Saturday, August 30, 2008

THE REASON MITT WAS PASSED OVER FOR V.P. has nothing to do with him being a Mormon or looking like a used car salesman. No, it seems Mitt is on the hot seat with the ASPCA folks....apparently he saw National Lampoons Vacation once too often....back in the same year 1983, Mitt took the fam on a vacation from Boston to Canada, a 12 hour ride. He loaded the kids into the wagon and I guess for lack of space, no other logical reason, he put the family dog in a crate up on the roof......Yes, you read that right. Poor Seamus the family Irish Setter got put in a crate and got strapped to the roof of the car....FOR A 12 HOUR DRIVE!!!!! With that kind of sense how did this man become a billionaire or how ever much he is worth......I hadn't heard this story all during the primary and only read about it today in an editorial in the Times...I guess they were holding back just in case he was chosen as V.P. Shame on you Mitt......

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