Saturday, May 7, 2016

TWICE IN A LIFETIME.......and a Thank You to General Motors

Do you all remember back to October of 2014 when my
VW Beetle was returned to VW because of a horrible
smell coming out of the vents...
They took back the 2013 and gave me a brand new
2014 Beetle exactly like the 2013....
Certainly unheard of that a car dealer would actually
take back a car and give you a new one.... happened again...

For those of you who aren't on
Facebook this was my Christmas present from the Boss
this year....yes I know we own a ton of cars...
Eight to be exact but what can I say... we are car

So when Cousin Caryn visited from NYC of course we
were going to take it down to Atlanta to Scott's Flea Market...
Here we are minutes before driving off....
This was right after the Boss gave Cousin Caryn a short lesson
on how to get out of the car should something happen....
The car is brand new.....2,000 miles on it to be exact
Why would something happen to it that we would need to know how to get out in an emergency...
Cousin Caryn listened....Me...forget it...somewhere down the line
I'm sure someone mentioned the "emergency door release"...
But if I had been alone I would have been locked inside the car
when it decided to "Die" in the middle of a 6 lane highway where
cars drive 60 mph.... died....right there on Barrett Parkway....
Two minutes away from the house...
where there is no place to pull over....
It just decided to shut itself off... I watched in horror
as the speedometer just kept dropping lower and lower
until it stopped...right there in a traffic lane.
My Brand New Car....
D.E.A.D.  dead.
All I thought of was how we were going to have to climb out the window when the doors would not unlock...
 I had opened my window moments earlier to tell the pick-up
barreling up behind me that my car was dying...
He shouted something out the window
followed by...
"Why don't you step on the gas"....
Only a man would think a women in a Corvette
would be purposely driving 11 mpg just to piss him off....
So the car died....Cousin Caryn got us out using the
emergency door lock release...

You see some idiot at General Motors decided to put
electronic door locks on the Corvette...
If the car dies you are locked inside...
Had I been alone who knows what would have happened...
 She is my Guardian Angel.....
She stood outside the car flagging oncoming cars to pull over....
At one point we heard a loud squeal and I think we just shut our
eyes waiting to hear the crash but the Mercedes missed the
back bumper by mere inches....
When there was a lull in traffic she casually mentioned how
"Clean" it is here in Georgia vs. NYC....
We laughed for a moment and then continued waving at cars
not to hit us...
3 calls to 911 and about 1/2 hour later the police showed up
along with the Boss...the Fire Department and my other car...
He told us to get in the car and continue on our way...
He would wait for the tow truck....
Before we left.....
 He Tried to start the car and managed to catch the
starter on fire which prompted me to yell at the
911 operator....
"Now the car is on fire you really need to send someone"....
They were busy somewhere else.....
Who knew in our huge County that apparently there is only
one police car on duty at any given time...
But then.....
The fire truck arrived and it seems it was just a lot of smoke.
no flames....
So off we went to Scott's and We had a wonderful time.....
Caryn was impressed that the Boss stayed very calm and made sure our outing was not interrupted....

So what happened to my new car....????
It seems something in the "crank shaft" was defective....
A bearing went got hot and it caused the engine
to sieze.....this is how it looked when I got to the dealer to see it....
Big hole where the engine belongs......
It was worse then seeing a car that had been in an accident.....
To think this could happen to a brand new car....
it was in a million pieces.....
when I called General Motors to open a claim all I could say was
the car was a "death trap"......
The women just kept saying I was stuck on the "side" of the road...
which really got me upset that she wasn't listening to what happened....
I was stuck in a traffic lane.....
no side of the safe place....
Middle of Traffic People!!!!
Here I am swearing I would never drive this car again.....
that is the Jersey.....
"WTF" look....
But I am happy to announce that within a two week period of time
and lot's of effort on the part of Day's Chevrolet and Tara at the
"General Motors" Buy Back Department....
(Yes they have a "buy back" department)
they could not have been more receptive in making sure I was
satisfied and happy in a new car.....
They offered to have a new one made just like the one I had...
(I passed on that)
 I was lucky to find this gem.....
This is the "everything happens for a reason" car.....
far more upgrades then the other...
Over $10,000.00 in "extras"
and they even are ordering me a smoke glass roof to replace the
white one it came with.....
I actually like it more then the red one....
the original Corvettes back in the 1950's came only in
White with red interiors....
It's come a long way in 63 years!!
I love the interior...and it has my favorite feature of all times..
Heated and Cooling seats!
Of course it still has those horrible electronic door locks....
But I figure what are the odds of the same thing happening
 Then again....we are the Adivari's and a crazier bunch of
people you wouldn't want to meet.....
But ask yourself How many people do you know that
have gotten not one but two cars replaced
in their lifetime....

You just have to be firm....
And just keep repeating the phrase....
"I saw my life flash before me"....


  1. She-the new car-is a beauty!

  2. Your saga intrigued me when I first read about it and I'm certainly amazed that you have had such good luck getting the problem rectified. Who knew that a "buy back" department ever would exist in such a large corporation such as GM! Glad you are safe and sound to continue raising a ruckus in yet another of your daily adventures! " luv ya!" 😜

  3. only the Adivari's comes to mind when I read this. Just glad you are OK and have a new ride to head down the road in. Hugs!!

  4. I tell you - that was unlucky what happened, but you really lucked out being safe number one and that new car number two! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. It was unlucky this happened or was it lucky since you got a better car??? All I could say over and over while reading your post, "It could only happen to Sue." So many things have happened to you since I met you and I'm sure there are more before that that you could probably write a book. You are our Erma Bombeck.

  6. Glad you are both okay and didn't get hit from behind. When I saw the first picture of the new car, it looked pink. Glad it's white so you don't look like the Mary Kay cosmetics cars. The red interior is fabulous!

  7. And I thought my alternator dying on my 15 year old car two days ago was bad.
    Holy moly... what an experience you went through.
    Glad you're all okay and you're happy with new car.
    Love your story telling and your sense of humor. Jersey girls rule :)
