Wednesday, February 18, 2009

TABLESCAPE THURSDAY.............Postcards from the Edge.

My very first Tablescape Thursday hosted by talented tablescaper Susan at Yes, that's right folks, Sue still can't figure out links!! Anyhoo, you can go over to Susan's blog and see all the other participants and wonderful table setting ideas....

When I decided to join in on the fun I thought what would be a fun table to put together? Being a "World Renowned Souvenir Junkie"
I'm not talking tasteful classy souvenirs......No, I'm talking tacky stuff.....I'm the grown women at the Statue of Liberty
that buys then wears the green foam crown while touring Miss L.
So I dug out my massive collection of State Plates....Yes, those colorful but toxic dinner plates from the 1950's.......I say massive only because I have all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. and I'm currently working on a second set to leave the daughter in my will.
I also have picked up along the hi-ways and by-ways other souvenir plates like Atlantic City and Coney Island.......
Your probably wondering how I got started collecting these plates......I know what your really thinking. What made her start collecting "cheap crap"......Mom back in the 1950's had a collection. Whenever one of her friends would travel she would have them bring her back a plate. I loved those plates , they were so colorful, so happy......So I was surprised one day when she gave them all away to to local Rummage Sale.....When I started seeing them years and years later at flea markets here in Atlanta I started to buy them all up.......$2.00....$3.00 a piece until I was buying so many that the flea market dealers thought they really had something good and they raised the prices.....I stopped buying, prices went back down. Now that I have bored you with how I ended up here today with my Tablescape of Vintage State Plates I hope you enjoy my design.....

every table setting needs a menu......

A view from above.....

It's not just about Jersey....As you can see I have postcards as well, but that is a New Jersey embroidered napkin in the forefront and inside the basket is the matching placemat....All from

I spent every summer at the Jersey shore and we would take a day trip to the Boardwalk at Atlantic this is one of my favorite plates.....As you can see I have clear glass plates on top of the state plate just in case that paint is toxic......

New York!! another favorite......

I also collect green pitchers and thought they went well with all the other colors...

Closeup of the embroidered placemat....I only have two so that would explain why the whole table isn't set with them.....

We love the Garden State!!!

But, it's not all about New's a little Delaware thrown in.....

I just found this one recently and love the graphics......

Of course I also had to have the matching Jersey glasses.....Not old and also from Cat Studios.

Here's a pretty one.....some plates are painted nicer then others....Some also come in just one color like green or all blue....They are a bit more expensive.
I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at tablescaping and I look forward to joining in every week until I run out of ideas......

Starting this Friday night I will be having "Weekends in Paris"......for the next 14 weekends I will be posting pictures from all over's from both myself and the daughter...As alot of you know we spent a summer while daughter studied at the Sorbonne. We came home with 45 rolls of digital camera back then......and I picked the best of the best.....They will be shown in "like" groups.....I am also leaving the best for last. The apartment....and I use the term loosely.....that we lived in....If I showed you pictures of it first you might never come back......So stop back and spend your weekends in the City of Lights!!!


  1. What a fun tablescape!! I love the plates - I always look at them in the antique malls. Are they really toxic? But that's a clever idea using the clear plates with them. I can't wait for the Paris pictures to see if we have been to some of the same places. Great idea. Sally

  2. Now I am titally convinced we were separated at birth. Except that I was the fatter, homlier baby but I digress...
    I LOVE this. I have quite a few travel plates from all over the US and Europe. Most are on the wall where many people ask me WHY? WHY? because I LOVE them. But I really love yours. You even have the glasses and look at how you have it all arranged! It is perfect. being at such a table would be so delightful. are an amazing lady.


  3. Fun! Love your table....and all the different plates...


  4. Oh what fun! I really love this table you set! Happy TT...

  5. OK Sue...You've been keeping a secret from us!! This is great...can't be your first! You're a natural! I love the story that went with it. Your tablescape is so colorful and fun. And I can't wait for your Paris series to start! Great post...Debbie

  6. What an incredible collection - and a delightful tablescape!

  7. I think this is a fantastic idea! What a way to show off all you have collected and where you have been.

  8. Welcome to Tablescape Thursday! Oh, I love how you've set your table. It's so fun and bright. Your plates are so colorful and pretty! I guess you could set a clear glass plate over them and actually eat dinner that way your guest could see all the fun!
    Great job!Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :0

  9. You know, since we love to travel, I'd say this is the best tablescape I've ever seen! I love it!!! Can't wait to see the Paris photos!

  10. love it. You knew I would. I did join the fun and added my link at Susan's blog.
    Great collection!

  11. What fun! Yor post made me smile....very cute! Love the plates...Christine

  12. oh how i love this! i have always wanted to do a table like this, love it, love it, love it!

  13. What a fabulous collection you have and you have put everything together so beautifully. I love the menu with the map beneath. It makes me want to put my traveling shoes on. Bravo!

  14. This is a great idea! I have never seen any ideas like this. How fun! Everything looks wonderful.

  15. I love it! How very fun and creative for your first TT. Who knew you could do so much with travel plates! I better go dig some of mine out. Cindy

  16. Great idea to use those beautiful state plates! What a fun tablescape!

  17. Fun and Creative table! The menu on a map is cute! I can't believe you have all the states!!! Someday maybe you will display the NC one??? Thanks for sharing! :D Jewel

  18. What a great idea to use with your state plates, I'd never thought to do that , I have some starting back from the 70's, we use to buy them when we'd go on vacations, they've been packed away for years, loved your table setting

  19. Cool state plates and the postcards were a nice touch. How fun!


  20. Great theme and I love your collection. I never cease to be amazed by the creativity in the setting of tables. I couldn't quite make out the menu but I'll bet it's a fun one!


  21. Love the story, love the plates. Well done, thanks for sharing, Maryrose

  22. What a great idea for a tablescape--from one east coast girl to another, love it! I am looking forward to your photos from Paris--I will live vicariously through all of your memories, since I don't know if I will ever get there myself.

  23. This was a delight! Love the vintage plates and pottery!

  24. I love your first tablescape theme ... it's wonderful! Found you thru Susan's blog and I'll be back.

  25. Love the tablescape!!! The post cards are such a great touch!!! And, I always liked the Virginia plate-- I like the pink border!! :) With all the state plates you have you could actually host a tablescape for a banquet!! :)

  26. What a super fun theme! So much to look at.

    *Really Rainey

  27. Welcome to the fun of Tablescape Thursdays. Love, love, love you table with its uniqueness of plates. What a fun table. Peggy from PA

  28. FUN state theme! It's like traveling around your table!

  29. I absolutely love your states tablescape! I would collect all sorts of things if my husband wasn't around to rein me in lol. Kitsch is fun!!!! And I think it's great you actually put them out on the table to use them. Just could have 50 of your closest friend over lol. Love how you combines your beautiful green pitchers in too. Nice touch!

  30. Hello again, I wanted you to know I got the Paris fabric at Beverly's Fabrics. I don't know if you have one where you live. I live in California, but maybe you can google them.

  31. Oh Sue, this is a fabulous post .. I love your dishes .. would you like mugs to go with them? I have a collection of airport souvenir shop mugs .. kitschy and cheap, er, inexpensive ... and would happily give them to you .. I have many of the states and several from Europe ... just say the word

  32. Hi Sue...

    I'm just coming from Susan's Tablescape Thursday...this is my first time to visit your very nice to meet you!

    Girl, I just love your "Postcards from the Edge"'s so unique...and soooo much fun! Congrats on your very first tablescape...I love it!!! I couldn't believe it but I have a green pitcher just like yours (the larger one)! It's perfect for the centerpiece...filled with fresh flowers!

    Well my new found friend, I love honey and I spent our honeymoon there about 3 yrs. ago! So I added your blog to my "follow list" and you can count me in for the weekend trip to Paris via your photos!

    Warmest wishes,

  33. how fun and so creative!!!

  34. Very cute! And of course I love the NY things the best!
    Southampton, NY

  35. What a neat collection! I bet your plates are just wonderful. I love what you have shown so far.

  36. This is so creative and so much fun. I collect state plates as well, but all of mine are from Arkansas, my home state. Cat Studio is another of my favorites.

  37. I Love your tablescape. I was in the Atlanta Jr League Re-sale store a few weeks ago and I found some state plates and did not buy them. Was thinking of them all night and went back the next day and they were sold..wonder if you purchased them? I hope you are coming to the luncheon in Atlanta on the first Monday of March as I would enjoy meeting you in person..lots in common..Jersey shore in the summers! I will be looking out for a little red VW and honk if I see you around town.

  38. Yipee! Sue's a tablescaper! I LOVE this! Except I want to hold each plate and read and see everything that's on 'em! That's pretty smart...putting the clear glass one on top...great way to use them. I loved your all tied together so well! Looking forward to seeing a bit of Paris! Susan
    P.S. Don't forget to pick up Debbie's Tablescaper's also posted on my sidebar...if you want to copy and paste it from there. Anyone who posts a tablescape gets to post it on their sidebar. :-)

  39. how fantastic! the plates are terrific and you put them together beautifully! you actually made new jersey a place i might want to go back to someday....maybe. my hubs grew up there and calls it the armpit of the united states. there are some great parts to new jersey tho and the beach is definitely one of them.

  40. Sue those plates are so fun! What a great thing to collect! You did great with that tablescape - so cute and clever!


  41. What a fun tablescape! Welcome to TT!
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  42. What fun Sue! I have a few souvenir plates myself -- given to me as gift from my sister-in-law when she went on vacations.

    What I like to collect is postcards that have the state flower, and state bird etc, for every state I visit. It's like keeping a little travelogue.

    If you need anything from NYC let me know and I'll keep my eye for you!

  43. I have a few state plates and others, but have not figured out how to display them yet. Love your tablescape. That is a great idea.

  44. I really enjoyed the post. I have never heard of a "tablescape." It was very interesting and I liked your sharing your memories of your childhood.

  45. This was a very fun tablescape! I actually have a plate like those, from the Atlantic Highlands. It never occurred to me to use it in a table setting. Very cool.
    ♥, Susan
