Monday, December 15, 2008

AND THE CRITTER IS............................

We have "flying squirrels" in the, I know what your thinking...cute little squirrels, kinda like Rocky.........No, these things look like a cross between a squirrel and a bat....I guess he thought he could keep our Moose company...........Wednesday the guy comes back out to extract them from the attic where it seems they have set up shop......the house will also be sealed up from the outside so hopefully they won't be able to get back in......Can you say....."Creepy".....


  1. I glad you at least know what they are! Now, I hope you can get rid of them - oooh creepy, yea? Sally

  2. Gross!! Not cute at ALL! Here's hoping those suckers fly somewhere else.

  3. Oooh...nope. I would want him somewhere other than in my house. He has gotta go.


  4. Flying squirrel? Oh my goodness! I am glad you are getting rid of them and you can get some sleep again!

  5. Sue, I cannot tell you how terrified I'd be!!! FLYING squirrels... regular squirrels freak me out... they're just so darn skittish.

    It makes me laugh though because it reminds me of my old apartment in Jersey before I moved to DC. I lived there for a few years and during that time, I had encounters with squirrels, a dead mouse (ick!), and a bat flying around the apartment. It was the worst. Now that we live in the city, the biggest problems are pesty pigeons living under the a/c units and the occasional cockroach. I think I'd take a squirrel though over the gross cockroaches! They get HUGE here in the city! Yuck!

  6. Oh my! I hope they use a 'have a heart" traps and deposit the little critters in the woods somewhere. I can only imagine how much noise they are making in your attic! We once had a squirrel in our attic running back and forth -- he chewed right through the wood of the rafters to get in! We had to seal it with aluminum.

    To answer your comment -- St Patrick's doesn't allow many weddings to take place -- they aren't a parish but the seat of the archdiocese of NYC. Therefore they refer most weddings to parish churches. I'm not sure how you can petition to be one of the weddings they do allow, but I know they are rare. I'm sure the waiting list to be married there would be years long otherwise.

  7. Sue! They have it on Amazon and on DVD too!I ordered a copy for my Mom as an extra Christmas gift. Uh huh. I have long loved this just gets me and I love that you understand what I mean! I know some of the *back stories* about it as the whole Robert Walker/Jennifer Jones stuff but I just like to think about them IN the movie, not outside of it. Does that make sense? It is such a sweet and gentle matter how many times I see it, I always burst into tears when the train is pulling away and she runs along side of it shouting goodbye...

    And I also see you love Manhattan Murder Mystery too! We LOVE that film!! Classic Keaton/Allen!!

  8. Actually I think they are cute!! And it could have been something gross, slimy and ugly lol

  9. My father had one as a pet when he was a boy. LOL! I'm glad you figured out what it was and how you can humanely get them out of there. It's scary to hear things like that!



  10. Oh my gosh! That is creepy.

