Tuesday, October 7, 2014

IT'S STILL A MAN'S WORLD..........Like it or Not.

I hate to admit this ladies.... but under
the circumstances I am here to report
that it is indeed still a "Man's World"......
For those of you who have seen on
Facebook the story of my
cute little VW Bug....Here is the follow-up...
and for those of you who don't know what
 I am talking about....let me explain...
The Boss bought me this adorable car back in 2013 as
a Replacement for my 2006 which was the
exact same car....I love red and tan...
It was my Fifth VW!
Shortly after bringing it home a toxic smell
started pouring out of the air conditioning vents...
It was so bad that the first time it happened I had to pull the
car over and get out.....

Think Glue....
I took it back to the dealer...Then got the
ever familiar phone call...
"We couldn't re-produce any smell lady"....

The smell continued..... And a new dealer opened up
right around the corner from us......I took it in and got the same response....
"nothing smells to us lady".....

Third times a charm.....My Eye....
They tried the same story....
after dropping off the car the service guy calls the house and says
"We're not saying your crazy But"......
The only difference this time..... he admits the car
can't be fixed....What??? I thought you said there is no smell....
"we would like your finance information so we can try to
get you into a new car"....
I mean who replaces a car if nothing is wrong...

He said the manager would be calling us

to discuss this shortly...
No phone call after a few hours so back to the dealer we go....
I...being an emotional women decided to stay home
And I send back the Boss...
All 250 pounds of him with the
"I'm a Teamster from Jersey"
Look on his face....

Today I got a brand new 2014
VW Beetle...
Red with a tan top....thank you very much...
VW of America Paid the bulk of the expense
and we made a very fair and equitable deal
where we agreed to pay a "small" fee to upgrade to
a Turbo and pay for the transfer fees....
Not a bad deal to get a brand new car after
a year and a half..... with no
miles and a new warranty...
The General Manager at Jim Ellis VW
of Kennesaw was very gracious 

and handled this problem in an extremely
professional way...
He gets an A+ for Customer Service...

As was the gentleman that got the new car
All set up for me...they made sure it
was exactly what I wanted ..........
No arguing....no negotiating...
 They made a real effort to find me the exact same car...

And when it arrived with different wheels
that I didn't care for....within minutes they
swapped them out...
They didn't leave me to my own devices to
Figure out how to program the Sirius Radio...

Curious what the problem was
that could not be fixed...??

It seems they use a sealant on the under carriage of the cars
when they are built
before shipping them over the water to the US to prevent rust...
Someone was a little heavy handed with
something called "Cosmalene"......
pretty impossible to remove it once it's on...

When the car got hot it began to melt...
All they did was finally put it up on the lift
and saw it melting off the car....
The smell came through the vents...
I was getting absolutely nowhere with these people...
It took the husband to get
the problem handled...

Sad to think that women aren't really
treated with the respect they deserve....

Today they treated me with respect....

 In my case I am happy to be in a new car but realize that this Country and Certainly not the World is
Ready for a Women President...
All I could picture was me asking Vladamir Putin for a new car....
Not happening....

My solution would have been to take the car back
With the smell then drive to downtown
Atlanta with a Big Sign on the Doors

Even though Men know we are the glue that holds
everything together and without us they
would be really screwed...
When it gets right down to it...
they basically think we are just plain stupid...

Thank you Boss for being the "bad cop"
of our "Good Cop" "Bad Cop" routine
which has worked for us for 44 years.....

Or I guess in our case..
"Good Cop....Bad Wop"
( Italian reference)
Thanks for having my back....
 For all you Feminists out there...
Let's put this story to rest
and admit that sometimes we need a man
to step in and back us up...
I'm okay with that....are you?


  1. Great job by the Boss! And as much as I hate to agree with you, it's true. Sometimes we just need a man to step up and get it done! Glad you have the new VW!

    hugs and Happy Birthday!


  2. In our house, I'm usually the car negotiator. I've walked out of dealerships, scolded a salesman for directing the answers to my questions to John and the cherry on top - after I negotiated a deal on a car for me, when picking up the car the salesman told John to remember him if we needed another car in the future, but to please leave his wife at home. Do you think I intimidated him a bit? Never mess with a woman who worked for a company that owned car dealerships - they know way more than the salespeople.

  3. Glad you got things straightened out, I knew you would.


  4. I'm more than happy to let Bob do any of that kind of business. The less I have to deal with unreasonable (unintelligent) people the better. I have no patience!!!! Sally

  5. That's so funny, the boss going in there looking like a teamster from New Jersey. I laughed so hard. Maybe if you had gone in there looking like a wife of a NJ teamster with some jersey girl attitude they would have shown you the respect you deserve. Wink Wink!!!!!

  6. In the long run, I'm glad you got a brand new car out of the deal! Funny how us women KNOW something is wrong with a car...I'm the one who always hears the weird noises and such and knows something is wrong.

  7. I could have told you that. If you ever have a problem in school - BRING YOUR HUSBAND! Schools listen to men too.

    Glad you got a new car.

    Is this chemical toxic? Could it cause skin issues?

    Always thinking - Dr. McDaffy

  8. Glad you got a new replacement car that you like and is an exact duplicate of your defective car, lacking only the horrible stench.

  9. Glad it all worked out for you. :) I'm in love with Teslas!

  10. You are so right Sue. I have had numerous encounters with auto body shops and service centers where they tried to overcharge or just BS me because I'm a woman and they figured I wouldn't know the difference. Back when we had to have emission tests done yearly, I took my car to Kmart to have the test, they put it on a hoist and told me I needed the entire exhaust system replaced before they could do the test! I made a scene in front of every other customer there and told them I wanted my car down NOW and forget the test. Needless to say, the exhaust system did not need to be replaced. I have also had places quote my husband a price for repairs over the phone and then try to overcharge me when the work was done. I feel badly for women who don't have men to step in for them in these situations. This seems to be most prevalent when dealing with automotive issues.

  11. Glad you got your car problem resolved. Too bad the boss had to intervene. I have had a couple of incidents where Pa had to help me too and it is always irritating!
