Thursday, March 14, 2013


She preferred to be called Marge.....
On Occasion I would hear the Big Boss call her
she was Irish and growing up in Princeton...
that swanky college town.... she went on to be a
Governess to the wealthy of the town...

Taking care of their children like they were her own
and living in a small apartment on
Library Street....
isn't that a great street name...
She married the home town boy who went on to
do great things and he was the love of her life....
Married only 6 months...he died as he stepped onto
the beach at Normandy on D-Day....
she never talked much about him but you knew
her heart had been broken....
We have tried for years to locate his grave site to no
avail.....just to pay our respects....
to Francis....
She met the Big Boss as far as we know sometime
in the late 40's in Beautician School....
something we didn't know until the Big Boss
passed away....
Two opposite people in every way....
She was neither a cook or a Hostess....
But she liked the finer things in life....
She educated herself by reading....she was always
reading.....Usually with the Cat on her lap....
where the Big Boss was ruff and gruff....and
unsophisticated......she was like an American Version
of Hyacinth from Keeping Up Appearances..
Always in neatly pressed shirt waist dresses with
an ever present "hankie" tucked up under the
The Dining Room in their little house in New Jersey
could not have been more then 10x10....
The china and silver were a service for 12....
And in all the years I never saw them used once....
They sat neatly inside a little hutch cabinet in the
I never thought she cared for me very much but I'm sure it
was the same sentiment as most mothers who have an only
child who is a son....

I never realized back then that she was losing
Another man in her life....
Another "love of her life"....
No one seemed good enough for "Her Johnny"
A name she called the Boss until she died...
I used to kid and say "You would think she gave
Birth to Tom Selleck"....
So a few years ago when the Big Boss passed away
and we cleaned out the house I packed up all the
lovely green and white china for 12....
the beautiful silver for 12....
And brought them home to my new house...
where they have sat in the box for well over a year.....
I loved her Royal Doulton figures....
They sit behind a glass case...
I especially care for the Cat Women.....
The china is so delicate with it's green pattern....
The little green glass salad bowls came home with me
The glasses and the cabbage bowls were already
mine.....but everything seemed to go so well
The Tea Cart in the background was Marge's..
It fits nicely in my over sized dining room....
I never had my own silver service so this was a treat
When I got a whole beautiful set.....With our Initial
on each piece!
The pitchers are mine....The little one
was sent to me by Sally of Salmugundi.....It matched
the big one....only hers is old and mine is new...
Don't you love when Blog friends send you
special treasures....

I found this in the silver box.....
the initials are...
Marguerite Phillips Clark.....

And here is a picture of Marguerite.....
probably during her working years in Princeton
Perhaps before she married Frances....
Maybe after....

She re-married in the late 1940's and they
were married for a little over 25 years before she passed an early age....
The Big Boss never re-married....
Here they are in their 25th Anniversary picture....
So private....that we never knew when they were married...
the anniversary came and went and this photo
was found when the house was being sold....

I hope I have made Marge proud by being the keeper of the
china and the silver and ofcourse the Boss....
It's been 45 years since I first met her....
I think she would enjoy seeing her lovely things
being used and enjoyed and to have them
at home in such a beautiful setting....

This post is for the "Boss".......

I am linking up with Cuisine Kathleen's 
Blog Crawl for St. Patrick's Day....
Lot's of beautiful tablescapes to view...


  1. Oh wow, first I thought you were in France, by your blog name, then I see you're in the South, my dream place to live one day. What a beautiful story. And beautiful family treasures handed down. The Boss will be proud. Visiting from Kathleen's blog crawl. xo

  2. Sweet story of family and a lovely china set being used now.

  3. What a wonderful post and tribute to your mother-in-law. How sad she didn't use those beautiful dishes - she would be glad to know that you cherish them. You've done The Boss proud!!!! Sally

  4. Very nice! Glad you have and enjoy the china:@)

  5. What a beautiful story and such beautiful silver with her initials on them. I love monogrammed silver and I never hesitate to buy it if I like it-I just claim it belonged to some old relative that buried it during the War Between the States. We don't call it the Civil War down here as there was "nothin' civil about it" according to my Grandmother!!

  6. So many things I love here - the most your tribute to the Boss about his mom and dad.

    The Boss looks like his dad.

    I love the plates and the silver - how nice you can use it - great for St. Pat's day.

    They never told you when they got married?

    I think your mother in law would be proud too.

    Loved it.

  7. How lovely! What a wonderful memorial to all of them! That silver is fantastic! I own the same little cabbage bowls. You have great taste! :-)

  8. Sue, this put a tear in my eye, and I feel certain that Marge would have had a tear in hers as well. What a lovely, lovely tribute both in words and in the beautiful table you set. I'm so glad you have that china and silver to enjoy. It was made to be enjoyed, and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. And I know the Boss and his parents agree.



  9. I love your story of a dear friend...she would be proud of your beautiful table and tribute to her..
    I am a fellow GA blogger and found you at Cuisine Kathleen's..

  10. Beautiful table, Sue, the china and silver are must know by now anything green is #1 with me!

    What a wonderful tribute to your late mother's name was also, Marguerite...she was know as Pete or Peg, though.

  11. What a wonderful story and all that gorgeous china! I really like it!

  12. Sue, you have written a lovely tribute to your mother-in-law. I'm glad you are have her beautiful china, silver, and figurines to remember her by and to pass to your daughter and granddaughter along with the story of her life. My mother had her "treasures" too and she always kept them packed away, never using them. I have unwrapped them and put them on display. Even though I don't use them much, I enjoy seeing them and they remind me of her.

  13. I know Marge would be proud if she could see her beautiful treasures on your dining table, Sue. I have my grandmother's china and it brings back wonderful memories every time I use it.

  14. What a wonderful story and nicely written. Beautiful table setting, by the way!

  15. The table is lovely but the story is priceless! Thanks for sharing! I love the china and silver and now you can enjoy it and the history of the Boss's family! Hugs, Linda

  16. Your lovely post has made me all teary eyed for some reason. Everyone has a story and we will never really know the whole story of each life that intersects with our own. You have made a beautiful table setting with her china and silver.

    I love that cat lady too.

  17. What a precious story and how lucky you are to have the beautiful china and silver! Really pretty table.


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  19. You are a very good wife to take care of your hubby's mom's things so nicely. The silver is lovely and so are the figurines. Linda

  20. You tell "the story" of how you ended up all those lovely precious pieces very well! I enjoyed reading it between the pics of the pretty t'scape you created! Everything DOES work well together.


  21. Your story is so interesting and a beautiful tribute to your mother-in-law. Do you know why she never used her beautiful china? Your tablescape is lovely and I'm sure she would be proud to know it is being used and enjoyed! I love how you mix your things with the china and silver.
    Thanks for sharing.

    The French Hutch

  22. I am sooo glad to read that you are using Marge's beautiful things instead of having them just sit in a cupboard! I hope many happy memories are made over your tables with your own!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sue!

  23. What a lovely story! I felt like I got to meet your mother in law through this post. She was a very pretty woman. I love the silverware with her initials on them. My mom has a set with hers too. I think that was common back in those days. Seems noone does that much anymore. That's a shame. It's such a great thing to pass down. Your table setting is very pretty. I love the black and white checks mixed with the green for St. Patricks Day.

  24. Wow. Hi! I'm your next-door neighbor on The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday this week. What an incredibly compelling story! I don't know that I have heard one quite like it before. As the mother of a male only child, I can relate to what you said. Know this, though: We're so glad when you take them and make them better men. It is so sad, I think, when people have such nice things and either choose to never enjoy them or just don't get that chance. It's like having a gorgeous spouse and putting them on a pedestal that never lets them be who they are. I am so glad that you are using the china and silver service. That's not only keeping the memories of Marge and the Big Boss going, but giving YOU a chance to make memories for your own children and their spouses. Thank you for sharing, and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!

  25. So fun to have your mil's dishes and silver. I'm glad to see you using them too. They need to be enjoyed. I love to make cream puffs so easy and people think you've been slaving away in the kitchen. I'm trying popovers for dinner tonight. Mimi

  26. That's a great story, Sue! She sounds like a lovely lady. I am sure she is happy you are enjoying her china and sharing her story.
    The table looks lovely, thanks for joining in the Crawl!

  27. Hi Sue! What a wonderful post! What lovely treasures from your MIL! I know she would be so proud to see what a beautiful table you've set with them. The dishes are gorgeous and I love the silver. Your pieces look just perfect too! Thanks so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. What a great post on your MIL and it is wonderful that you are using those pieces of china and silver, why wouldn't Marge be happy?

  29. Oh I love this post so much!!
    Thank you for sharing. The Royal Doulton pieces are so sweet. There is no doubt in my mind your mother in law would be so proud of you turning her precious keepings into art.

  30. Oh I love this post so much!!
    Thank you for sharing. The Royal Doulton pieces are so sweet. There is no doubt in my mind your mother in law would be so proud of you turning her precious keepings into art.

  31. Sue,
    Your posts always put a tear in my eye and smile on my face. I'm sure "Maggie" is smiling seeing what good care you take of her good dishes, silver and "Johnny".
    I love the story of finding out the "Big Boss" attended Beauty (not Barber) School! Picture him learning how to give perms. :D
    Your Friend,
