Thursday, October 9, 2008


We had no sooner finished breakfast this morning when the Boss wanted to know what was for lunch....did I mention we had just finished eating? Not one to be caught off guard I immediately said..."strudel, we'll have strudel"......this pleased the Boss. I was able to fend him off for a few hours as he claims he was simply inquiring about lunch, he wasn't ready to eat again. That was good....I had another package of phyllo dough in the fridge and figured I could do something interesting with it. I also had some cheddar cheese sauce left over from last nights dinner....This could be very interesting.....I made a salmon/tuna strudel. Now I know your not suppose to mix cheese with fish, that's a big no no, but I used the cheddar sauce and drizzled it over the strudel. Might sound yucky but is canned salmon and tuna really fish? I mixed the tuna and salmon with some lemon juice, salt, pepper, an egg and some saut'eed leek...I also added a bit of grated white cheddar. After rolling up the strudel I brushed it with more butter and sprinkled it with poppy go as a side dish I made up a quick batch of cole slaw with an apple cider vinegar/sour cream dressing and popped it into the freezer, because it just tastes better icy cold....I thought it tasted pretty good although I would have used just solid white tuna instead of the salmon....But the Big Guy liked it so much he went for seconds......He hasn't asked yet when dinner will be served, but give him time it's only been an hour.....................


  1. Hi Sue, So glad to meet you! I used hot glue to cover my lampshade. Just a bead around each side and then I used it to glue down the seam binding to hide the edges. I am hoping it will peel off easily if I want to change the fabric. Hope that helps. That salmon strudel looks really good! I love salmon:>)

  2. OH MY just whip together all this exotic stuff and make this fancy schmancy it was nothin! If I make a tunafish sandwhich I think I've done something amazing! You are now my new cooking hero!
    As far as your comment on my last post...I'm not sure how so many people found's really kind of freaky! I did have alot of friends from RMS that came to the blogging world and we sorta found each other. Plus I visit a lot of blogs and leave comments. I think thats the quickest way to build up to visit! Of course you're so busy making magic in the kitchen I don't know how you'll find I just throw something in the microwave for 10 seconds and I'm off to blog land lol

  3. I would hardly call tuna out of a can exotic stuff but hey, if the husband will eat it that's all that matters...I do love that dog of yours....

  4. Wow you are good with the recipes whipping something fabulous up out of simple ingredients.

    Love your photography of the city. Makes me want to go.

    Yeah I am excited to be a grandma but my daughter lives quite a ways from me too. So I hope we will get to see the baby often....or I just may have to move! :)
    Thanks for your kind words.

