Friday, August 29, 2008


We finally made the trip up to the outlet mall today after putting it off for many months. With the price of gas (yes, even a V.W. Bug costs $50.00 to fill) and the horrible heat we managed to miss the Memorial Day sales and the 4th of July sales......with a Williams Sonoma gift card burning a hole in my pocket I insisted we drive up to Dawsonville this holiday weekend....It didn't disappoint...Fabulous sales, many purchases, including those Madras Sperry Top Siders I've been wanting forever, and a Vern Yip sighting....We were wandering the aisles of the Pottery Barn outlet when I kept seeing this guy, handful of sale tags in hand, zig zagging between all the furniture bargains......My first thought was "Hey, that guy looks just like Vern Yip".....I think I even must have said that out loud, to no one...then I thought, how ridiculous, what in the world would Vern Yip be doing at the Pottery Barn outlet in Dawsonville? That was a dumb question for even me to ask! First he's a decorator and second he's from Atlanta.....that would be two good reasons why he was there......I say to the big guy...."Hey, I just saw Vern Yip" which he replied...."Who the Hell is Vern Yip".....and he promptly pushed his cart in the opposite direction...I, ofcourse, followed Vern and caught up with him in the lamp aisle. I have to report that he is an extremely pleasant man and very friendly. We chatted for a minute and when I told him the husband didn't know who in the Hell he was he just laughed, I explained that the husband is not really into HGTV........a nice unexpected celebrity sighting and a good day all around......

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