Wednesday, January 28, 2015


It's that time of year again when
This crazy person hiding behind the door
throws an equally crazy
"dress-up" party....
Last year (here) we all showed up dressed in
Downton Abbey Garb....
This year...
Be a Barbie for the Day!!
This is our friend Joyce....
"Queen of the Crazies"...
Once a Blogger now just a 60ish housewife
who just likes to have fun...
You might remember reading how on our last
trip to Ikea she set off all the kitchen timers in
the Housewares Department...
If we find stuffed animal hats we will be
the two who will try them on...
Okay someone out there might think...
Oh how immature these ladies are..
We like to think that having fun and laughing
Keeps you Young!!
So when we got the invitation about coming
dressed up as a Barbie doll everyone get
I mean...we all grew up with Barbie in the 50's and
60's....this would be perfect....
We left all the hi jinx and decorating up to
And the rest of us concentrated on our
Does anyone remember playing this as a kid??
Barbie Queen of the Prom...
Who would get stuck going to the Prom with
Joyce left nothing un-decorated....
Barbies were everywhere...
Table set....Goodie Bags in place...
Barbie memorabilia everywhere you looked...
With this Group...
It's all about the food...
Our place cards to suit each of us....
Look it's a Beetle convertible!
we even had Barbie's Dream House....
more on this later on...
worth reading the long post to see what was on the other
I was the first to arrive....
Outfit from Forever 21...
I thought it was appropriate..
I'm suppose to be the original 1959 Barbie..
I did have a black and white striped bathing suit
just like the doll...But didn't want to scare the other
Ladies by actually wearing it...
Hard to see but there was a big pony tail
attached to the back of my head....which is
what is hiding the "ie" in Barbie on my top..
Heels were out of the question with my horrible
tootsies....and I figured if Barbie was my age...
She would be wearing flats too...
Note: the MFG. tag on my arm...
Our Rose....The world's most talented and creative
Blogger there has ever been...came as...
Hot Flash Barbie....
"How to Survive Menopause without Killing
For 50 and over.....This Barbie comes with a
portable fan...
Mood Swings...
Gray Roots...
Muffin Top...
Chin Hair...
Reading glasses....and
Miss Cheri came looking adorable dressed as
1950's Barbie going to a Sock Hop...
We would all like to know how this Barbie stays so
Young and Thin....She never ages...
It's like she stepped right out of 1959...
Cheri....share your secret please....
In the middle of saying "Bon Jour"
Our Favorite Francofile....
Miss Linda of the Blog..
A La Carte...
complete with FiFi the Poodle and her
pink Beret.... you sleep in that hat???
Linda lived a lifelong dream last year during the
"Year of Linda" she penned it
And got to see Paris for the first time...I have
a feeling it will not be her last trip...
Our dear sweet Sandie...
Who represented all the Breast Cancer Survivor
Barbies out there...
Sandie we are all so proud of how strong and positive you
I always love to get a candid shot when trying to
get everyone to pose for the camera...
They were paying no attention to me...
This is Better....
Joyce matched up the Barbies to match each
of us....This was Rose's who is the Queen of
everything Christmas...

No matter where we all came from we are
Now all Officially "Southern Ladies"...
So of course BBQ was on the menu...
We had pulled pork or pulled chicken....
cole slaw...baked beans...mac and cheese
and corn muffins...
"Say Yes to the dress".....
That would be the pink icing dress!
The chocolate cake was fabulous... is what you all stuck around for....
Believe me it's worth it...and if you thought
we were a little crazy before....well......
Here is Barbie's "Happy Life"....
Married to in a McMansion...
Wearing beautiful designer gowns....
Barbie has it all....
Or so you thought.....
Here is the Real Story behind Barbie...
Barbie's House of Horrors.....
I know I know...but work with me here...You'll have to admit
this is funny....a little sick maybe... but funny....
"Barbie waves Goodbye to Ken's Mother"
"Barbie strips down for the TSA"
"Barbie can not understand why Ken is asking
for a DNA test"
Self Explanatory........
"Ken is a Wife Beater but Barbie
is in Denial"......
"Again.....self explanatory"...
Barbie Joins AARP in Prison!!
And last but certainly not least....
"Barbie waits for her stay of execution...
Always the Fashionista!!"
A fun time was had by all...we laughed for three
Hours Straight....
We may look like a bunch of nuts but believe me
everyone should have a group of fun friends
who get along so well...
We are not like the "Real Housewives of Atlanta"
No bickering....fighting....insulting....
I think we need our own show on Bravo!!

Next up...
Our very first "Road Trip"....
Five of us are going to the Biltmore Estate
in Asheville North Carolina in March...
They are having a costume exhibit from
Downton overnighter...
Who knows what trouble we'll get in to....
We threw around the idea of dressing up again
like last years party in our finest Downton frocks

Including the Dummy Board of Isis the Dog....
But then thought.....Nah....too far for our
Husbands to come and bail us out of jail....


  1. Perfectly captured! I do look a bit crazy in my 'bonjour' pic! I had such a good time and think our road trip will be a hoot!

  2. Ah...thank you for the lovely compliment.

    It was a very good time and it makes it that much more fun with the group of gals that were there.

  3. What a fun group you are. Wish I could be your neighbor and join you.

  4. Well that sure sounded like a fun afternoon. Loved all the "grown up" Barbies! Thanks for sharing. Susan

  5. You haven't posted forever. Glad you finally got out and had some fun with your "crazies!", so you would have something to write about!!!! Can't wait for the road trip. Sally

  6. Oh my goodness I sat and read this slowly trying to remember the day. It was so much fun and we did laugh a lot. Joyce is a great hostess and loved that Barbie cake. Joyce's hair! Your mini skirt. Paris! Denim Barbie hasn't gained a pound in all these years. And Hot flash Barbie - what can I say.

  7. I came over to check out all of the fun you gals had by way of Sandie aka Chatty Crone! It looks like you all had such a great time! I loved the theme and the decorations were over the top!


  8. LOL! How fun! You guys really know how to have adventures!

  9. Oh my goodness... I can't believe that's Joyce in the big hair! What a hilarious party theme. All of you look so cute and I can tell you had a great time. Wish I was closer so I could join the fun.

  10. LOL here... Sue, you and your friends are certainly fun and fun loving. I think it's great how well you all get along and enjoy doing all these crazy things.
    Watch out Biltmore Estate, you're about to be invaded..

  11. Looks a lot of fun, if I was nearer I would have joined in!
    The Barbie cake reminds me of one I made for one of our daughters when they were little for a birthday.
    I would be certainly up for a fun day like that.
