks during the fermenting process. Unlike Chari, I cannot stand eating or smelling any type of cooked cabbage. I'll stick to my slaw-dogs.

  11. This recipe look incredible Sue! I will have to try it. Someone posted a recipe for sauerkraut soup recently that looks amazing too.

    Hope all is well!

  12. Ah...NYD dirty dishwater dogs. Can't beat 'em, I'm told (I'm a vegetarian. :-)

    That said, this sounds DELISH. It will be making an appearance at a shore house BBQ for sure.
