Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Every Now and again I like to do a post
Just for Sophie...
One that she will be able to see when she
Gets Older....
You are kindly invited to enjoy with me
My time gardening with "Our Miss B."
"B" has been seen recently looking a
bit under the weather...
long hours at school...Flu Season..
left Miss B looking like she was in
Need of a little Vacation..
So what are grandparents to do....
Ship her down to Georgia with her
Mother and Spoil the Heck out of her...
thought it would be fun one day to
Plant some flowers....
After a trip to Walmart....with shovel...
gloves and a watering can in hand
We were off to Home Depot for some
Don't let the kid fool you...
This is something "Sweet Cheeks" would do.
she made it through 3 plants
then threw in the trowel...
This was strictly a Photo Op...
We all know her from her yearly
Calendars...She's a camera
You point a camera at this child
and this is what you get.
this picture makes me very happy
because she's back looking
like our old Miss B...
Happy and Healthy...
Of course she spent most of her time
With the Boss or as
we like to call him
"Sophie's version of Tom Selleck"
When you tell her to pose
this is what you get...
take note that the gloves
aren't even dirty!!

Attempting an action shot... 
The first try at the shovel in the air
almost hit grandma in the head...
This time she threw it straight in the
Work day is done....
All of 10 minutes....but we had fun

"Sweet Cheeks" can usually be found
on her grandmother's Blog
Diana Takes a Break... Nana
she is my second favorite
Kid blog star...


  1. Pa says smiling for photos is a trait that must be genetically part of all girls. He calls it the sorority smile and if there are two or more girls in the photo, they lean in automatically. Sophie is so cute and getting ever so grown up. Glad you were honest about the length of the garden activity; all mine are the same way. Posing is much more fun than being productive, lets face it!

  2. She IS a cutie, Sue. And ever so the HAM... Watch out for flying trowels!

  3. Sue, she is just adorable. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Oh is she ever growing!
    What a cute girl and a little model or actress in the making!

  5. I cannot believe how much she has grown up! And she is darling as always. She's so pretty, Sue, and such a riot. Love this child! She always makes me smile, and I loved your description of her ten minute gardening non-adventure yet photo shoot! :-)



  6. I love how she poses for the camera! She is a natural and such a cutie. I am glad she is feeling better and looking bright eyed for sure!

  7. Oh my gosh she looks like you and John! lol beautiful!!!

    And she is so smart - she does a little work - and then you get to finish.

    I love those photos - she ought to be in pictures - she is not only adorable, but is really camera friendly - which you need.

    Loved this. sandie

  8. Oh my goodness! She is just so cute. I can tell she is full of personality and energy. She has the most beautiful thick brunette hair too! I bet y'all had fun together. Now, did you have to go back and actually finish planting after the photo shoot? LOL! That's a nice way to spend time together.

  9. This is so sweet! Forget "gardener," this little missy has "model" or "actor" written all over her.

    Did they like the guest room digs?

  10. Your grandaughter is really lovely ^_^!

  11. So glad you stopped by my Blog to visit, as it enabled me to find you and your Blog. What fun - one of the best things about blogging! Sophie is BEAUTIFUL, course you knew that! I signed on to Follow you, so "I'll be Baaack!".

  12. What a cute grand! Looks like she had a great time, even if it was strictly a photo op. Glad you had this special time together. I'm a fan of Sweet Cheeks, but I see now that there is competition in Blogville. I'm happy to be a fan of both. '-)

  13. Such a fun and precious post. She is definitely a star and love the camera. Happy Mother's Day. Hugs, Marty

  14. She's a doll! And she's my kind of girl. We don't want to do too much heavy lifting! 10 minutes of manual labor is plenty...Mimi

  15. Guess she's a little spitfire and lots of fun. Maybe she doesn't like to get dirty. I don't blame her. I don't either and I kill plants.

    I think all kids nowadays are so used to the camera they pose all the time. I've noticed it with all young kids. You grab your camera and they start smiling and posing. Must be the digital age.
