Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Welcome to another edition of Tablescape Thursday hosted by the talented "Head Tablescaper" Susan at This is the most fun I have had in a long time.....If you haven't joined in on the fun you should give it a try. You probably have more things around the house to dress up your table then you think....This week I decided to do a take on Monet's Table in Giverney France.....If you have ever seen a picture of his home Claude had the original designer kitchen.....We had the pleasure of visiting the home while in France and we even had a picnic on the grounds before touring the home and gardens. When we got back home daughter bought me this lovely book. It's a combination picture book of the home and gardens and a cookbook....It can be found on
I thought I would call my tablescape this week Monet's Table....."American Style"...using the colors of Monet's kitchen, yellow and blue.....The Boss put his foot down when I suggested painting our dining room chairs yellow.......Hope you enjoy my interpretation.....

If Monet painted my table I think this is what is would have looked like.

A view from above.....I used a king size quilt for the table cover.
I use quilts all over the house and find them to be very useful when making drapes and especially shower curtains....I think they also look great as a table cloth. The bright yellow napkins are from IKEA.

my dining room is actually my living room....with it's cathedral ceiling and porcelain parlor stove it makes for a cozy eating area. How can a room with vaulted ceilings be cozy? Lots of books and warm colors...wide wooden blinds on the windows.... a roaring fire in the stove and a colorful table setting....

The ultra high ceilings also allows for a tall centerpiece....It's high but you can see right through the forsythia....

Monet always had loaves of fresh baked bread on his table.....So I baked a loaf.....
Yes, it is as good as it looks....and easy too!!

I bought these blue glasses over 35 years ago and have no idea who they are by. I'm thinking perhaps Fostoria?? If they look familiar to anyone please let me know...I did see the same ones at a flea market years ago and they were very costly.... I paid just a few dollars for them.

Fish Platter!! A Williams Sonoma purchase...

Isn't this the cutest blue Kingfisher teapot you have ever seen....I found this at the Lakewood Flea Market here in Atlanta....

French Cafe au lait bowls.....schlepped all the way home in our luggage.

Monogram, not my monogram....I like Martha's idea of telling people that you inherited them from a rich relative...

This really was inherited but from a poor relative.....I love it anyway!!

Hope you liked this weeks table and I'm already in the works for next week.
Remember that this weekend will be our second installment of
"Weekends in Paris"
This week we'll be posting pictures called "Local Color" so stop back for some colorful glimpses of the City of Lights.....


  1. Beautiful. Love your 'painting' :)

  2. Perfect!!! Love the colors, the bread - the whole table. You're on the ball - I'm just now getting ready to do my post for Tablescape Thursday. Have a great Thursday. Sally

  3. Love the blue and yellow combination. Didn't Lakewood close? I have gotten several things there, but I heard it had closed.

  4. I absolutely love your table! What wonderful inspiration and execution. I love the painting effect. :D Jewel

  5. Beautful Sue!

    I have to order that cookbook :-)
    I love your Kingfisher teapot --it is really unique.

  6. Oh girl, I need to borrow your fabulous blue glassware for my scape this week :0)
    I love the quilt on the table. And if you visit my scape you'll see I like blue and yellow too. Let's sneak out back and paint the chairs yellow...

  7. Love the blue and yellow color, pretty centerpiece. Great idea giving the quilts more functions in the house, you're very innovative!...Christine

  8. Love the blue and yellow table -- love your "painting" -- and I admired that fish platter from WS but resisted -- after seeing your table, I'm sorry I did.

  9. Love your idea to use a quilt as a tablecloth. Beautiful!

  10. Sue...I LOVE this. The colors are fabulous! And you have my dream dining room...cozy with books and a fireplace! We were on the same wavelength this week. :-) You need to frame your pic on your table painted by's pretty as you see in any store! Love the Kingfisher teapot and the WS Platter! Wonderful tablescape! Can't wait to see next weeks! Susan

  11. Oh Sue!! I love the blue and yellow Yes, it reminds me of Monet's dining room. I love your frenchy fish plate and your monogrammed plates! Using the quilt as a tablecloth is a great idea!! Wonderful tablescape!...Debbie
    PS...Mine is blue and yellow, too! Great minds...

  12. Love the blue and yellow. I am seeing a trend. Very, very pretty. Thanks for sharing, Maryrose

  13. Oh dear friend - your posts always make me smile and bring back such lovely memories of my own travels. I think Monet would have had great pleasure in painting your tablescape. Oh I just love that platter. And I really love the "rich relative inherited" plates. LOL Hugs, Barb

  14. The colors are wonderful. You make me want to do a blue and yellow table!!

  15. SUE~ I am having SO MUCH FUN this TT nite! (DH is gone, too, so I can "take my time" for once, even tho company arrives tomorrow!!!). THIS is yet ANOTHER WONNNDERFUL tablescape~~~ It's creative, happy, fun & sentimental (love that you carried the bowls back yourself~~~ the men always laugh at us, but I PERSONALLY think it makes those special purchases even M-O-R-E special over time because of the memories ~ and it's a delightful "story " to share, too!). I used a new, white matlesse bedspread at Christmas out of "necessity" (as in, "I couldn't FIND the new, "fancy one" I had PURCHASED! You know holiday "messes"!)~~~ Anyhoooo, now I LOVE using it, & we had never used it before, so it's "paying its dues"! Thanks so much for sharing!!! Enjoyed it!!! Warmly, Linda (P.S. Did you MAKE alot of your quilts? If so, WOW! WHAT PATIENCE!!!)~~~

  16. Hi Sue! Oh, what a great idea! I love all your blues! The entire table looks so good and I can almost taste that bread. Just one thing, can I have that awesome platter!? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  17. Very pretty! Great was fun!

  18. Love your centerpiece and the fish platter! Yellows and blues look so wonderful together. My mouth is watering for your bread!

  19. Oh, this is such fun...a Monet inspired tablescape! You definitely captured the aura of the inspiration photo. :-) The blue and yellow never fails to feel warm and inviting. Your blue glassware is wonderful, as are those French bowls and your fishy platter. Oh! And yes, that is the cutest kingfisher teapot! I love kingfishers, they are such sassy birds! :-)

  20. Love the quilt as a tablecloth. The teapot is a beauty! Your table is just homey, cozy and wonderful. And that bread looks DELISH! Have you posted the recipe?

  21. LOVe the "painted" photo. Cool ,,,howd you do that? Watercolor paintshop? Cool!
    LOve the monogrammed dishes.
    LOve the quilt.
    Love the forsthia.
    LOve the crockery.
    Love it all! So pretty!
    Oh!LOVE your blog!
    I love new friends!
    I invite you to drop by mine too, Tales from Bloggeritaville.

  22. The table is lovely...Monet is my favorite artist. Makes me want to kick myself for not joining you and the Smurf in France!


  23. Hey Sue! I will try and post pictures of my trunk and will let you know. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    And I forgot to mention the bread...YUM. Bread and cheese, my weaknesses. I am not a sweets person. That's homemade? Ok, I NEEEED some. YUM!

    Thanks for explaing the picture too. That is really cool. Would be neat to print out and frame and put in your kitchen. People would be facinated! I am.

  24. Ooh, I'm getting so many wonderful ideas from your tablescape. I love yellow and blue and I like the way you used your crock for the beautiful flowers. That bread looks delicious. Bread is my weakness, especially homemade bread.

  25. LOVELY table... great colours... MOnet would love to break bread with you I'm sure!

  26. Gorgeous!!! Love "Monet's Table"!!!

  27. Hello Sue~ Absolutely lovely theme. What a delight to visit.

    I've have the book of Monet for some time; you've given me new inspiration! Thank you for that. xo

    I'm so excited you're joining us as a Darling Baker ~ Welcome!!

  28. Fantastic interpretation of a Monet table!

  29. How clever. The picture just comes to life perfectly. and the little blue bird and all the special touches...lovely. And the bright cheery yellow chairs are perfect.
    Happy Thursday, Candy

  30. LOve the color combo and the quilt as a table cloth.
    The pretty blue glasses look like they may be by Anchor Hocking. I have some similar gold glasses from the early 1970's.

  31. I love your blue, white and yellow. It is so fresh! I also adore the way you have used the quilt as a tablecloth. So clever! Great job! I love the whole look. Have a blessed day.
    Smiles, :-)

  32. I love Thursdays! It's so much fun to see what you come up with. I went with a Marcel Marceau theme this week....and mimed mine!(Too lazy to dig through the attic.)

  33. Love the Monet style..., very creative, and the quilt as a table covering ads so much to the mix, great idea -I keep that in mind.

  34. Very well done.I love the new spin on this.Very creative.Fabulous use of the quilt.I love the blues and yellow.And that bread,yummy.......Ann

  35. I love your table. So inviting and welcoming. I guess I need to do this more often.

  36. What a lovely table! I love that you used a quilt plus incorporated a pot/vase from a relative. Your table looks like there would be some good "comfort food" there and lo and behold, you had a nice loaf of bread. I loved the Monet picture as well; very creative.

  37. You are so clever ... its perfect ... we eat sitting on the stinky couch in front of the HONKING HUGE TV ... sad but true ... this weekend those cups will be packed and Monday they will be on the way to you

  38. What a perfect tablescape. And the bread is so yummy looking and I believe you when you say it's a good as it looks. Is this home made bread?

  39. Blue and yellow were made for each other-this is just beautiful Sue-makes me want to fly on a plane and visit Monet's world! Your dishes are awesome and the glasses, and the quilt, just lovely!!

  40. Gorgeous tablescape. He won't let you paint your chairs to match your table setting? He's being unreasonable, don't you think?? Mimi

  41. Your tablescape is lovely and I am in LOVE with that quilt! It is gorgeous. Do you make any of your quilts yourself? I love any quilt, but old ones are my faves.
    And I think Monet's version of your table would be just like your vision.
    Have a great week.
    :=) Brenda

  42. What a great idea, to use another's table as your jumping-off place for inspiration. Wonderful table!

    Monet would feel right at home.


  43. I would like to thank everyone that has stopped by to see my tablescape and has left such nice comment....I just wanted to adress two questions that I have been asked...yes, I did bake the bread using the No-Knead bread recipe that I will post again is sooooo simple to make...And no, I didn't make the quilt. I buy them when I see a sale where they are one price for any size...Making a shower curtain from a quilt is still my favorite thing to do...Sue

  44. Very nice tablescape. I especially love the little Kingfisher teapot. What a treasure that is!

  45. Wonderful table! I've seen lots of blue and yellow used today and I just love that combination in decorating. I really like your blue glasses and the forsythia arrangement adds a beautiful touch of spring.


  46. You paint a lovely table!
    Love the use of the quilt, I like to do that too.
    Linda Q

  47. A very pretty table. My favorites are the blue glasses which remind me of Moon & Stars (I think it's called). You could definitely find it on eBay. It could be Fostoria, but the only pattern I know in Fostoria is like bumpy diamonds.

  48. Running late this week visiting blogs....again...LOVE IT
    Hope you had a great Tablescape Thursday

  49. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  50. What a hit! Love the Monet theme since I too visited Giverny. The blue and yellow are so fresh with the are so far ahead of us with your spring buds. Peggy from PA

  51. Sue,
    I love it!!!! Blue and Yellow my favorite combo. I've used quilts too for my tables and I just love yours. I want windsor back chairs so bad, there on my search list. I love yours. The whole tablescape is divine. Cindy

  52. How did I miss your post yesterday? Love all the Frenchy stuff, as well as the blue & yellow. Inherited from a rich relative - lol - that's a keeper! Can't wait to see your weekend post on Paris. Linda

  53. oh i love love love this post! you are full of creativity, not to mention great dishes! i love blue and yellow, and you are already looking pretty darn beachy too!

  54. Loooovveeee the tablescape...forsythia are among my favorites, and I can't wait until the weather gets warmer here. They grow like weeds here in NJ on the highways and I'm known to pull over with my garden shears in hand. Several times in one day, in fact. ;-)
