Thursday, October 9, 2008


When we moved into Cobb County some 24 years ago our realtor Tom Cabaniss, who by the way 24 years later still sends us birthday and anniversary you Tom....told us that no one locked their doors.....the neighborhood was lovely, heck the whole county was lovely...But then a few years ago things started to change. I have always felt very safe coming and going..... There was always crime in downtown Atlanta but never out here in East Cobb....The Cobbinees pride themselves on just being able to say that they live here. Last night while walking the dog on our front lawn about midnight a car came creeping up into the cul-de-sac. He drove around until his headlights were shining on me and the dog. He then proceeded to pull up a bit stop the car then he started to get out. This freaked me out. Poor Boo, his bad leg limping behind me got pulled across the lawn tripping over the garden hose I then dragged the poor boy up the front steps. I didn't even look back. Still recovering this morning I get an e-mail from Cobb County Police. It's similar to the old "police blotter" from your local newspaper, I get a weekly update on crime in the district......... It seems this past week there was a murder a few miles away and yesterday the local branch of our Wachovia bank was robbed at gunpoint........Fast forward a few hours from when I started writing this....I got a call a few minutes ago at 11:00 p.m. Thinking it was a wrong number when the women on the other end asked if we had been able to return to our home she went on to say the Cobb County Swat Team evacuated the sub-division because someone was on the loose with a gun...She is a neighbor from a few doors down the street, we sit high up on a hill in the cul-de-sac we didn't hear a thing.....A quick call to Necie next door, she hadn't heard anything either......I was all set to get in the car and go check it out or atleast put a call through to the local cops but the Boss put the Kibosh on that..........................
It's now the following day...I didn't post last night because I couldn't leave you hanging...We have been known to have such wacky things happen to use that at times we're not to be believed...Not's always Fact folks....never Fiction......It seems one of our neighbors at the end of the street was holding his wife hostage after a drinking binge.....He's an ex P.O.W. 62 years old and I guess he snapped.....There was a 5 hour standoff.....(How in the world did we miss this, we are nosey by nature....I'm embarrassed by this...think of the pictures I could have taken...) it was reported that there were 15 police and Swat vehicles and after Mr. Lewis broke out the front window of the house, when the cops got close, the Swat guys brought out the big guns.....and I missed this..... It ended 5 hours later when the suspect fell asleep...I feel a bit bad about it because they have lived there forever. I've seen them for years always out working on their lawn........The news reported that his wife did get out fine.........can you say divorce lawyer.


  1. Did you ever figure out who that was in the car with the headlights on you? That was creepy.

  2. no...and you think someone wouldn't bother you while your walking a 135 pound dog!
