Wednesday, February 4, 2009

DECORATING CENTS......A Bedroom Makeover.

I have been so inspired by all the decorating going on in the Blog World that I thought it was about time that I re-decorated our master bedroom. Always impressed with the $500.
make-overs on Decorating Cents on HGTV I set out to change the whole look of the room on the cheap.
The blue carpet was replaced a few years ago but everything else is exactly what I had to start with. I think Joan would be proud......

Ta Da!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I simplified things as you can came all the wall stuff. That big bookcase got moved to another wall. I was able to keep the mini blinds finding a pillow at IKEA that had green in it and also in the fabric I covered the lampshades in....the carpet is now a speckled beige similar to a berber......The 2 little red bedside tables were a bargain at IKEA....Thanks to the Boss they went from flat cardboard box and instructions to what you see.....They have cute yellow striped paper inside the drawers.....

The bedding was found on The set consisted of a box pleated dust ruffle, 2 king size shams, 2 throw pillows, 1 bolster pillow and the king comforter. The embroidered pillow was found at IKEA.

Here is what the 2 lamps looked like before spray paint and a little work on the shades....those are little lady bug buttons crawling up the shade of the green lamp....My kitchen is now without a table lamp.....Goodie!! More shopping is needed.....

Here is the lamp after........I found Waverly fabric that I had in the basement from years ago .....the colors were perfect.....Notice the little cup and saucer. It's from the 1950's.....Howard Johnson diner china found on E-Bay and purchased for me by.......who else......The Boss. I have the whole place setting....

I was so undecided about what to re-hang over the bed....This won out. We bought the print at the Trocodaro Maritime Museum in Paris....we had it framed when we got back. I love all the nautical flags.......

A closeup of the shade fabric.....

Notice how nicely the lampshade goes with the design of the pillow....I bought one without knowing I had the other......

My little collection of terriers.....Boo was a bit jealous until I told him that he wouldn't have to share his food with them.....These were all found at the Lakewood Flea Market in Atlanta....

Here's is one of my favorite gifts of all times.....My good friend, Mrs. Duval does beautiful crochet work...She gave me this doilie years ago. Not a good match with my rustic style furnishings I didn't want to just put it away in a drawer so I framed it....I found an inexpensive deep shadow box frame and used a bit of wallpaper for the background.....If you look close at the right hand corner you will see I had her sign and date it.....I think it's a very special way to display a very special piece....thank you Helen!!

the trunk at the foot of the bed holds extra pillows and blankets. I bought it over 35 years ago in Chester New Jersey at a wonderful flea market they used to have out in a big field....I still remember lugging it all the way back to the car....A real bargain for $50.00....all solid wood.

And I know you would wonder what is on the other side of the room.....this shows part of a wall unit that houses our DVD's (yes, they are in alphabetical order not by my choice...) books and collectibles....The curio cabinet is where the Howard Johnson plates reside......

I hope you enjoyed seeing the make-over now here is what is all cost......
1 gallon of Ralph Lauren paint in Writer's Parchment
1 pint of Ralph Lauren paint for the cranberry wall
1 can of cream colored spray paint for the lamps
a few paint supplies
$57.00 at Home Depot

One embroidered large throw pillow
IKEA $24.99
two bedside labor
IKEA $59.00 each.
Bed ensemble
dustruffle, 2 king shams, 2 throw pillows (with the inserts) 1 bolster and a king comforter
Smart Bargains......$119.00 free shipping

Total $318.99


  1. I love the new look of your room! I love the price too. Thank you for sharing with me how you did your lamp shade. I will try that next time. I love your lamp. You did a great job on it.
    Thanks a million,

  2. Hey Sue! I love your makeover...and on such a budget! Yes, Joan would be proud! If you keep this up, they'll be knocking on your door and you'll be working alongside that lady that always wears the hats! lol I love the Ho Jo plates...a favorite place to eat when I was little! You did the shades??? I am sooo impressed! You should do a tutorial on Metamorphosis Monday at Susan's (Between Naps on the Porch). Great job!!! And I love the price tag!!!...Debbie

  3. Fabulous .. but in the first photo to the side of the bed is what looks like a mini fridge with a glass door .. what is that

    And if you like vintage dishes, check out

  4. I saw your comment on Liz's blog (Mabel's House) about her Happy Homes. If you look at the front page of my blog, there's a picture of my house which is a few houses down from the two she posted pictures of. Very odd mix of houses, for sure. What's even stranger, there are these enormous homes on one side and then tiny little cottages directly across the street from them. Very eclectic. Definitely better, in my opinion, than the neighborhoods of identical houses. But unexpected, for sure.

  5. I can't believe the difference in the lamp and shade. I've tried my hand at doing lampshades with success, and want to do some more. Thanks for the inspiration. Sally

  6. It looks so much more restful. I love the bedding, night stands and lamps together, look great!

  7. I think it looks so much brighter! I always use Ralph Lauren paint, too! It is the best!

  8. A-ha! Someone spotted the fridge... ;) And, what's this about the DVD's in alphabetical order not by your choice? Obviously, some of my OCD tendencies come from the Daaad. I used to keep all of my DVDs in alphabetical order (and Jake would come over and rearrange them just to piss me off!) Ah, those were the good old days. Now I just have DVDs scattered about the house and Miss B. loves to move them all around. She dropped "Open Range" behind our headboard a month ago and it's still there... my arms are too short to be able to retrieve it!

  9. Oh wow. I love it, but then, I also love the before! I know, I am no fun huh? Anyhoo. Great monds and all that...I bought that pillow at IKEA just because I loved it! I alos have atrunk almost exactly like yours. LOVED the bowed top so much. Ours also holds comforters and blankets.
    Your collections are wonderful. being a collector myself, I am easily smitten by the great stuff others mean gather!
    *I* am the hoarder!

    I think it al llooks so fresh and bright and perfect. Joan would be proud. You did good there Sue. Mighty good!


  10. I love your new stuff. It looks freshened up for sure. I have a couple little terriers too. I'm on my way to IKEA tomorrow with some friends. I'll have to check out their pillows. Mimi

  11. Your new bedroom looks less fussy, streamlined and very up to date. I love anything IKEA, but Haverty's and Pottery Barn are at the other end of the money spectrum.
    Good job!

  12. You did such a fabulous job! I can't believe how beautifully you covered that lamp shade...and it sure does tie in with the pretty pillow. You simplified things without losing any of the charm and warmth. WELL DONE!

  13. looks great! I love the lamp.


  14. Great redecor! It looks so beautiful simplified!

  15. Oh Sue, what a dramatic change! I love the new look. The pillow from IKEA is beautiful! I think the colors would work on MY bed! I think Joan would be quite proud, and you had money left over! Thanks for letting me know I inspired you... now I can check it off that I have "inspired someone!"

  16. What fun to see the makeover in detail! Love that floral pillow!It is so satisfying to get things done isn't it!

  17. Good job on the makeover! It looks great! You did a marvelous job on that lampshade! That's still something I haven't had the nerve to tackle. The IKEA tables are darling!


  18. Yay, Sue!!! A makeover after my own heart. I am incredibly jealous of your perfect HoJo diner china. How fabulous! And that trunk for $50! You've reminded me of Chester...I should head back there. We're thinking -- and by "we" I mean the Mister, and I can't believe he thought of this all by himself! -- a pew for the long wall in "The Napoleon Room." Chester would be a great place to look…I’ve been to some fine antique shops there. Road trip!

  19. Hi Sue, what a great re-do! You really did make Joan proud. I love the little terriers, I collect doggies too.

    Have a great day...Bonnie

  20. Great job! We are in the process of transforming our bedroom too. Love the red and the trunk is awesome. I'd love to find something like that at a flea market.
