Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Amazing Race meets the Pottery Barn.......or how we got put in time out.

It was a lovely sunny warm day today in Atlanta and the Boss suggested we take a drive up to Dawsonville to the big outlet mall....
A wonderful shopping experience...they have every store you could possibly ask for plus some big guns.....Namely the Pottery Barn Outlet ....
Let me first say that when the husband made this suggestion I thought it would be smart to drag along out little motorcycle trailer just in case we found something good in the line of furniture or any other large object.....Husband thought if we did find something we could always drive back up the next day.....Not one to argue with the Boss we drove the hour and a half minus the trailer....

It was a red letter day at the outlet.....everybody was having great sales....No...better then great.
Our first stop as usual....The Pottery Barn.
Big signs on the outside windows shouted that there was 50% off furniture and rugs....That would be 50% off the already marked down prices.....Good Deal!!
Husband got excited....He loves the Pottery Barn furniture....especially those little cabinets and useless shelf units.....Not useless to him he always comes away with a bargain.....Hence the reason I suggested bringing along the trailer.....

We peruse the furniture section but in typical P.B. fashion the signs are confusing.....Some items have Big Red Tags....others do not....some things have no tags at all.....and that's were we ran into a problem......You all know by now that when we deal with retail establishments we usually have some sort of ......problem......for lack of a better word........ Today would be no different.
We find two items we just have to have......a little stained "cubby" cabinet with a shelf and a big green painted bookcase...perfect for all my milkglass.....
Husband has a choice between a built "cubby" or one in a box. he picks the one in a box.....The bookcase.... being the only one.... has no price on it....
We find a guy working the aisles and ask about the price of the bookcase and we tell him we would like to purchase it.....He isn't sure about the price but tells us that since there is no tag on it someone has probably already bought it and just hasn't paid for it yet.....P.B. is famous for this particular practice....

In steps Phil from the Amazing Race.....
First we were hit with a Detour....
We had to decide between two tasks......push it or carry it....each with it's own pro's and con's..
We decide to push it....I go get a shopping cart while husband guards the merchandise.
We weave and bob thru the aisles up to the cash register....We approach the cashier and then tell her we want to purchase both the "cubby" in the cart and we also want to know what the story is with the green bookcase....
She raised just one eye brow then said.........
"Sue and're the first team to arrive at the checkout but we're sorry to say you have incurred a penalty....Since there are no tags on the items you want to buy we cannot sell them to you."..........."You must stand off to the side and wait one hour to see if anyone who may have the tags and who may still be shopping in the store comes forward to purchase said items."......after you have waited one hour and no one comes to claim said items you may then checkout".......

Yes Folks.....this really happened......

After checking around to make sure we weren't on camera we checked out the time and went to the food court for some pizza where we discussed how we were going to get both items into the back of the's not very large at all.....remember I suggested bringing the trailer....Promptly at 5:30 p.m. we returned to the Pit Stop and made our seems if there was another "purchaser" they must have run into a Roadblock.
Out at the truck we discovered the big green bookcase wouldn't fit...
The Boss made mention that we should have brought the trailer.....
We proceeded to disassemble the bookcase so it was now basically a big pile of wood....

It took us a good 45 minutes to do this but it was all okay since the P.B. told us since we checked in at 5:30p.m. we wouldn't be able to leave the parking lot until 5:30 a.m.


  1. Oyoyou what a day!!! The big pile of wood cracked me up:) And the no trailer:) Every family is the same!Except I don't have a PB:)

  2. ok right off the bat i am in awe, your husband says lets go shopping? never in my lifetime!

    and in true fashion you completely entertain me to the max, i LOVE your writing style! always breathless moment by moment playouts with you, push it or carry it, girl you could be in hollywood selling scripts! first team to arrive, a freaking riot! pit stop, departure times, i loved it all!

    so where are the pics? is it kindling now?

    thanks for a great laugh, a.r. is my favorite show, i loved your version even more! so glad you are healed up and entertaining the masses again!

  3. Ok, when do we get to see the treasures. What a story and what a day. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oh Sue...You are too funny! You have more adventures than anyone else I know! Glad you got your goodies! You'll have to do a Met Mon post with them!!! Hope you are having a good weekend...Debbie
    PS...Now you've got me wondering if I need to head on up to Dawsonville and check out the Wedgewood/Waterford store!!!!

  5. You always have the best stories about dealing with sales people, service people, etc. I can just feel my temper rising. And of course, hubby didn't listen about the trailer.

    At least you gave us all a good laugh.

  6. OMG, rules???? Rules in an outlet store. I thought it was---you snooze you lose?

    AND, why don't THEY listen to reason??? Because it was your idea. Men are all alike aren't they? Sad, sad, sad....

    Can't wait to see your purchase though!

    We are headed to St. Louis tomorrow to watch opening day for the Cardinals. It's going to snow. Seriously. Mr. DieHard can handle it, I'm not sure I'm up to it.

  7. As for that pink truck, it's in Altus, Arkansas, and not Alabama. However, "only in Bama" would indeed be appropriate.

  8. You made me laugh, who would have thought to incorporate a shopping experience with The Amazing Race, too funny.

    I also am in awe that your husband suggested shopping, my husband only says that when we are out of town.

    If only men would listen he would have had the trailer and no dismanteling required. Ahh. I think your hubby and mine are cut from the same cloth. LOL


  9. I too have a husband that would have been diagnosed as "insane" if he ever said "lets go shopping".
    God, I love the Amazing Race. I have a secret crush on Phil.
    I wonder if he likes shopping?

  10. Great post!! Now I can't wait to see pics of what you bought. My husband doesn't listen to any of my 'logical' suggestions either. Glad to see you are back posting regularly. Sally

  11. Love the Amazing Race analogy! And, I love even more that the PB folks have the "one-hour" rule! How crazy is that!?! And, you should know by now to ALWAYS bring the trailer. ;)

  12. What a hoot, Sue! So funny, you know I'm a reality tv tramp, so I'm a big fan of Amazing Race.
    What I love most is that hubby actually LIKES to shop! Mine would rather chew on tinfoil! Sounds like a fun trip and I'm waiting to see the picts!

  13. This is such a Su story. It could only happen to you. And...I love the "rules" Hahaha! In an OUTLET.

    One thing I am sure of: I am thankful I do not live near a PB Outlet Store. Sounds like trouble with a capital "T" for me. :-)

  14. I've heard of husbands that actually like to shop and for furniture to house vintage collections, but....I've always thought it was an ol' wives tale.
    what wonderful news to know it's true, they do exist!! I will spread the word through out the (cyber)land. Women will come from afar to read of this spectacular phenomenon, Lol!!!

    Okay, I've gathered my senses and can proceed to checkout. Only if my purchases are clearly tagged, of course. I know I digress by this next statement....I can't believe your hubby was willing to wait the allotted time to see if anyone was going to claim the found treasures.
    I'm happy after all was said and done you drove away with the wood pile.
    I'm off to have a chat with my hubby about a tale that's come true. Which I'm sure he'll adamantly deny ;O

    Sweet wishes your DB sis,

  15. Your husband didn't want to take the trailer??? Have you stopped rubbing that one it yet?

  16. Whew! I am tired reading about that! Oh, I love the French windows in the previous post - gorgeous photography. Linda

  17. Oh Sue ~ what an experience!

    I'm sorry you had to go through all of that ~ but it made for a VERY entertaining read *grin*... you really got me with "the big pile of wood". omg!!! Too funny. xo~m

  18. I love PB's useless shelf units ... I am considering one for the bathroom to put all my crap, er, make up on

  19. so funny. i can't believe they made you do that? i've never heard of such a thing. even in dawsonville! hehe. which by the way, i'm seriously missing lately. time for a trip down i think...maybe my hubby will suggest it? probably land! hahahahaha!

  20. I am still in awe that your husband suggest shopping! Oh what i would not give....*sigh* but heck. Logical? The word logical and the word husband/man just do not fit together prooperly. Not possible!
    Oh how you make me giggle like no one else and that IS a compliment ya know!:)

    Making you WAIT to buy? Oh my. Rules? Ww don't need no stinkin' rules!

    Now I am off to read the first post...I am going backwards today! : )

    OH! The Walk pictures... Yes, Brady IS Boo. Jim and Lisa you probably brother and sis in law. The other younger couple is Tanya and Todd. Tanya is Brady's babysitter and had become a very dear friend to all of us. The little guy is their son Douglas, the bigger boy, Ben, is also their son. The young girl is their foster daughter to who we have all become close. The other older couple is Todd's parents. Mom was there...all of us...Lisa's boss and good friend came later as did a few other friends.

    On to


  21. Sheeesh! Renmind me never to shop at a Pottery Barn on a sale day! The green bookcase was lovely however and worth the hassle! Your milkglass is so pretty Sue.
