Wednesday, March 4, 2009

TABLESCAPE THURSDAY.......Breakfast With An Old Friend...

How the weeks fly's another Tablescape Thursday hosted by our friend Susan at
I had the pleasure this week of meeting Susan and other blogging friends when the Georgia blogger ladies met for lunch......A wonderful time was had by all.....lots of laughs, lots of food and lots of pictures......we looked like the 'Menopausal Paparazzi".....
Sorry ladies, you don't all fall into that category!!
A big thanks to Susan for gathering all the bloggers and a really big thanks for our favorite new pastime
Tablescape Thursdays!!
From out of the picture book......

To my dining room table.....
Breakfast with old friends and classic food.....

Snap.....Crackle.....and POP!

My favorite cookie jar of all time.....The Happy Toaster
from Clay Art. Doesn't he have the prettiest blue eyes....

What's breakfast with friends without a fresh pot of hot tea......

Break out the "Diner China".....plate is from the Red Caboose in
Vestal, New York......that's Upstate.
I found a whole set of these at the Syracuse China Company tent sale.
I love diner china with names.....

75th Anniversary box of the original Rice Krispies........
I've had this box for years and years....who knew it would come in handy one day!

See those adorable cherry salt and pepper shakers.....
$1.00 bin at the Target.

Polka Dots and Rick Rack....
I made napkins from a new white sheet I wasn't using and simply stiched on rick-rack around all the edges....

Rooster glasses......from my favorite store
Williams Sonoma.....

Another view from above.....

What a wonderful way to start the day......
Breakfast with friends....
See you next week.

And remember to stop back this weekend to see week three of "Weekends in Paris"...
This week will be a tour of the real Rue Mouffetard....the famous street of food...


  1. LOVED your post, you totally cracked me up with the menopausal ladies lunch!

    i adore your table, so darn cute! girl you got loads of fun in you! the cookie jar, how adorable is that?! from your napkins, to you s&p and roosters, its ALL wonderful!

    thanks for the smiles!

  2. Oh, oh, oh! I collect cookie jars and I absolutely covet yours ....

  3. That cookie jar is adorable - and the hotel china is the best! What a find! Some of the old hotel pieces are just incredible. Together with the vintage Rice Krispies, what a way to start the day!

  4. This was one of my favorite tablescapes ever! Pretty but also fun and charmimg! Hmmm...sounds just like YOU : )
    How I would love to sit there with you and share breakfast and a laugh or 40.

    You have the best shtuff! : )


  5. Such a cute, cute table! I saw those salt and peppers at Target and didn't get them!!!! You really have the eye and the vision. Loved the whole vintage feel of your table and can't wait to travel to Paris this weekend via your blog! :D Jewel

  6. I'm a Williams-Sonoma junkie too - I could spend hours there and mega-bucks too.

    Nice table. When will you do the "Jersey" table - white lacquer furniture, tacky dishes, pastries from Vitiello"s bakery (the one where Christopher shot the counter guy in the leg).

  7. This is a great post. LOVE the pictures!!

  8. Cute, cute, cute...I love that cookie jar...and I am such a cereal eater that I would just love to wake up to such a perfect table.

  9. what a wonderful table to start the day off right....smiling!

  10. Oh what a precious little table! I love all of thes nostalgic things. The toaster is adorable!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  11. Sue...this sooooo charming! I LOVE it! That cookie jar totally cracks me up! The napkins are perfect with this...I'm soooo impressed that you made cool is that!
    Wally World...that's a silly name some folks sometimes use for haven't missed out on anything. Remember in that silly Vacation movie with Chevy Chase where they all go to Wally World or some such theme park.
    :-) Can't remember when I first heard someone call Wal-mart that. I got a comment the other day I loved. Someone referred to Neiman Marcus as Needless it! :-) Thanks for an adorable breakfast scape...I could so breakfast here every morn! Susan
    P.S. Menopause Paparazzi...LOL

  12. Absolutely adorable, This table is exceptionally cute, love the vintage look and feel of it. Everything from the cookie jar to the tea pot... ADORABLE! Lovely work, great collection... Thanks for sharing! ~Katy

  13. Menopausal?!? You tawlkin' to me?!? Yep, I'm afraid so....
    What a fun table. Just love it all!

  14. I love your toaster cookie jat! It's got such personality!
    Wow even that wonderful cereal box!

    This is my kind of tablescape Sue -- fun fun fun -- just like you!

  15. I am so jealous that you got to meet blogger friends. What a cute cookie jar! Love the vintage look of your breakfast table...Christine

  16. I was so sad I didnt join y'all "Gaw-juh" bloggers. I really wanted to dirve over from the ham, but the weather ...I wasnt sure. Anyway. Next time! Looks like so much fun. And good food!

    Once again, you have a cool "painting". I so want to figure that out and see if I can do that. To cool.
    Speaking of cool, your table. So simple yet so perfect. Memories. And that cookie jar- adorable!

    I always enjoy my visit here!
    Leigh, Tales from Bloggeritaville

  17. Hi Sue! I love your tablescape! The cookie jar is sooo cute! Love the old cereal box. It all reminds me of being a kid!! I'm still laughing from Monday!! hugs...Debbie

  18. What a darling tablescape. I love those cherry salt and peppers and that cookie jar is a riot.

  19. Your table brought a smile to my face.

  20. Wow! Love the vintage feel of the whole table! You are very talented. The red polka dot placemats are the perfect ones for this table setting. Very creative and very fun table. A+!

  21. Sue,
    This is one of my favoite tablescapes ever!!! It is cheerful and so darn cute. I love the cookie jar, the placemats and I want those cherry s and p shakers. Love it!! Cindy

  22. This was such a fun post, it made me think of long ago.Deb

  23. What a fun table!!! And how cute is that cookie jar?! You rock, Sue!

  24. Very Charming, I am in love with Mr. Toaster. Happy Breakfast!!!

  25. How nostalgic is this?? Love your breakfast tablescape. Just as cute as it can be. You have the cutest pieces ever! We are just about the same age and all this really took me back..:) (menopausal ladies lunch..too funny...

    Thanks for your visit to my blog. I will share the recipe soon.

  26. Always fun to see your tables just jump off the page.
    Thanks for stopping by to see my 'rocks' and love the Dremel on rocks. Made one for my mother's garden..."Butterfly Garden"
    Blessings, Candy

  27. That toaster is the cutest one I've ever seen! Your table is adorable!

    Thanks for letting me know about the booksale this weekend. Since the weather is suppose to be gorgeous I'm sure their will be quite a turn out!


  28. Another great tablescape!!! Yay!

  29. LOL...that's funny that you noticed Simon on one of the blogs that i follow. That blog of hers is freaking hillarious. She comments on most all of the Bravo "reality" shows and I can always count on a good laugh when I read her posts. Hope you enjoy it as well. (Oooops, isn't not really prim and proper, like the kind of stuff WE do, but heck, there's nothing I like better than a good laugh!)

  30. Love the cookie jar (SMILE) and the fact that you have saved that box of cereal for so many hubby would have eaten it years ago. I can relate to those cute diner plates!

  31. Sue, how crafty are you to make those cute napkins?! Love your table and breakfast with friends old or new is wonderful. That cookie jar is just fantastic!

  32. That is so cute...I have the WmSonoma polka dot plates that match your placemats.
    Monique loves plates with words too!
    Just adprable..

  33. Your table makes me smile!!! I love that cookie jar.

  34. What a cute table! Great post!

  35. I cant begin to imagine what ginormous kitchen cabinets you have to hold all those amazing dishes, glasses and other tschkas

    Fabulous post!

  36. I love the retro look table...that cookie jar is AWESOME!

  37. Beautiful choice for today. I love your dishes! Very nostalgic!

    Have a great Thursday!

  38. How cute and adorable. I loved it! Your story was pretty funny too. I agree - that cookie jar would be my favorite too. So fun and whimsical. All smiles in NC.

  39. This is so cute, from the chubby red tea pot to the Rice Krispies box, to the diner china. Living in the land of diners, I love them especially!

    Great post. And that cookie jar looks as thought it's about to talk!

  40. Your table was so cute! I personally love Rice enjoyed your setting. That toaster cookie jar is too cute!!

  41. How cool!! I love it!! How weird is word verification is flastsho, almost like hotflash!

  42. So cute! How lucky you were to participate in the lunch with the friends in your area. You have just given me a great idea, our local Canadian Tire had the cutest white soup bowls with vintage Rice Krispie and Corn Flake 'labels' on them. And they were on sale. What was I thinking to pass them by?? I will have to stop in this weekend and see if there are any left. Have a great weekend and thanks.

  43. Sue,
    That table is sooo cute! I love the toaster cookie jar. And he does have lovely blue eyes.
    I also really like your napkins. I make napkins all the time, but always edge them with lace. I never thought of ric-rac. Very creative.
    Hope you have a wonderful weedend. :) Brenda

  44. Sue, A great little nostalgic look for TT...very sweet! LOve that cookie jar! ;) ~CC Catherine
