Sunday, June 5, 2016

FIRST ANNUAL "PITY PARTY"....... with the blog gals.

When you get an e-mail from a dear friend who
sounds very unhappy and sad what do you do???
You've all been there....
Down here in Atlanta we gather the troops and
drive where ever we have to in order to
"perk up" said friend... we decided to call it a
"Pity Party"
beautiful weather and a great place to eat adds to the
"friend therapy" that we all seem to need every now and then.
 Getting 6 ladies to agree on a date and time with not
much warning is not as hard as you would think....
I usually am the "travel agent" when us girls get together
so four of us drove up to Athens Georgia
where we met up with the other two gals....
We were ready and prepared to pour on the love
and encouragement....
We had a great time in doing so....
And I think we may find this to be a yearly event...
One of us always seems to have issues in our lives
And what better way to perk up then to spend it with
a bunch a wonderful women....
I love these guys.....
you all know by now that when bloggers get together little
gifts of some sort are always given out....
And you can't have a "Pity Party" without
Tissues....just in case.
And who of all people brought the tissues??
The "pity-er"
here is Our Dear's not a laugh a minute get together
unless Rose shows up....and Sweet Grandma of a ton of Grands...
Sorry Cheri I lost track....but a lot of adorable ones...
Cheri met us at our lunch destination as she was coming
from the North and we drove up from the South...
Cheri and Linda always drive down to Atlanta so I thought
it was about time we came to them...
Necie looking relaxed and happy.....
She brought a very special gift for Linda...
Miss Sandie....always quiet....always smiling...
Necie is taking drawing classes and gifted Linda with a sketch
of her cat Charlie who recently passed away...
Hence one of the reasons for the pity party...
Linda had been in a funk....
I don't know if by us showing up helped but we would do
it again in a second....
here she is pitying herself....while holding a
Basket of things to make her happy....
Cookies....popcorn...candy...a DVD of a great
Woody Allen movie....and Linda's favorite and a gift from
Joyce...who couldn't make it....tea towels with
Flamingos make Linda Smile!

Of course Food is at the forefront of anytime we get together....
wish I could remember the name of the place but it had
"Bread" in the title...
Cheri got their Quiche special of the day with a salad...
Sandie ordered grilled cheese and tomato soup....
the Soup looked heavenly...
Rose ordered some sort of burger/slider with what
appears to be a side of couscous....
Ham and cheese for me on a baguette with a side
Spinach Salad....
excellent....everyone raved how good all the food was...
you can't have a party of any kind without desserts!
Me and Linda went inside and told the girl behind the counter to
give us one of everything....That was fun!!
we declared the lemon bars to be the best of the bunch...
that carrot cake got cut in to 6 pieces.....
We all had to try everything....
they had great homemade bread....
I brought some home and enjoyed my own
Grilled Cheese the rest of the week...
Cake will ALWAYS make you happy....
I think we turned her Frown Upside Down...
we happened to get lucky and got to meet
Miss Scout...
Linda's adorable granddaughter who just happened to be
at day care next door to where we ate....
Linda's SIL was nice enough to bring her by so
we could all meet her....
she went right to Cheri.....she must have known that
Cheri is the Grandmother Extraordinaire

after lunch Linda requested that we go thrift shopping....
Bloggers never refuse thrift shopping.....
I had to fight off Rose at each stop because we
both are Milk Glass collectors....
we laughed all day as we tried to race each other into the
stores to get inside first...
like I said Flamingos make her smile...
With the day coming to an end....
Here in Atlanta you have to get where your going before
rush hour starts....which is around 3:00 p.m...
Necie scored two adorable cup and saucers....
and she found them in the half price room!
Don't ever dare me to
Sit on top of a concrete
Animal of some sort...
I will always make an ass of myself
for a laugh...
This is the UGA mascot
found out in front of the
I won't embarrass my family by
printing what I yelled out when
said "ass" made contact with
Hot Bulldog.....
So I don't act 65 who cares!!

In closing....
 Remember...if you have a friend who's
under the weather...
take time out of your schedule to
plan some time together....
Everyone will benefit by it....
There's nothing better then


  1. Great post, Sue. There is nothing better than girlfriends getting together. It is always always a fun time.

    We can "dare" you to do anything and you would...not just concrete are a hoot.

    The restaurant is Big City and Bread, I think. I have called them to see if they are making the Spinach/Mushroom quiche but I haven't hit it yet. I would make the trip just for that and if Linda (our pity girl) was available...I would scoop her up too. It was that good. See you soon for our summer get together.

  2. You guys always have a big time! Looking forward to reading about your next get-together!!!

  3. How great you turned her frown upside down. Friends caring for friends are the best.

  4. Your get togethers always look like such fun. Sorry to hear it was my buddy Linda who was under the weather and sad.......I know she misses her Charlie Kitty. I think you all did a great job of cheering her up. got to meet the adorable Rosemary Scout, too.

  5. Thank you to all my wonderful friends for the BEST pity party ever! We had so much fun and the frown you turned into a smile has stayed with me! This group never fails to lift my spirits and make me laugh out loud. I'm sure next year's pity party will cheer up someone else!! I loved the gifts (oh yes Flamingos make me smile) and the great food and especially and always the friendship! Can't wait to see you all later this month!!

  6. I had such a good time that day. It was good friends, good news, good shopping, and I loved when you got on the Georgia bulldog. We are in Cincinnati now watching her other grandson and his parents are in Vermont. Looking forward to the middle of June. Told the family what you said about smiling and quiet and they said they don't agree with the quiet part.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sue, There wasn't much pity in that party! Such a fun bunch of ladies and you are a hoot!!


  9. What a great day and a great idea to all get together

    I would say the pity party turned into a happy party

    I miss doing that with friends, now we are all over the states and I'm home alone hahah my pity party haha
