Thursday, February 19, 2009

WEEKENDS IN PARIS.........The Locals, Big and Small.

Welcome to our first weekend in Paris!! Myself and Daughter would like to take you on a little photo tour of the time we spent in the world's most beautiful city...For the next 14 weekends we will be showing you a little slice of Paris life and a few side trips along the way......we enjoyed our time we spent together and to say it was a bonding experience doesn't apply.....we bonded the day daughter was has just gotten better and better.........we lived in a basic studio apartment from May until August 1999.....I'm talking basic as I had to cook most of our meals in a toaster oven. I shopped for our food daily on the famous "Rue Mouffetard".....and only came away knowing two words in French....Bon Jour and got me through our time there and it was the only time in my life that I had nothing to say.... We hope you come back because the last week we will show you our luxurious accommodations......we didn't want to scare you from the get go.....Enjoy!!!daughter caught this little boy fixing a flat in an alley.....

The infamous Paris Mimes at the top of Sacre Coeur de Montmarte

There are no shortage of mimes!!

we love to photograph little children

Daughter's other favorite subject.....Nuns!

Jardin du Luxembourg
the Luxembourg Gardens......

seen near the Paris Mosque

Talented little ones

Does the nose look familiar......Yes, that's our Boo getting his portrait done from a photograph.
On the Seine near Notre Dame

Like a fashion shoot....only real wedding photo's
Only in Paris!!

standing above on a bridge to get this shot.....

Dress a little small on top? Leave it to me to catch this somewhat odd shot.

Next week......Local Color.
Hope you enjoyed meeting some Paris locals and we'll see you next week....
Sue and the
*all images are copyrighted and all rights reserved.


  1. Oh know I am going to enjoy this! My favorite is the little girl with the hat! All of my French friends insist that their little girls wear them!! Looking forward to next week!...Debbie

  2. Oh what a pure delight this will be!! Thank youf or sharing these with us and I will look forward to more and more in the next few weeks.
    Of course I am green with envy over it all but I continue to dream that Paris will someday be one of my travel realities!

    Until then, I have your photos!


  3. I love your photos and look forward to all your upcoming French posts. You have captured some truly French moments. Fantastic! Linda

  4. I love this post. All of the pictures are just wonderful but the bride pics are gorgeous! Yes...that dress needs a little more fabric!


  5. Those are amazing photographs, Sue. What a special trip you had with your daughter.

    I love the photo of the Nuns...but the Mimes scare me a bit.;)

  6. I am looking forward to reading more about Paris. LBeau and I will be going to Paris with a group in late March. We will have almost the entire first day to explore on our own, since we arrive at 6:55 a.m., and the rest of the group will not get to our hotel until 3 p.m.

    I would be interested in any suggestions you may have. The group trip includes Montmarte, the Lourve, and Notre Dame as well as a driving/walking tour of all the usual sights.

    We thought we would buy a Metro pass for the day, take the Metro to our hotel and then be able to use it for the rest of the day. Would you recommend this?

  7. Great photos Sue! The mimes are sort of creep but I love the pics of the kids! The wedding one is like a mag photo shoot.


  8. This is going to be wonderful, Sue. We saw several of those women begging on the streets when we were there in May. Guess things haven't changed since you were there. Paris will always be beautiful, however. Sally

  9. Fabulous ... I am SO LOL at the groom's yamaka .... and the bride's escaping boob ... toooo funny.

  10. oh this is exciting and fun! i love the images you caught and look forward to watching the rest unfold~

    you asked about the pear on my blog, here is the link, try them, heavenly...

  11. Just another reason to keep reading your blog..boy am I glad I discovered you. I loved my trip to Paris and am looking forward to seeing all your pictures. Peggy from PA

  12. What beautiful pictures...this is going to be fun seeing Paris through yours and your daughters eyes!

  13. great shots so far, how cool to see a wedding couple walking down the street, the nuns, the mimes, the adorable children, seems like Paris has a lot going for it! Look forward to more..

  14. great pics! All of them! I look forward to more weekends in Paris!

  15. Oh wow Sue! What a wonderful trip this must have been! I would probably ended like you and only learned a few words of French. We spent a month in Italy as a family in 2001, seeing the sights and visiting my husband's family, and I was so thankful almost everyone spoke English. I just don't have an ear to learn lanhgauges

    All your photos tell a story and are so very professional in appearance. The photos of the children are adorable, and yes that wedding dress was a little
    (make that a lot!) revealing!
    Looking forward to seeing more photos next weekend.

  16. Oh my goodness. I canNOT wait to see more and hear more!!!

  17. What a great idea Sue! How fun. Wonderful pictures... you must have had so much fun. Thank you for sharing, I'm looking forward to the upcoming weeds!

  18. What a once in a lifetime experience. So fun to spend the time with your daughter too. My kids have been to Europe and I haven't. Not yet, anyway. We're planning on a trip in 2010! We'll see how it goes. I'll be taking notes. Mimi

  19. Love this! Will be looking forward to this every week. I really like the children photos. So innocent.

  20. What a clever post idea! Thanks for the tour of Paris...and looking forward to seeing more.

  21. Sue aka Ms. Rue, these are such wonderful shots of Paris. You and your daughter have an amazing eye for photos. Enjoyed this SO much, and I look forward to more installments.


    Sheila :-)

  22. Thank you so much for the travel journey ... I have been fortunate to spend time in Paris and loved seeing the sights again ...

  23. You had that same cash register? Wow! Hey, do you think that could be yours and that it made it to the market in Pine Mountain? Oh, your mime pics were "formidable"! Linda

  24. What beautiful pictures! I look forward to seeing more! How wonderful that you were able to spend that time with your daughter :)

  25. these are fabulous! i love the little girl walking and the wedding shots are incredible. sigh...someday i'll get to go to paris. but for now, i get to go through you!

  26. Hi Sue

    Were you able to find the star pancake molds at WS? I have a feeling they were leftovers from last summer, therefore the deep discount. I was able to buy the beehive cake mold on sale too!

  27. Ohhh...I'm looking so forward to this!! And..."it was the only time in my life that I had nothing to say." Hahahaha! :-)

    And, um, the bride...YIKES!
