Friday, February 6, 2009


If you ever find yourself standing out in front of your local post the rain...and your electronic car key battery has just died.....before you panic and call your husband to come bring you the other set of keys.....You know the keys that you just found after they have been lost right under your nose for the past two years......and he has to drive his shiny new truck in the rain that he wasn't happy about but did it anyway.....and before you run back into the post office to use their phone because.....well, you have no need for a cell phone.........before you do all that......try that wacky looking key in that hole that is on the door handle of the drivers side of the car.....Yes, the drivers side door handle......Not the passenger key hole in that handle....and you'll be so surprised that the damn key actually opens the door the old fashioned way and it even can start the car......who knew!!!


  1. By Golly!! I had to go out into the garage and check - sure enough, there is a key hole on the driver's side and not the passenger. Don't feel stupid - I would have done the same thing. Oh yes, and my cell phone would have been locked in the car. Sally

  2. Sue - that's just funny. Don't feel stupid though, we all do things like that. Like putting slippers in the fridge and the milk in the closet !!

  3. Sue,

    You made me laugh. Us ladies (in general) put it right out there (when we do something silly, not stupid) but a "man" NEVER would admit to defeat and thinking of a "man," why didn't your hubby tell you to put it in the lock when you called him? Ahhh... he didn't know that either, did he? LOL

    Gotta love those hubsters though for coming to our rescue even if it meant getting the truck wet.

  4. You had me laughing today. That would have been a good one for one of Lynette's "Nope, not me" things. Lynette is over at L.A.M. I don't know if you have seen her "Nope, not me" memes recently. Also I never notice the thing about no key hole on the passenger side. Our car is too old for that thingymajig. But the keyhole on that side does not work. We will really be in a pickle if the keyhole on the driver's side also quits working.

  5. Key missing for two years? What about the car key that fell inside of one of the boxes when I was moving back from law school or college or one of those... didn't we find that one years later too?

    Again. I come back to me calling you after trying to start the 300D while it was in drive and wondering why it wouldn't work! (I still occasionally find myself turning off the wagon while it's in drive. One of these days the transmission is just going to fall out of that car!)

  6. Ha! The things we get used to that never exsisted 20 years ago! I don't know about you but life just gets more and more complicated. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Mimi

  7. Hey, that could happen to anyone! :-)

  8. Hey Sue...What a hoot! We forget about the old-fashoined way of doing things so quickly, don't we? My car has roll-up windows...with cranks. I didn't want the electronic ones because I spent half of the time with my old car going through the drive-through at McDonald's with my door open because my window wouldn't go down!! lol But now people who ride in my car press all kinds of buttons trying to roll down the windows! lol Loved your post! have a great weekend...Debbie

  9. All menopausal women have senior moments or "stupid" moments---I lose things, keys especially constantly, have lost cell phones, ATM cards, and even purses...its OK Sue, your humourous take on the situation is soooo lovable!

  10. so funny. i am forever doing boneheaded things. you however, realized your way out of it. me? i'd still be standing there in the rain waiting for my hubs who would also begrudgingly come to "save" me like your hubby did but then he'd endlessly tease me for the fact that i didn't just put the key in the lock and unlock it the "old-fashioned" way.

  11. LOL! I had a friend that did that exact same thing! We get so used to remote controls don't we?

  12. LOL, Sue! What a scream! Sounds very, very familiar. :-)



  13. Ha...this is soooo funny...sounds like something I would do for sure! We get so used to doing things one way...we forget we have "options." :-) One of my co-workers once locked her keys in her car and called her DH...who pointed out to her when he got there that one of the windows was rolled down in the car. She said she would never call him again if she locked herself out, no matter what! She's never heard the end of it! LOL I just realized I hadn't answered you about the heart cake pan. My DH was in the service for 20+ years so I have PX priviledges and that's where I found the Wilton Heart cake pan. I know that isn't very helpful. You may be able to go to their website online and look at what retailers carry that pan...or who knows, you may be able to order it directly from them. And there's always eBay...seems like you can find anything on there! Susan

  14. Hi Sue,
    I was in Michaels today doing a little shopping and guess what...they have the Wilton heart pan. Just wanted to let you know. :-)

  15. Hi Sue! That sounds like fun! I'm in Buford, near the Mall of Georgia. I don't know the other ladies. I'm off to visit their blogs!...Debbie

  16. Hi Sue...I tried to find their blogs and couldn't. Could you give me their blog addresses so I can go meet them? Thanks...Debbie

  17. funny story...and good to know as I think I would have called my husband immediately.

  18. Makes me glad once again I dont own a car ... good post!

  19. Oh my! My blonde hair must be showing because you had me! I had no idea how you'd get in :) LOL So glad it worked out for you!

  20. LOL...I'm so glad you warned me...sheeesh how embarrassing if I made that same mistake!!!

  21. Oh my, I'm laughing my head off here! Hope your hubby didnt actually show up with the keys?

  22. are too funny. ;-) This would SO happen to me.
