Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'm writing today to ask you all to pitch in and help out Martha......
The government is helping the auto makers..... the banks......... irresponsible homeowners but who's helping out our Martha??
I have been following her stock since it went on the market and at one time it was worth a high of $36 plus.....
At one time Martha was worth a billion dollars....
A self made women from can hate her but you gotta love her...
Today her stock for Martha Stewart Omnivision hit a low of $1.90.......$1.90!!
I told the Boss to buy me 100 shares.....actually I said buy me 10 shares just incase Martha goes belly up.....but he said I have to buy atleast 100....not to be cheap....
That's only $190.00 plus $9.99 to purchase it through E-Trade.
Now I think you all need to consider buying a share or two so we can continue to learn things from the Queen of Domesticity...
Think of all she has given us over the years.......she has shared with us all her skilled cooking and her brilliant decorating.....then there's the to pack a suitcase and ofcourse her vocabulary....
I'm still trying to figure out what in hell a "Marinod" is??
Nobody wants to see the magazine fold up like a cheap beach chair or Miss Martha to go off the air.....We would possibly have to be stuck watching Rachel Ray for two hours a day!
So in the interest of our country and the economy and for the good of us all....
Listen to Mr. Obama.....(yikes) and BUY STOCK IN OUR DIVA'S FUTURE!!


  1. Bail out Martha or chance having Rachael on for 2 hrs a day (when I am at the office) .. ummm ... I'll get back to you

  2. cute post, i hope you make a killing! will it ever come down to martha who?

    you buy martha, i want harley davidson, that one will roar back to life with the economy~

  3. I attended a talk Martha gave once before she got really big. I'll never forget her description of a wedding reception where the bride and groom went off across a lake in horse drawn carriage with the poor horse's hooves nailed to a raft.

  4. A horse's hooves were nailed to a raft? I'm sorry, I just read the comment above me and I'm in shock. Can't even think about Martha right now.

  5. I'm with you. A big wig in Washington can get a slap on the wrist for doing worse than what Martha did. Most men in America could not wait to see her fry in the chair. I couldn't believe it.
    And what a good sport she was after getting out of the big house. Come on lets buy some shares!!!

  6. PS, I really didn't like the horse hoof thing either. Surely that wasn't her idea. Some man from props must've thought of that one...

  7. She's just way too snooty for a girl from Nutley! But then you already know my feelings on that subject.

    By the way, I think a "marinod" is what you call the bounce in the dog in the back of the car.

  8. Poor Martha. Bless her little heart. She probably bailed out on her stock. Anyway, here's to better days.


  9. Hmmmm....I think you've sold me! It may be a good investment! I love Martha! She made it cool to be a domestic diva!

  10. Hmmmm.... that's an interesting thought you have, Sue. Just catching up a little and I love that adorable post on your tablescape. By the way, you are right, I will have sippy cups and plastic plates in my next tablescape! Linda

  11. Our financial guru says for us to stay the course. Let's hope he is right. Sorry, Martha!! Cute post. Sally

  12. Never mind buying her stock now is the time for me to get my own TV show. Heck I can show people how to make hospital corners with sheets as well as making towels into animals while watching my pressure cooker explode. I even can teach people how to pay taxes! lol

  13. Poor Martha! I really like tbe woman. I was in her show's audience once, and she was really very nice. I'd hate to see her magazine fold up too! I've lsot too many favorite this year.

  14. We DEFINITELY need people to BUY... BUY ANYTHING and it will HELP our economy. Everyone keeps talking about saving... NOT buy things... that is what will DESTROY our economy... BUY BUY BUY!!! People don't realize if they don't buy... companies go under and then more people are out of jobs!!! How can we get people to realize this... sigh

  15. Hey, any friend of Brian Dennehy's is a friend of mine...: )

  16. Sue, is Martha giving you a commission? C'mon. You can tell us! I would buy if I were assured her daughter wouldn't benefit no how, no way! Spoiled 40+ year old child, literally! Always will love Martha, though.

  17. Tell ya what, I'll bail out Martha after she bails out me!
