Saturday, August 30, 2008


Yes, that's right the big guy is smitten with the Governor of Alaska...Ever since John McCains announcement yesterday he hasn't been able to stop talking about her. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with her also. Daughter thought it was a lame choice but I think when she learns more about this lady she might come around. Some seem to think he picked her just to get the women's vote. He could have picked Tom Selleck if he wanted to do that......Some are saying he's crazy, others are saying he's brilliant....This is what I probably know by now that she's 44 and the mother of 5 children, the new baby has Down Syndrome. Her son enlisted in the Army last year on September 11th. and will go to Iraq this year on September 11th. She was 2nd. runner up in the Miss Alaska pageant and she's a life long member of the NRA, right there is a big hit with the men.........what you probably don't know is she was about to give a speech in Dallas in April when her water broke right before going on stage.....she was having contractions...but she went ahead and gave a 30 minute speech then went to the airport for a commercial flight back to Alaska where she gave birth to her son....and then.......she was back on the job 3 days later!!! Can Joe Biden even come close to that?? Don't think so.....When she became Governor the previous Governor had a private plane (I'll assume at the tax payers expense) she went ahead and sold it on E-Bay....this is one smart cookie...she has a sea-plane, she hunts, fishs, plays hockey and was on the cover of Vogue.....but more importantly she managed to get corrupt politicians (Republicans, her own party) out of office...I think she's just what this country needs....and if we find out she can also ride a Harley, well, I'll be expecting divorce papers in the mail.........

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