Thursday, October 9, 2008


I meant to give a shout out yesterday to my friend Nunze from Jersey for calling me during work hours to wish me a happy birthday....the poor thing had to make the call from the bathroom of her office. It seems her boss...of probably over 30 years....makes them get off the time clock to take their daily break, so Nunze goes into the bathroom to make her calls.....I guess the economy is really bad when a boss would stoop so low as to take away breaks....Anyhoo, Nunzie has a real name but a number of years ago we started calling ourselves Stinky and Nunzio......I have no idea why and I would bet money on it that I was the one that started it......Back then Dharma and Gregg were on t.v. and they had two dogs.....Stinky was Dharma's dog and for his Bar Mitzvah she bought him Nunzio....Miss C. had an uncle named Nunzio.......ofcourse she she became Nunze and I became Stinky.....again, I have no idea why....So to this day she is the only person that you can call at work and actually have her come to the phone when someone says...."Stinky is on the phone".....for that I thank her.....We have been friends since high school when I used to pick her up in the morning after dropping my mother at the train station and drive up to the high school in style......The folks had bought a brand new shiny 68' Firebird and some how I convinced my mother to take the train to work so I could drive the car to school.....Me and Nunze also bonded over the "auto-harp" in the one class guaranteed to give you an "A"................Folk Music. Who takes folk music?? But that was 40 years ago and she still knows I'm a little crazy but that doesn't stop her from keeping in touch even though we are 1,000 miles apart......because she knows in the end I'm just plain fun...........

1 comment:

  1. I love the nicknames! I LOVED Dharma and Greg! My best friend lives in Houston so I only see her about once every 4 or 5 years...but we still keep in touch and when we do get's like we've never been apart. Isn't it cool to have a friend like that...we just need to get cool nicknames like you guys!
