Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today Atlanta Wildlife Services came out to the homestead to check out our critter problem...4 guys showed up and began working on the roof........I was impressed that it was a team of four.
We explained the situation to them and they got to work......To our surprise this is what they discovered living up in our attic................

I knew it....I told the husband it sounded like a band of terrorists were trying to take over the house..

They discovered this was the ring leader and general "squirrel troublemaker"........

The "Boss" was no match for this guy......He laughed telling the story of how the Boss got his shotgun the other night in case they broke through the ceiling.....Overheard by the wildlife guys was this hot shot saying...."Was that big guy kidding....I bet he didn't even have Ammo in that thing".....

And then they found the Red Cross had set up shop just in case there were any fatalities when the extraction took place....You know you could break a nail getting in and out of those traps...

I was highly insulted when they found the Squirrels version of 'Top Chef"......I thought I was the only cook in the house......So that's what we've been smelling.....

ofcourse they sleep during the day.....just like the Boss....

They discovered this one who apparently was from the North and heard that we were having cold weather down here....

This was insult to injury......How dare they try to steal my shrine to the Lady in the Harbor..
"Give us your tired..your poor...your huddled squirrels......"

Okay....this one was sunning itself under the skylight in the bedroom.....

The last thing the guys saw was my red convertible going down the driveway.......This was the last straw when I checked my wallet and my B.P. credit card was missing.......I'm hoping this is the last we see of them...but just in case the Wildlife Service has a lifetime guarantee

the squirrel in these pictures is a real grey squirrel that is kept as a pet by a lady in Florida...Who knew they were so photogenic!!
that lovely house is not hoo....


  1. TOO FUNNY!!! At least you were infested by stylish and intelligent squirrels...not some dead beat trashy rodents!!! Great post...thanks for the laughs!!!

  2. Wow! Read your back posts and can't believe all the racket. Well, now I know why. There was an entire squirrel village up there. Complete with costumes, no less!!

  3. Funny and fun post! So cute and clever. Wanted to thank you for visiting me and for the birthday wishes. All the mice I mean nice comments really made my day. You are talking about squirrels and I am typing "mice"? LOL! I checked online and discovered my cake plate pattern also came in blue and yellow. I was surprised when I found that out.

  4. Hahahahahahaha! I needed a chuckle tonight...sorry it was at your expense. ;-)

  5. OH MY GOD...these are laugh out loud funny! Looks like squirrels on Broadway!

  6. How fun! Very clever post! You had me going for a moment there...really..of course, I have insomnia tonight and I guess I would have believed anything I read!

  7. OMG! This is funny. I am glad it wasn't a person but this post is so cute!!!!

  8. LOL! So cute - I have to show this post to my daughter when she gets home - too funny! We had a squirrel freeze to death on the eaves of our NJ home one very cold winter. For days we had to look at a frozen dead squirrel - only in NJ!


  9. Lol, these are too cute! Awww, poor little things, sure you couldn't make just a little room for them? Glad you got the little stinkers out of the house, maybe you can get some rest and the boss can put the shotgun away:>)

  10. You are hysterical, and hopefully now you can sleep at night without those terrorists up in the attic!! Happy Holidays.

  11. This is hysterical! Thank you so much for the smiles and laughs. I need it and you offered them right up!
    Squirrels are such fashionable and intelligent creatires! Who knew??


  12. Hilarious! I think we may have one in our walls, I keep hearing funny noises.
    And Sue NO, I did not like Mama Mia, I wanted to but just could not.
    Tonight I watched a French film, 'Avenue Montaigne'.
    Not bad...

  13. Aren't those little rats with fluffy tails so cute?? I'm so glad that only my yard is infested and not my house. My trusty watch cat keeps all critters out.

  14. What a hoot! LOL!

    Too, too funny...


    Sheila :-)
