Saturday, December 13, 2008


Never a dull moment in this household.....As I was getting ready to go to bed last night the "Boss" decided it was time for a snack...he knows this drives me crazy but being the good wife that I am I complied and went into the kitchen to get him some soup and biscuits...As I was leaving the kitchen to walk into the family room I hear what sounded like the Radio City Rockettes dancing on the ceiling directly above my head....directly above my head would be the location of our hallway outside the bathroom on the second floor of the house....This was loud folks and scared the hell out of me....I stopped in my tracks and start yelling at the husband..."There's an animal in the house, there's an animal in the house"....I knew for sure a herd of "something wild" would soon be running down the staircase to attack us...I immediately got the Boo dog up and into the safeness of our bedroom...I had to do this by luring him with a trail of cookies as he heard nothing and seemed annoyed that I woke him..........Husband gets up and comes to the area of noise.....He declares very matter of factly......"something is out on the deck".....Now, if I have anything at this age that works well it's my hearing....I'm like Aunt Betheny in Christmas Vacation......a bit confused but I hear things no one else can....The noises are getting louder and the scratching is getting more intense and my blood pressure is rising....Not because of impending danger but because the husband is explaining to me how it's impossible for anything to get between the two floors of the house....I felt like I was at a home building seminar at the Home Depot.....He was explaining all about floor joists and beams and stuff and I wasn't buying any of it.......All I knew was if I were to go to bed at some point during the night I would wake up with something eating my face....

So it's now 1:00 a.m. and I'm falling asleep sitting on the couch with my eyes affixed to the ceiling just waiting and husband is telling me his favorite line "Would you just relax"..........In the meantime (and I actually was tempted to get out the camera and take a picture of this for all to see) He is now up on the second floor landing "pantsless" wielding his shotgun....Hey, we live in the South you have to own a shotgun....I envisioned him blasting a hole into the wall and hitting a water pipe....But he was prepared just in case.......Ofcourse he tried to convince me that whatever it was it was more then likely just a small "baby" squirrel that got inside and couldn't find his way out.....At one point we were outside with the big flashlight circling the house looking for holes in the cedar siding, we did have pants on at that point.........He insisted that in order for the critter to be between floors, and not just up in the attic, it had to have come though at mid level.....It was getting very late so I finally gave in and went into bed with my faithful companion at my side for protection.....that would be Boo.....I shut the bedroom door leaving the husband to defend the homestead.........At 5:00 a.m. Boo woke me up to take him out, Boss was sleeping like a baby...........I got up and when I went to leave the bedroom not only was the door closed but the door was locked.....So much for the "Boss" thinking it was just a baby squirrel.......
Sunday Morning Update...................
Waking up this morning I found the bedroom door locked again so I knew the "Beast" was back....After I went to bed last night while husband was watching "The Smoking Gun" between car crashes he heard 30 small animals playing football in balled up newspaper up in the rafters.....We're going to have to give the creature a name if he spends one more night....either that or give him a bill.....


  1. OMG, So you do not know if it was an animal? I hope no one was in your house. That would scare the hell out of me and yes, we have a gun for the same reason.

  2. so WHAT WAS IT?? Do you know? I would be freaked out too...that "face eating" thing would keep me up all night!!

  3. lol! I just got a mental picture of a pantsless guy with a shotgun! Hope your little visitors go away soon, maybe some traps in the attic?

  4. You do know how to write don't you?
    I love to read your posts...


  5. Thanks for stopping by today. Those snowmen (and the Santa Claus in the same picture) were made by grand daughter, Caitlin, in her preschool years. She always thinks it's neat that I still put them in my utensil crock every Christmas. I wouldn't disappoint her for anything!!! Sally

  6. OK...this line..."I'm like Aunt Betheny in Christmas Vacation"...made me love you that much more. was Santa?


  7. Oh my gosh! What a story.


  8. What a funny story, scary too, I always think things are in my house like rats or birds or something!! I have never heard of a flying squirrel though!! Hope you get those critters out before Christmas.

  9. That is wild. I would be so scared, that is if I heard it in the first place. If my hearing aids were off, I would not hearing anything, but maybe I would feel the vibrations, if it was a big enough critter. Then that would scare me. I can't win. Hope you do though.

  10. Sue - Happy holidays to you too! Have a wonderful time on you trip and give Miss B a hug and kiss from us. Isabella would just love to get her hands on her with a big squeeze.
