Friday, October 10, 2008


Today was one of the two days of the year that I really enjoy living in Atlanta...did I really just say that? Today was the bi-annual Friends of the Marietta Library book sale. It has gotten so large that they actually had to move it from the main branch of the library out to the fairgrounds. Housed in two large hanger type buildings it's a true treasure trove of every book imaginable...No big deal right, all book sales have tons of books. But these are really cheap books. All hard backs are $1.00...all video's and DVD's are a $1.00 and paperbacks are 50 exceptions, so surprises..well a few exceptions, there were a handful of really old books that were $5.00.............Me and Necie broke with tradition and left the house at 8:00a.m. (we are both late sleepers, this could have been a shock to our system)to get there when the doors opened at 9:00.... We ignored the little old man directing traffic and pulled right up next to entrance. There was a big line forming and we did get a few dirty looks from the crowd when they saw where I parked the bug and how I can always manage to do that is a whole other story. When the doors finally opened a little after nine the people ran like crazy folk. Children's books seemed to be the biggest draw as the crowd just started reaching for whatever they could grab....I went straight for the foreign section way in the back of the hall looking for TinTin video's or TinTin books..After last years fiasco when some Arab man beat me by seconds and scoffed up a dozen videos, I didn't want that to happen again......I even asked him ever so nicely if he would spare just one and he abruptly said "NO". You just knew he was going to take them home and sell them on E-Bay............No TinTin this year but I did score some good stuff. I got some good video's for Miss Baby that we will convert to DVD, I got daughter a book on what to expect from a "Toddler" and an oldie from 1913 with a leather cover. For me I got a big fat bread cookbook that Necie found, a cookbook on making chocolates and a Mary Engelbreit cookie book.....I love her illustrations. While standing in line to pay for my haul I spotted an interesting title ......"Simple Abundance....a Daybook of Comfort and Joy".............I figure after the last couple of days I needed a little comfort and joy. And not to forget the Boss-Guy I picked up a great Sherlock Holmes book, brightly illustrated. All in all it was a great sale, a fun day and all for just $11.00!!!
Kudos's to the volunteers for organizing so well....

No Shortage of James Paterson books.........

smelly old books too!!

This lady came prepared for a haul of paperbacks.......

Necie finds a classic.... a bit worn but she sure has a nice manicure...

giving away free flies with every purchase?
The livestock show was the week before...........


  1. Found your comment on Nikki's blog. A heads up, getting involved in Pink Saturday and Blue Monday helped to increase the traffic to my blog. Also commenting on other blogs more often helped, because then they came to visit mine. Hope that helps. I will follow yours and hopefully you can follow mine. We are about the same age. I enjoy meeting others in my general age grouping. Have a good weekend.

  2. How much fun...being an avid reader I would have been there with a UHaul! Even just grabbing the old books to use for decorating. What a cool sale!

  3. You said there was a good book on making chocolates right? i found a great video on how to make chocolate candies online at

  4. I didn't realize their book sale was such a big deal! The prices and selection must be great!


  5. How nice it is to go onto the blog and see people are actually reading it!! Thanks guys....I smile evertime I see Nikkicrumpets "Crumpet"...he's so cute. and to Making Homemade Chocolates, thanks for the link to the video. I'll be posting pictures around Halloween of some of the chocolate I make. What a great hobby to have. It's so very easy and when you give it as gifts people really think you have this marvelous talent....It's all in the packaging.....
