Sunday, October 5, 2014

"THE MAN CAVE......Boss Style X's 2

If there's one thing I hate it's
Catch phrases....
We never before had catch phrases like
"hunker down"....."what "Venue" will it be at?"
"Sammies" and "EVOO" thanks to Rachel Ray..
Even the newest term "boots on the ground"
drives me nuts.....
I do like the old phrase...
"Going to Hell in a Hand basket"
Whatever that means....
But the one I hate the most is
"The Man Cave'.....
when did it become a "cave"....back in the
Old Days....think the 1950's....a man's room was
either a Den....a Study or a Library......
Now all you can think of when you hear
Man Cave is an overbearing sized T.V.
Lot's of beer cans and beer related do-dads....
maybe an air hockey table or one of those
foos-ball things....
and of course......The ever popular
Sports Stuff....
framed shirts....Balls...helmets....
And then there's the Boss... in a class all his own...
And we're still not sure if it's a good
class or a bad class...
You decide...
This is where the Boss spends his mornings....
which falls within the 11:00 a.m. to Noon
He checks the stock market and then goes
promptly back upstairs to relax for the remainder
of the day..
See that chair next to the desk...You
Would think he actually does business...
It's looks official doesn't it...
Nope...the cat sits there...
This is what his view is like from the
We call this room
"The Library"
Nothing cave-y about it...
He LOVES to Display things....
Like it's a store....
again...Good or bad...Not sure...
But the man is organized...
He is NOT a Hoarder...
He is a Collector...
Has been for 45 years....
top to bottom...
A photo I took of McSorley's Ale House
in NYC...
a vintage magazine cover from WW2....
And the ever popular Steve McQueen.
I have a current Ban on anything that needs
to be hung on the walls...
Daughter has been warned of this...
as has the Boss...
That would be "The Kramer" from Seinfeld
and an exotic car photo from the recent
"Dream Car' exhibit at the High Museum
here in Atlanta....
When a neighbor visited and saw the Kramer
she asked if it was the Boss when he was younger...
It seems she is not a watcher of Seinfeld...
Or she needs new glasses....
We found a pair of these beautiful wall units
when we moved in to the house.....
as you can see it's filled top to bottom...
I guess a touch of "man cave" is up on
top where there are two NFL
Helmets signed by the players...
Matt Ryan for the Falcons and
Paul Horning for the Packers...
That Big Orange thing was made by
Smith Miller in the 1950's
and looks like a train car but
is a small toy chest...
He does allow me a bit of shelf space for my
Sue Grafton book collection...
All signed...All first editions...
And of course....Our Miss B!!
Yes...your seeing that right...
A miniature boat motor...
His shout out to the Stock Market...
Military Stuff...
He has Military figures....
by the hundreds....
these are from a company called
"King and Country" even Buildings...
They are everywhere...
And then there are these....
They run all along the top of these shelves....
Smith Miller company from the 1950's...
His newest edition....
He finds these through auction houses....
that specialize in vintage toys...
We're in Atlanta so we have to honor
Let's not forget what started this whole
thing 45 years ago...
The Lionel Train....

There is even Napoleon....
Dear God....
More Trucks..and an autographed

Yup.....he has Balls....
This one signed by Sam Huff
who ever the hell he is...
Now this I can appreciate...
Lionel "standard gauge"
the big chunky stuff
from the 1920's....
Now that's Old!!
the little table came from England..
The Campaign Desk
is a copy of Napoleon's that
was found at the Louvre on our
last trip...
Hence...the reason he had to find
the Bust to sit on top....

Beetle Bailey...
"Sad Sack"....from the Book of the
Same name from the late 40's...
 if you have been reading this blog for any
length of time you know the Boss
buys multiple of Everything...
If one is nice...two or more is Better...
I think his motto must be
"Go Big or Go Home'
Welcome to Room #2.....
"The Den".....
located on the second floor....
this is the overflow...
plus a big-ass safe...
Alfred E. Newman....
the only person worrying in this house is Me...
as long as I don't lose my space in the Kitchen...
On top of the Safe sits a model of
St. Mere Eglise in Normandy France
where the troops went thru on D-Day...
You can't see in this picture but there is actually
Little soldiers hung up on their parachutes
off the top of the church as they landed...
something that actually happened...
Daughter's Art Work....
Beetle Bailey....
from the cartoon...
More Military....
this is a large diorama of Viet Nam....

I have to say I love these little ships...
They sit under glass in a very cool
coffee table found at Pottery Barn...
Me and Daughter are enablers where these are concerned.
Whenever we go to the Trocadero in Paris...
A Maritime Museum with a great gift shop...
we make sure to add to this collection...
some new....some vintage..
Safety Patrol badges from the 50's....
Not from the movie....But just like the one
seen in "Pulp Fiction"

More Lionel...
Dinky Toy from the 50's....

And last but not least....
Little men hanging from the ceiling....
Of Course they are....
Who dusts all this "stuff"
Not me!!!!


  1. Sue, I must say he collects interesting stuff. Maybe having no 'boy' in the family he is still living his childhood over and over! One of my first thoughts was who dusts this? At least it's not you. I enjoyed the tour. Oh and I HATE the term, man cave. Stupid!

  2. Well I suppose there could be worse things The Boss could do and he actually has some pretty neat items.

    Since seeing the Beetle Bailey art that your daughter did, did she also do Dagwood in the Butler's Pantry?

  3. You do know my guest room is called The Napoleon Room? Another way we're separated by six bloggy degrees or whatever. :-)

  4. I don't like the term Man Cave either, it sounds like a shrine to bad taste, which I would have a hard time tolerating, Lol. Your husband's office, on the other hand is just plain full of interesting things. His collections show a lot about his personality with a little touch of whimsy here and there, the portrait of Kramer cracked me up!

  5. I love it. I am a collector at heart and I live with a non collector minimalist who, no matter how hard I have tried, has yet to succumb to the collecting bug. *sigh*
    I love collectors and their collections...their personalities shine through!

  6. Just...OMGoodness!
    Glad to hear you don't do the dusting!Hahaa

  7. have me in stitches...and you DID say he wasn't a hoarder...right..??
    Kramer made me laugh so hard..I've seen that episode about a thousand so funny. I fall asleep every night watching all the old reruns and can mouth nearly every word thru all of them.
    I think I may have a crush on your Boss...him and Paul McCartney. :)
    (did u see that i got to go to his concert here in lubbock and would jump off a cliff for him now)

  8. ...back to say I am following you because a woman that lets KRAMER hang ANY where in her house is a girl after my own heart...:)
    hmmm, better sign up to get your posts in my email....

  9. Like you, man cave doesn't thrill me. In fact, I think it's rude. That's a great first photo!

  10. This had me going - to read about it and then knowing that it is all true!

    I don't mind man cave - my hubs is in the basement anyway.

    Never understood going to hell in a hand basket - what does that mean?

    Your home is big and lovely and can handle all those beautiful items quite well. He has a very nice collection - and he enjoys it - so all's good!

    I think it;s beautiful!

  11. He has quite the collections. I must admit I do have a collection of sports memorabilia myself but it is of course Red Sox and Patriots stuff and Boston Bruins. I even have two original Boston Garden chairs.

    Love the little parachuters.

    It is nicely organized. Good job Boss!
