Sunday, February 22, 2009

real men DO eat quiche...........

I have been making quiche for as long as I can remember but it wasn't until last week that the "Boss" finely did a taste test....Yes, real men do eat quiche.....He had no choice....For years I've been seeing people win big bucks in the Pillsbury Bake-Off contest and this was going to be my year!!

I remember the year when the lady won $40,000.00 for making a zucchini something...
It was sounded inventive....Last year a lady won a million dollars with a peanut butter cookie....come on..... a peanut butter cookie?....a million dollars!

So I tweaked my recipe, made some adjustments, picked a name other then "quiche" and entered the contest........I do realize that I have a better chance of winning the Georgia Lottery then winning the Bake-Off.....but I thought I would give it a shot....Here is the recipe I entered.

We had it the other day for lunch and I made the Boss try it.....He was my taste main critic......He loved it! Of course who wouldn't love something filled with cheese and ham and pineapple and then covered with a cheese sauce....A real artery clogger but pure
comfort food....

Here it "Hawaiian 3-Cheese Quiche"

1 Pillsbury Pie the red box, not frozen.
8oz. white cheddar cheese, I use Cabot's Seriously Sharp Cheddar
8oz. Swiss Cheese
8oz. Asiago or Gouda cheese
8oz. of good quality deli ham either boiled or Tavern (baked) ham, thinly sliced then diced
8oz. can of pineapple tidbits...
1/2 cup good quality Hellman's
1/2 cup of heavy cream (you could also use whole milk)
4 sprigs of Thyme
a bit of Kosher salt and a twist or two of fresh ground pepper
4 large eggs
for the sauce
3 cups of cheese
1 1/2 cups of whole milk
2 tablespoons of butter
1 1/2 tablespoons of flour
salt and pepper to taste

Lets Build a Quiche

Preheat oven to 400 degrees..spray a 9" high side quiche pan with cooking spray. Unfold and place the pie crust into the pan fitting it into the folds on the sides. In a medium bowl whisk the eggs with the mayo and the cream until smooth. Set aside......Grate the 3 cheeses, keeping them separate. Set aside 1 cup (loosely filled) of the Asiago and 2 cups (loosely filled) of the white cheddar, this will be used in the sauce....

Take the deli ham and dice it, then add to the cheese, blend well. Drain the pineapple and pat dry with a paper towel to remove all liquid....Add to the cheese and ham mixture. Add the Thyme, salt and pepper. Put mixture into the pie shell then slowly pour the egg mixture on top, making sure it's evenly poured over the whole quiche.

Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, rest for 25 to 30 minutes before cutting.


2 Tablespoons of butter....1 1/2 Tablespoons of flour....1 1/2 cups of heated milk and the 3 cups of grated cheese. Melt butter and whisk in the flour...Heat the milk in the microwave then whisk into the flour/butter....keep whisking to avoid lumps....Add in the cheese and whisk until the cheese has melted. Add salt and pepper to taste....You can add more milk to thin out sauce if you prefer....any milk you add does not need to be heated....

Here is what I served with the quiche......Ina's fresh roasted beets with an orange vinaigrette.
I happen to love roasted beets.....I have to say the husband was not game to try these....

I do have to give a shout out to the son-in-law who turned us on to Hawaiian turned out to be the inspiration for the recipe.....


  1. My mouth is watering right now!

  2. Good luck. Your quiche looks delicous but I'm intrigued by the beets :)

  3. Oh my, is it time to eat yet???? Looks YUMMY!!

  4. No you don't! You remember the Pillsbury Bake Off zucchini quiche? I think we were separated at birth! I made that quiche many times...many times! Once I hosted a wedding shower and made 8 of those quiches.

  5. I can hardly wait until you win!!!! We can all say, "We know that cooking lady!!" The quiche does look good - it can't go wrong with those ingredients. I DO make quiche often, but usually with leftover veggies and meat, plus cheese, eggs, and milk. Your recipe is so gourmet. Have a great week. Sally

  6. My hubby loves Hawaiian pizza. Bet he would love that quiche! Linda

  7. Sue, this is set-me-free good! WOW! I hope you win. A friend of mine's son won in a high school division (I believe they call it the juniors), and he is now in cooking school in NYC. I think you have a good shot with that quiche. It looks GREAT! I'm starved... when do we eat???


    Sheila :-)

  8. Ohhh Sue! This looks soooooo yummy!! I LOVE quiche...of course...I lived in Lorraine!! lol Have a good week! hugs...Debbie

  9. If it wasn't Shrove Tuesday and we didn't have a pancake supper at church, I'd be making your quiche! Sounds wonderful! I used to get so frustrated making quiches that didn't set up until I discovered sour cream. Works every time. Call me if you need a sous chef for the Bake-Off!

  10. I am going to try this, this week-end. Looks so delicous!

  11. Sue,

    Good luck with the contest, looks like a winner. Remember to keep us bloggers posted.

    I live in the Hoschton/Braselton area, most folks don't know where that is but when I say near Chateau Elan then they know.


  12. Did he have said Hawaiian Pizza at Big Nick's Pizzeria on Broadway 76-77 Sts? That's the only Hawaiian pizza I have ever seen .. this side of Hawaii

  13. Oh me, oh my! Heavenly ~ all of it!

  14. I just read an article last night that quiche was making a comeback! You sure have your finger on the pulse. That looks delicious! :D Jewel

  15. That looks surprisingly delicious, and I have a Hawaiian pizza lover in this house who I will be trying it on.
    Thank you.
    ♥, Susan

  16. Oh my gosh, I'm hungry! It looks SO good!


  17. Good luck in the contest Sue! Your quiche sounds very unique. My husband would never try a Hawaiian pizza -- he is not a fan of pineapple, but I am. It's ditto for beets --I love them he hates them. They were called the "perfect food" by the NY Times as they are full of antioxidants.

  18. Hi Sue... It looks delicious! My husband also loves quiche. I'm afraid this recipe will have to wait for a day that I'm feeling particularly thin... which may be awhile ;) Wonder what the fat grams are on this??? ha ha. Thanks for sharing another wonderful recipe.

  19. The quiche looks wonderful. My husband will eat just about anything including quiche. Only I call it egg pie and he doesn't have a clue. One thing he won't eat is beets...Good luck at the bake off. Keep a positive thought going. Mimi

  20. it looks fun, hope it makes you a cool mill~

    i wanted to ask you a question, can you email so i can contact you? you can reach me at bluemooniris at gmail~

  21. Nice work! I think it's at the very, very least a half-a-million dollar quiche. ;-)
