Friday, May 31, 2013

MY NAME IS SUE.....I'M A STRIPE-A-HOLIC.........and there's a GIVEAWAY!!

Yes....I'm here to admit it....after all these years of
denying it...I am officially after today's
shopping spree.....a
I'm crazy for the Stripes....
Here is just a small portion of my
summer selection...
drawers are filled with striped...
tanks and tees....
in every color...every size....
I can't recall when it began....
My first was Probably the coveted
"French Sailors Shirt"
bought in Paris at the Bon Marche' back in
the summer of 99'
It's been an obsession ever since....
I can not walk past a department store
rack without being drawn to it as if
Tom Selleck was hanging naked from the
Got this gem today at the Loft 60% off...
LLBean is a favorite haunt...I can feed
my addiction from the comfort of my own
computer....these tend to develop holes
after a while....don't know why...
But I still buy them.....each season...
Red of course being my
"signature color"
I even found striped going in
two different directions....
that was exciting!!
Of course you can't say stripes without
mentioning "Ralph Lauren"
Orange comes in second as my
favorite color for apparel....
I wear this Ralph all year long...
it has fancy gold thread stripes...
very nautical indeed...with those
little thingies on the shoulders...
with my new found weight loss I picked
up this little number at
TJM....spandex....holds in the Fat
that is left!!
I buy all my summer tees and tanks at
where else.....WalMart....
so cheap that they get replaced
every summer...
Calvin Klein is also a fan
of stripes...
This is actually a dress...I'm short
it fits to the knee....
strapless dress or skirt....
works as both...
 purchased this year at the
Armor lux shop in Paris..
this is the brand that started the
When in Paris this shop is a must
gotta have one in cashmere....
the ultimate stripe...
I even wear these in the summer...
perfect for movie going when the
Air conditioning is cranked up...
This was a gift from daughter...
She knows I love my stripes...
 the "original French Sailors"
Saint James's a bit thinner then....
my favorite the Armor-lux.....
I had my choice of colors at the store
this year and of course I came away
with both in blue and white and
white and blue....
I'm an idiot what can I say....
I did buy a cute yellow and white hat....
which I failed to photograph for this post...
found this cute number while shopping
with the Blog Gals one day at a shop
here in Marietta called
great stuff and great prices....
this is fully lined and was a mere $24.99
Today's purchase at the Loft....
Joyce and Me had a wonderful lunch and
then we went shopping in Vinings....
a little village outside of Atlanta...
We actually behaved ourselves...
both at lunch at Canoe....and
while shopping....we must be
getting older
I was so happy when I tried on a Large...
down from my usual XL....when Joyce said it was
too big....Hooray!!
I was able to get a Medium....
And the price....well take a big
60% off that ticket price!!
Had to buy the coat too.....
Come on it came out to be
around $30. with the 60% off the markdown
price....You know ladies
you just can't pass up a bargain like that...
I bought 3 items and saved an extra $100.
Joyce made me do it...
I have to say this must be in the
Family Genes.....Because....
Miss B.....gotta love her....made this person
in her Kindergarten Class.....
I was so proud to see she dressed it in
because the poor child probably thinks Grandma is
either crazy or I have a striped Body Tattoo....
That's all she ever sees me in...

Now on to the Giveaway....
Leave me a comment on what your
Obsession is....
Let's be clean...this is a family Blog...
If your not a Blogger and saw me on Facebook
You can still enter to win...
Just leave me a comment using the
anonymous button but sign your name
to your comment...
And We will pick the craziest
I will then send you "Something"
with Stripes....
it could be an article of clothing or
something for your home...
But for sure it will have stripes....
Because at some point I have to stop
this stripe buying before it's considered a
Sickness....So if I can't shop for me

Then at least I can shop for you!!
feel free to add my link to your page
to spread the word...Because everybody
loves a Giveaway!!
Men are also invited to

******The giveaway will run through
Saturday June 15th...I will announce the winner
in my next post after the 15th.


  1. Sue I am laughing like crazy! I don't think I ever see you without stripes on! Oh yes OBSESSION! Mine is PINK....I don't know why but I'm drawn to that color like a magnet! The Beret we found while shopping at Versona...Pink! I almost always buy a PINK t-shirt on my various vacations! I have pink sheets, pink walls in my bedroom...yes I do have an OBSESSION also! Fun and I will have to come back and visit and see what others are obsessed with!

    hugs, Linda

  2. You are a girl after my own heart. I love stripes, too, and I love striped dishes as much as stiped clothes. Though now that I think about it, I don't know if I have any striped dishes (sone polka dots) with the exception of some cute striped cups. Love them!

    My obsession? There are several. I guess I would say blogging and books. I love me some books, but dishes are right up there, too, and fabric. Bolts of it. ;-)



  3. All I could think of with that title is the Bill Murray movie "Stripes."

    A wonderful obsession.

  4. Shoes and china.
    I don't just have one obsession, I have two. I won't tell you how many pairs of shoes I have, but lets just say that the winter-everyday are in a large storage box that takes up most of the area underneath the bed and the winter dress-ups are in a box in the spare room, and the winter out-door are in another box. Then there are the evening shoes - in their own boxes. Spring and summer shoes are in the closet now on two shoe units, flip flops and other backless shoes are in their own unit. Track shoes, exercise shoes and outdoor shoes are in the garage. *blush* that is a lot of shoes!
    China - well, a girl can't have too many dishes and at last count there were eight china services stashed away.....and they all get used.

  5. Sue,
    I'm reading this blog and I can't believe I've never noticed your obsession with STRIPES!!! And I'm sitting here thinking (a) how could I have never noticed that she is obsessed with stripes and (b) I don't think I have an obsession... Then it came to me as I sit at my desk, just put Leo to bed, it hits me, as I'm eating the 5th biscotti you gave me.. Which by the way they are amazing, and if I win, I just want more of your biscottis!!! I'm OBSESSED with FOOD!!!! If I ever logged the food I ate all day, that would be sight!!

  6. Oh, I'm a stripe girl too. Have several of those French sailor shirts in my closet, scarves, tees, dresses, shirts, but no pants that come to mind. Love stripes, dots, and plaids. My obsessions are numerous. Ha! Obviously I've got a tabletop obsession, but also have an obsession with small needlework scissors ~ been collecting them for years. Some are antique, some vintage, some new, some hand crafted. I even have an Eiffel Tower scissor. '-)
    ~ Sarah

  7. I know you LOVE stripes and you have always looked great in them! All colors. Congrats on your weight loss. And finding some new clothes in medium!! And I know you and Joyce had a hoot of a time.

    Now I have to say my obsession - is chocolate - but no stripes there. So I think I like my stripes in - well I don't know.

    Lol, sandie

  8. LOL, Sue- I finally have a working computer again-I thought I was going to have to enter rehab with my 'puter withdrawal going full swing!

    Loved this post- I used to have a lot more stripes than I do now. I LOVE that little Miss gave her person STRIPES- How funny is that?!?! My grandkids always color me in GREEN because I have a lot of green in my wardrobe. SweetCheeks once asked me if I had any other colors I liked besides green and black. I told her black and blue- she didn't think that was funny.

    My obsession? Hmmm...well, I have a counting obsession. I count steps. As you know, we have moved many, many times over the years. I won't buy a house if it has 13 steps AND I won't buy a house if has 13 in the number. lol Weird, I know. (nor can the numbers ADD UP TO 13).

    My buying obsession would probably be china. I have to tape my hands to my side so I don't pick up dishes when I am shopping.
    Have a great night and weekend- xo Diana

  9. Sue, your blogs are always so good, and most of all they are real. I have two obsessions. The first is not so strange, but it must be the old hippie in me, but I love denim. Blankets, pillows, slip covers, my clothes. I just love it. The other is cigar boxes. I have some real beauties. Have been meaning to do something with them, but I just can't part with even one. Keep up the blogging , I love it. Marcia

  10. Sue, where do I start, I seem to have so many obsessions. I guess the biggest would be books, particularly cookbooks. I have the usual ones, but then I always pick up one or two whenever I travel. I even bought one in France without even noticing that it was written in French. I must have over 200 books.

  11. You always make me laugh! Plain stripes aren't my thing, but my quilts always contain an intricate strip of some kind. You know my obsession - my grandkids and brown transferware! Sally

  12. I thought I was the only one drawn to stripes! I just counted in my closet 8 striped t-shirts. I also have this thing for black pants. For some reason, every
    time I shop, I bring home a pair of black pants....

    Then there is decorating books...can't pass one up. Oh! And cook books....same thing.

  13. obsession...guess that would be house remodeling. Did you read my last post? Clothes, I don't have anything in particular but food (can ya call chocolate food) is Sponge Candy. I always as in always have to buy the large bag when ever I go up home. So good!

  14. Flowers are my first obsession. If I go to Lowes or Home Depot, I make myself enter and exit through the front door, not the garden center. Otherwise, I'll come home with a plant. I don't need any more flowers but that doesn't seem to stop me!

    Someone else said food. Yep, me too! Chocolate, cheese, wheat thins, ice cream. But I'll hush since you're losing weight. Good for you, but you don't eat... and I love to eat! I admire your willpower!!

  15. My obsession is table linens and dishes for sure.
    Shopping for necessities I really will endure,
    If I know my last stop will be at HomeGoods for cloths.
    When my car drives by William Sonoma it naturally halts
    Pot holders, plates, glasses or pans, they each touch my heart like nothing else can
    I guess my kitchen should include towels with stripes so bring them on Ms Sue so I won't gripe!

  16. Sue,

    I have so many I will have to come back to leave a comment to qualify me with the crazies -- I mean obsessed. I am assuming your obsession for stripes started when you served time in the pen (and I'm not talking about PA -- probably for threatening customer "service" or some City Hall Official) LOL
    I was stopping by to tell you that Miss B reminds me of Jacqueline Bouvier when she was a child.
    I will return!
    Your Friend,

  17. Hi Sue! Oh, I believe you are a stripeaholic! :) I had to laugh when you said 'Tom Selleck hanging naked in the window display'! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. OMgosh which obsession should I mention first LOL

    My BIGGEST is Louis Vuitton
    yes he is the first second a town named Savannah Georgia LOVE that town and Back In The Day Bakery in Savannah

    Love your stripes also I ordered 2 Isaac Mizrahi scoop neck dresses off QVC LOL and love them I could have ordered a size down however love wearing them and I want to wear them over a swim suit in Jamacia since I am going to a wedding there very soon

    I love stripped tee shirts and have a few myself they always look good with jeans or white pants or white jeans

    it was fun seeing your attire


  19. My obsession(s).......#1 food (ugh), #2 birds! #3 angels. I don't usually wear prints or stripes. But I love them for tablecloths, napkins, etc. Thanks for the warning on poison ivy, I wear gloves, and a big stick I poke around with as I am deathly afraid of snakes, even the garden variety. xo

  20. This is a fun post Sue!
    You do have an amazing collection of stripes, that coat is my fave, oh I do love that.
    I kind of feel the same about checks and polka dots.
    My obsessions are my grand-daughters, cute little girl clothing, fabrics, cottages and flowers.
    My one strange one might be my obsession with reading about strange and weird history (kind of like Ripleys Believe or not.
    Happy Thursday,

  21. Oh yeah, you DO love your stripes, girl! My favorite of your newbies is that sweet dress. I don't do horizontal stripes ever since that witchy Mother Nature made my hips grow. dang her! But I love me stripes in decorating, that's for sure. And black and white is my obsession in any shape or form. Not exactly unusual or anything. Anxious to see what obsessions everyone else has. Not that he can win, but Mr. Sullivan has an obsession with peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. He would eat one for lunch every day if he could! LOL Weird, huh? It took me a long time to try a bitev . They are actually not bad. But. I think I'll still stick with something more normal.....

  22. A Gone But Not Forgotten collection. Spoons with ladies names on them. Who could get rid of their grandmother's spoon?

  23. Stripes, too. And my Gone But Not Forgotten collection mentioned above. Paula

  24. Hi Sue! Thanks for popping in to see me and I'd love to see your green things some day. Think about! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. I can't wear striped unless they are vertical.
    Great collection you have and too cute Miss B likes stripes too!
    I saw your comment on Linda's about your luncheon. I will have to come check it out!
    Say Hi to Joyce for me!

  26. Oh I forgot to say my obsession. Anything dish related, or napkins and cloths and napkin rings and glasses. Love flowers too though. I am all out of places to plant though.

  27. Hi there came on over from Linda's blog and what can I say about stripes...........well they don't look good of short fat women and that is what I am a short fat woman so don't wear stripes very often.....
