Monday, March 2, 2009


Today was the day the Georgia Bloggers got together for lunch......Yesterday in some freak of nature event we had snow here in Atlanta....Now I love snow, you get to stay home and eat yourself silly but when I saw flakes coming down as big as Boo's paws, well I was worried that lunch would not take place.......We planned to all meet at 11:00 at everyone's favorite French Cafe' Madeleine in Marietta....By noon all but a handful had arrived....
Let the fun and laughter begin!!
The sun was shinning the snow was gone and the ladies arrived...

This is the first thing you see when entering......they give you a choice. You can either eat the pastry or just glue it to your thighs..........

The "Boss" could not believe I had the nerve to sneak in my homemade (with some help from Mr. Hines) cupcakes....He said "How can you bring dessert to a restaurant that serves dessert?"
Why not?
They spell out

How do you get to be this photogenic?

The first arrivals.....
Deb on the left from Driven 55 and Susan from Between Naps on the Porch
Also known as the Tablescape Thursday Diva.....

Crazy Joyce from New York/Buckhead.......Hey, I was impressed.
Joyce was nice enough to bring all the ladies delicious brownies but she left without saying goodbye....Joyce....keep in touch, I thought we had a bonding moment when we discovered we have both been married waaaaaaay too long.........

Lovely Cheryl dressed in red took time out from work to join in....
Cheryl blogs at Jo Jo's - Joys.

Also joining in on the fun was
Sherri from Designs to Shine
Crystal from Olive Rue
Linda from Nina's Nest.....looking an awful lot like my favorite T.V. judge
Judge I the only one that thinks they look alike?

Debbie can tell her motto must be
"Girls just want to have fun".....
Debbie blogs under the name "Confessions of a Plate Addict"
C C Catherine having a good laugh.....
she brought everyone a lovely photo card with chocolate inside....
"Catherine de th`e Cups"

Catherine taking a picture of me taking a picture of her!!
You have never seen so many women with so many cameras in one place at one time.....
That's a sure sign that your in the room with a blogger....

I asked everyone to wave at the camera.......What can I say. They all look like they're being sworn in to something....."State your name"

See...they really do spell out We "heart" Blogging...

Group shot.....
left to right....
Susan, Debbie,Cheryl,Catherine,Deb,Crystal,Sherri,Linda,Joyce and Denise...
Denise is my dear neighbor who is a "Blogger in Training".....she is about to debut her blog
Skelton's in the Closet. Missing from the photo was Rose.

Hey Debbie.....I think I saw a plate missing???

Catherine's beautiful card she gave everyone....

a shot of Joyce's brownie's and the front of Catherine's card...

Michael Braver.....General Manager and General Good Guy....
We arrived at 11:00 and didn't leave until after 2:30 and not once did he try to throw us out...
He even saw the cupcakes!!
I feel bad now, I should have given him one.......
Finally leaving.....Oh my God...if I had blond hair I would look just like
Sally Struthers....the "Fat Years".......I have to remember to never wear this jacket again....
from left to right.....Rose, Debbie, CC Catherine, Sherri, Crystal, Susan, Deb, Tubbie and Denise.
Group picture with Michael.....
if he only had a thought bubble over his head..........

"Note to self.....when crazy women call and say they are something called "Bloggers" and can they reserve a really big table and bring their own desert and laugh out loud and take waaaaay to many pictures.....tell them the restaurant's closed that day"........
A shout out to all you great ladies who came today, it was wonderful to meet you all. I hope you all had a fun time and I'm looking forward to doing it again soon....
And I'm glad that in the words of the Boss that you weren't 60 year old lonely retired men looking for companionship...


  1. Sue, So great meeting you in person! Love your story...and it's soooo true! I'm stealing some of these pics to use on my blog since I was landlocked and couldn't take any...that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :-) Susan

  2. Looks like so much fun. Must have been nice to put a name with a face. Not that everyone doesn't look exactly like her profile picture.

  3. Sue, it was such a pleasure meeting you in person! I look like the squinty eyed gal in my 'swearing in'. LOL My daughter said to thank you for her yummy cupcake! She even licked her fingers of the icing. Love the photos (I 'lifted' a few), love your 'tale' of the day and again was too fun! Can't wait to do it again soon.

  4. Sue,
    What great pics! You all look so cute. Thanks for sharing, looks like you all had a wonderful time. Cindy

  5. Oh what fun it was and what a great picture chronology you have provided. Can't wait till the bloggers get together again!!! So that I could share the story I've linked your post back to my page.

  6. Thank you to all the ladies at lunch for your encouragement and practical suggestions on getting my blog started. I look forward to following your blogs.


  7. Greetings from Southern California! I recently found your blog (because of the name....having been to Paris once upon a time, it caught my attention!). I must say, you do know how to throw a blogger get together! I enjoyed reading about it.

    I'm also looking forward to more photos from Rue Mouffetard.

  8. How great a day you girls had. That is so cool that you can meet and have fun. AND cupcakes!!!

  9. I have enjoyed reading and
    re-reading this more than you could know....thank you so much for sharing the photos and fun.

  10. oh that looked like loads of fun! i have meet some net friends, just one at a time, i imagine a whole room full must have been over the top fun!

    so fun so see so many smiling faces, you are all true southern belles!

  11. Sue, it was so nice to meet you. Thank you for the cupcakes and laughs. Loved the blog write up! Too funny.

    Looking forward to talking with you soon. The pics are up on my blog if you want to swing by.

  12. Oh Sue! What a fun post!! And even better...what a fun day we had!! I loved it! Thanks for the wonderful good time!! I was hoarse tonight from laughing and talking so much!I can't wait until we do it again!!! And I'm stealing some of your pics, too!!! I heart your cupcakes!!...hugs...Debbie

  13. What fun! French pastries and a table full of fun women! What could be better!
    (Jojo sent me!)

  14. What a fun group! Glad the snow didn't stop y'all from getting together. Thanks for sharing the pictures! :D Jewel

  15. That must have been so much fun to meet so many fellow bloggers,to be able to put names with faces.

    Many bloggers live in my area. Maybe one day we'll organize a get together. Many of us have become good friends even without the face to face introduction. Sounds like you had an grand time.

  16. OMG! I had so much fun meeting such talented, creative and funny women. I am so motivated to start my blog now. The pictures are super but hey my face has more wrinkles then Joan River had before all of her 100 face lifts. Maybe instead of baking I should experiment with a wrinkle recipe that involves eating french pastry to plump those wrinkles up a bit! I had a call and missed the photo outside and I had to leave. You were walking in and I said so long but guess you did not hear me. I had to R U N... Keep in touch since we have so much in common besides black and white cookies and the "PRISON". Wonder if you are allowed to blog from Prison these days? Regards to your sweet neighbor too.

  17. Oh Sue what fun! I know some of the bloggers you mentioned and I'll check out the others.(and I thought Cheryl was "Jojo" all this time and have been calling her that ..duh!)

    You're so lucky to get together like this! Will it become a regular event? Your cupcakes look de-lish!

  18. Sue, what a a great time you Georgia bloggers had-I want to come to the next one-maybe I should invite all San Diego bloggers to join me for lunch, but I only know of one, Panini Girl, it is a great the way, you look adorable.

  19. I am soooo jealous - your lunch looks like it was loads and loads of fun.

  20. Very nice post, Sue. We did have fun, didn't we? So glad we could all gather and share our blogging stories.

  21. ...and my husband loved your cupcake. It was gone within 30 minutes of hitting the countner!

  22. Oh Wow! I am so envious! I would love to be a part of something like this and to actually meet with so many blog friends at once! heck, they got to meet YOU! That is cause for me to be envious beyond belief alone!
    Fun place, fun group and BEAUTIFUL you! Fat years my &%$.

    Enjoy that snow there...: ) We Ohioans blew our collectove breaths and kept it moving straight down South and overEast. W are all full of hot air don'tcha know.



  23. OK, that looks like way too much fun! Love the photo with everyone waving! :-)

  24. What fun all of you must have had. I know Mary Ellen and I so enjoyed meeting each other last week. About our homestead picture - I think my father had it enlarged many years ago. It came to me in this size. But, if you have a small black & white snapshot; I have had great luck taking those kind of pictures just to Wal-Mart and enlarging them on one of their machines to 5x7 or 8x10 size. Good luck. Sally

  25. Sue, It looks like you had such a great time. I am sure they are all busy blogging about lunch and the fun you all had at lunch.
    I'm glad the weather didn't keep them away!
    I am still in my attic...

  26. Sue, This post today totally captured the fun of our day together! Super job capturing it., and I loved your narration of the day! ;) So enjoyed getting to meet you! You ROCK! ~CC Catherine

  27. OH~!That looked like so much fun! I wish I could have been there too. Even if I would have planned it, I think this crazy snow storm would have prevented me. Well, I am hoping that this summer, we can meet at Scotts....

  28. How exciting Sue! Looks like you all had a good time.

  29. What a great time you had!!! I wanted to be with you but, you know, my train was soooooo late that day!!!!!!!!!!!! Your cupcakes seemed delightful. Write you soon.

  30. Oh how much fun.I love every shot you took.Isn't that something?SNOW!Crazy weather.You're is just like Texas,you NEVER know.
    No,dear,those pics on my post are all inspiration shots/Alto I have done a few of the things myself.Thank you for being so faithful...ann

  31. Great, funny, warm post! Love the pictures, and how nice for you all to meet in person. I'm envious.

  32. Sue, you are so funny! That is a great post AND your carrot cupcakes were fabulous! Thanks also for your thoughtfulness in sending cupcakes to my grandies. Great meeting you and hope to see you again soon. Linda

  33. When you gals take your show on the road, be sure to stop by Michigan. We need a laugh or two up here!


  34. Looks like fun, Sue! You captured everything so nicely. Even the restaurant manager! I am impressed.

  35. I think that's awesome that you all got together!! I've been meeting a few people up here, and it's been great fun. I would love to do a big group get together.

    And you are totally cracking me so do NOT look like, "Sally Struthers the fat years." But I am laughing aloud. :-)
