Sunday, March 1, 2009

CRAZY SNOW................

What can I's just unnatural here in Atlanta.....Make it stop.


  1. I told you it was headed your way.

  2. I love watching the snow fall from the sky. The snow is a real treat for this southern long as I don't have to drive in the stuff. Remember when you and the Boss came to rescue me when I hit an ice patch and blew two tires? You are the best friend a gal could have!


  3. Hi Sue, Ellen here. It was great to hear from you.

    I am here in NJ waiting for the snow to begin. We had a dusting last night, but the "best" is yet to come. Needless to say, my husband is away on a golfing, or not-golfing trip in NC, so it was up to me to drag out the snow blower. Fun!

    I have been to Atlanta many times as my oldest brother has lived there for over 30 years. I love it. If I had to move to the south, it's the area I would want to live in.

    Keep in touch. Feel free to e-mail me.

  4. I think we all are tired of winter and want to see signs of spring.

    Enough is enough.

  5. it is a good excuse to bake something wonderful~

  6. Well, unlike you, I am excited about the snow. Just hope it is gone by tomorrow so we can keep our lunch date.

  7. Wenever get any here.(in Texas)>And I must say,I'm glad.It's lovely,but we don't have a clue how to drive in it.No practice!Someone always winds up dead or injured...
    Thank you for becoming a follower.I'm glad to have you in my little world,,,Ann

  8. Aww why do you want it to stop! It's been so lovely, all those big flakes! We've been enjoying the snow today - it's such a treat to be able to enjoy it for a day and know that tomorrow it'll be gone.


  9. The storm is coming my way tonight. Just in time for a messy ride back to work tomorrow. But I'll get there, I'm not taking a vacation day for a measly 4-8 inches, I'll wait until it's sunny and 90.

  10. It has been so dry in Colorado, we'll take your snow any day!! I love the snow. Have a good week. Sally

  11. A friend of mine is on a trip to GA and she just wrote on her blog that it's snowing there today. Her children and grandchildren are with her, and she said none of them brought coats for the trip, so they're brrrr!!!
    Since we don't ever get snow here where I live, I'm just jealous (just kidding), 'cause I love the snow. I guess that's because I've never lived where it snows and you have to "deal" with trying to live your life in spite of the snow. But I think it's beautiful.
    BTW, I just now found out that you were following BzPlace. My computer wasn't displaying any of my followers, so I didn't know who everyone was, until I went on a different computer and now it's displaying everyone who is following my blog. Thank you for "joining" BzPlace.
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, snow and all. lol
    :=) Brenda

  12. Oh, Sue, I miss the snow so much! I would love a snowstorm. I agree that it makes for the perfect baking day! :) (It will be gone before you know it! ;) )

  13. Welcome to my freezing world. :-(


  14. It has rained here since Friday. Tonight it is turning into snow. I'm with you - make it go away!!!! :D Jewel

  15. We are expecting 10 -12 inches! March comes in like a lion.

  16. We've had unusual snow falls this winter. As we head towards spring the temperature is still very chilly. When I look out to my yard, it's hard to imagine how it will be in bloom again.
    Cuddle up with your pup and enjoy a favorite tea with something sweet. Hopefully you'll find yourself in a warmer season soon.

    Sweet Wishes,

  17. Good morning Sue :)

    I'm really enjoying your trip to Paris and the recipe for quiche sounds so good I just have to try it. I hope you win that million dollars :)

    I can't believe it snowed down there! In Hot-lanta?? LOL

    Have a beautiful day!!

  18. I heard you got a lot of snow and then it melted .. boo hoo ... we've in the midst of a major storm that makes your 'dusting' look punk .. however I would sooner have your dust than this mess

  19. You poor thing, the weather was awesome in San DIego this weekend, I think you need a getaway to the West Coast..

  20. I'll trade you. We got about an inch yesterday, a foot or so more today, and it's still snowing!!!

  21. And while you're at it...make it stop HERE too! Even if we are used to it...I'm getting SICK OF SNOW!

  22. Unbelievable! But it sure is pretty.


  23. Crazy weather. We were in North Carolina and we had to get out of there quick so we wouldn't get stuck in snow and ice. Florida is my kind of place, but I love snow photos!
