Monday, February 9, 2009

ROASTED TOMATO TART................

One of the things I love about blogging is finding all the talented women that share their talents with the world......from decorating to art and photography
and my all time favorite cooking and baking....
I came across this wonderful Tomato Tart on the blog of Panini Girl...
The Boss loves his tomatoes, he eats them with every meal, every day..
Even breakfast!!
So I'm always looking for something interesting to make especially in the winter when tomatoes are at their worst.
Being from Jersey we know a good tomato when we taste one and believe me winter plum or Roma tomatoes leave alot to be desired....But Panini Girl was correct when she said if you roast them in this tart they will taste wonderful......and I'm here to report that they sure do....
Add some sauteed onions and alittle Asiago and Parmesan cheeses and your in for a treat.
Here's the simple recipe....If you enjoy summer tomatoes you will enjoy this....
Bon Apetit!!

1 1/2 cup of all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 stick (8 ounces) plus 1 tablespoon of cold butter
About 1/2 cup of ice water
in a bowl toss the flour and the salt. Cut in the butter until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Using a fork, stir in the ice water by tablespoons until the dough holds together when pressed. Sprinkle in more water if needed. Flatten the dough into a disk, wrap well and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes before rolling out......For all you lazy can use a Pillsbury pie crust in the red box....Not the frozen kind...Not that I'm saying anyone is lazy....I use Pillsbury any chance I get, I really do hate to make dough....I have a flour issue between me and my kitchen floor....
Tart Filling.....
2 1/2 pounds yellow onions, coarsely chopped....I used 2 large onions. I have no idea how many pounds they were.
6 sprigs of thyme leaves
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil.....or as Rach says...."EVOO"....
Salt and freshly ground pepper
3 Ounces of Asiago cheese....I used about 5-6 slices then diced it.
1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
1 pound of Plum or Roma tomatoes
1 egg beaten for the egg wash.
In a large saute pan cook the onions in 3 tablespoons of olive oil over very low heat until the onions are light brown..Season with salt and pepper and add 2 teaspoons of thyme.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.Roll out the dough on a lightly floured board to about a 14" circle. Spread the onions over the dough leaving a 2' border. Crumble the cheese over the top of the onions then overlap the tomatoes in a ring on top of the cheese. Season with salt and pepper, then drizzle the remaining olive oil and sprinkle with the rest of the thyme...You can also use fresh rosemary.....whatever you like. Fold up the dough and pleat the border. Brush the dough with the beaten egg.
Bake until the crust is golden, about 30 minutes. Can be served hot or at room temperature. serves 4-6 as a main course or 8-10 as an appetizer......
This would be a great meal to take along on a picnic lunch.....when the weather gets warmer ofcourse!!


  1. That looks and sounds wonderful! Thank you for that recipe. I spent some time reading back through your blog - i have missed alot! We both made lampshades....we both made biscotti...the only thing I didn't do was go to Harley Davidson!

  2. Sue, I just read my husband the recipe and I got the go ahead to make it--I made him a vegetarian chili tonight over a bed of polenta, and he hated it!! Which is unusal--I don't know what I did wrong...thanks for sharing this.

  3. Hi Sue

    I made a tmato taert in the summer when I had a lot of fresh tomatoes to use up and it was heavenly! I'll try your recipe next tiem I buy tomatoes.

  4. Oh Sue...This looks good! I can't wait until March 2nd!!...Debbie

  5. Oh Sue, that looks wonderful! I'm so glad I visited this morning. Now I'll have to make this soon.

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Sue, did you steal my recipe??? I'm joking of course! You can't know how many times I make this tart in the summer when I have fresh tomatoes in the garden. Exactly as yours, I add also olives, because I love them! It's a wonderful tart... I have to confess I buy ready made dough.
    Write you back soon :-) Have a nice day.

  7. Good Grief. I'm starving. This looks so good.
    And your bedroom makeover is perfection. What a good job you did.
    Found you at Shelagh Duffet's lovely blog.

  8. sue, this looks delicious.
    i posted a recipe today too.
    you should link and share it on the tasty tuesday site!
    thanks. can't wait to try it!

  9. I love your blog but damn everytime I visit I click away hungry .. you are not good for my waistline!

  10. Of course I can cook!! Someone around here has to; but even after all of these years, I don't find any joy in it. The meringue dessert is really easy - no talent there - just need to remember to finish it up on the second day!! I've had the crud for three days - no cooking here right now. It's a good thing I made the V-day dessert last weekend. He has been eating on it while I've been sick. Take care. Sally

  11. That tart is amazing! Yum!! Also, love the bedroom redo a couple of blogs ago....really nice! Linda

  12. This does sound delish. I threw a couple of tomatos away last week they were so mushy and tasteless. I don't think you could look pitiful unless you really tried. Mimi

  13. That looks soooo good. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.

  14. HOLY CANNOLI, this looks ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I'm with the Boss, tomatoes do it for me too!! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  15. Sue-glad that the tart was a hit-yours looks gorgeous! Un abbraccio, Panini Girl

  16. Oh my gosh this looks fantastic! Tahnks for sharing, I can't wait to try it!
