Tuesday, February 10, 2009

SCENE AROUND GEORGIA.........some pictures to ponder.

Pretty shoes.......pretty girl

sunrise.... Jekyll Island

self explanatory

neighborhood kitty

trees and the power of the wind.....Jekyll Island

Lake Hartwell

Poor thing....is that a lock around his neck?
seen on the campus of Berry College

Stars and Stripes....
the annual quilt show...Cobb County Civic Center
Berry College

Colorful feathers in the snow


  1. Nice pics..love the blog title and of course the license plate :)

  2. Tell where to get those shoes, they are so pretty,

  3. Hi Sue...Great photos!! Love the one at Jekyll Island! Looking forward to March 2nd!!!...Debbie

  4. Isn't Jekyll Island where the Gorgeous John Kennedy married the beautiful blonde girl?

  5. Sue, those are some wonderful photographs. And I want those SHOES! SO cute! :-)

    Loved all of the other shots, too. You're good!


    Sheila :-)

  6. oh....i'm really missing georgia right now. especially jekyll island. we also loved st. simon's and cumberland islands too. the armadillos are incredible there! thanks for sending me back for a little visit! great pictures.

  7. cumberland island is where john kennedy and caroline were married...at the greystone inn i think it's called.

  8. Pretty pics! I have driven over Lake Hartwell many times on the way to Fl...Someday I plan on going to Atlanta and doing the Scott's Market...Maybe you, Manuela and I can meet!

  9. Great pictures! Love the shoes. My brother in law re-finishes those old coke machines. He has one in his home that I love!

  10. Hi Sue,
    I enjoyed your photos. Cute shoes.

    The tomato tart in the previous post looks delicious! I will have to try it.


  11. Cool chickens, and hey, those are my feet in those shoes! ;)

  12. Fabulous photos .. I am truly loving your vanity plates

  13. Great pics...I love love LOVE the one of the shoes!

    That tomato tart in your last post looked too good to be true! James made a pizza on the grill last week that was SO yummy...I should post a pic and recipe of it the next time he makes it.

  14. Wonderful pictures...although I did get distracted by the pizza tart on the next post and almost forgot to leave a comment on this one lol

  15. well way to make me homesick! These pictures are lovely. They provoke so much.

  16. Wonderful photos! If you are joisy girl am I fuhgedaboudit girl? LOL!

  17. Hey Sue, I stopped in after seeing your comment at Tami's place. The pics are great...that thing on the cows neck is a transponder for a computer feeder - when she walks up to the grain feeder she'll get the appropriate amount of feed for her level of milk production. A daily printout will also tell the farmer if she's not eating, great way to catch a sick cow early. I know...probably more info than you wanted. heehee

  18. Great shots Sue!! Jekyll Island looks beautiful...Happy Valentines Day!

  19. Of course, you know which picture I like best.

    The Joisey Gal ;-)
