Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BISCOTTI....My Way....or Your Way.

I had a request for todays' baking project....
It was freezing cold...a bit of snow and the Boss was
Out of the House...
So I baked...
I love Biscotti and I love to make them trying
different Today looking through my
Pantry I found a container of candied fruit that I picked up on the
clearance table at Publix after the Holidays...
I have always loved Fruitcake...yes...I'm one of "those"
So I thought I would try Fruitcake Biscotti...
Here is the's's quick and
they came terrific....
at the end of the recipe I'll add some other variations you
can try because we know...
"everyone hates fruitcake"....

Easy Biscotti

2 cups of flour
1 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt...
3/4 cup of sugar
1/2 (1 stick) of softened butter
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla
chose your added ingredients....a list is below...

Preheat oven to 350 degrees...
Line a heavy large baking sheet with parchment paper. Whisk the flour, the baking powder and the salt in a medium bowl.
Using an electric mixer or your Kitchen Aid beat the sugar and the butter to blend..... add the eggs one at a time...
Add your chosen ingredients and beat just until blended...
form the dough into two 12" long 2" wide log...I use either
a Tablespoon or a Rubber Spatula to form the log as the dough will be sticky....You want enough room between the two so they
don't bake together....if that happens just use your knife to
separate them...
Bake until light golden brown for about 30 minutes. Cool about 15 minutes...
On a cutting board cut the logs on the diagonal into 3/4" thick slices.....arrange the Biscotti sides down on the baking sheet and pop back in to the oven which has been reduced to a
325 Degree Temperature....
Bake until they are golden brown....shut off the the door but leave the Biscotti in the oven for a bit longer...
when they smell so good you can't stand it any longer....remove...

Cool and get that cup of tea or coffee and enjoy!!
I prefer to leave them in until they are a little darker then gives them a wonderful taste and a great crumbly texture....

Here are the variations....

To the batter blend in....
Fruitcake.....a handful of toasted pecans, 1/4 cup of Golden raisins, 1/2 cup of candied red and green cherries and pineapple....
Add anything you love in fruitcake...dried apricots different types of nuts....anything fruity and nutty....

Another wonderful type is adding 1 1/2 teaspoons of Anise Seed plus 1 cup of Mini-semi-sweet chocolate chips...
Sounds like an odd combination but the Anise seed with the chocolate is a great taste together...

Traditional Almond Biscotti....
Add a teaspoon of Pure Almond Extract plus one cup toasted sliced almonds....
Toasting nuts before baking gives them an even more nuttier flavor...

Pistachio Cranberry Biscotti...
1 cup of dried cranberries...1/2 cup of shelled pistachio's
and 1 teaspoon of either vanilla extract or orange extract...

My "add on" ingredients are as much as I like....I don't stick to actual measurements....I just do a Rachel Ray and throw in
handfuls of whatever....
So whatever looks good to you....
But the more the better....don't skimp...

I plan on trying dried banana and walnuts....
also dried pineapple and Macadamia Nuts...
You get the Idea...

Now Babs....Put down those Nonni's Biscotti you bought at
Whole Foods and get in the kitchen and
Create your own!!

Bon Appétit !!


  1. You sent me some biscotti once -- and blog readers, they are delicious!!!! The recipe looks like even I (the kitchen challenged one) could master. Must try it. Thanks again, Sue, for all of the wonderful gifts you've sent me over the years. Sally

  2. Sue- I'll take mine with a good cup of hot black coffee! My SIL loves biscotti! I think I need to make him a batch soon! xo Diana

  3. I've never tried to make biscotti, but there's nothing nicer with a cup of good coffee - and I like fruitcake too!

  4. Love biscotti. My one daughter makes a sort of brownie biscotti which is one of my favs. I haven't met too many biscotti's that I don't like :)

  5. Sue, you know I'm challenged when it comes to cooking, but I know that anything you make is delicious! I like some fruitcake once in awhile myself!

  6. Well I don't like fruitcake, but these look delicious!!! I take my coffee with cream! Yummy.

  7. I've never tried to make biscotti, but now I have a recipe that I know has been tested. I may try them today instead of sitting around watching the snow melt. :)

  8. Hi! These look delicious and biscotti are one of my favorite things to make, eat, and give away. You are very funny about liking fruitcake and "being one of those people" Ha! Have a great day.

  9. I love biscotti! It's easy to make and I have always found the home made to be so much less dry than the stuff you get in stores. We found some beautiful dried cherries in the after holiday sales at the grocery this year, I may try this recipe with some of those :>)

  10. LOL You just shamed me into making some of your wonderful biscotti. They all sound amazing. Thanks for the shout out.
