Monday, February 18, 2013

WEEKEND IN GREENVILLE......... a little town review

We recently had the chance to go back to
Clemson S.C. for a friends 65th.
birthday party.....we decided to leave a day
earlier and spend some time in Greenville...
We stayed overnight at the
Westin seems this guy had
something to do with bringing Poinsettia's to the country?

I could be wrong about that as I didn't read his
little plaque....left my eyeglasses back at
the room..... but the statue was very
A lovely old brick structure...Right on
Main Street...great location....not such good
The morning after our arrival I stepped out
with my trusty Nikon leaving the Boss behind
and took some pictures....this is the facade of the
Westin....thank goodness for zoom lens...
the rooms with the balconies must be
lovely as they look out over Main St....
This old shoe shine chair....still in use....
sat proudly in the lobby....
Rooms were extremely plain in decor...
actually there wasn't any decor....
and those "Heavenly Beds" are just a lot
of talk....
We stayed at the Hampton Inn in Clemson the next
night and their beds were Heaven....
The day we got there is was pouring rain
but I had made a reservation before leaving
Atlanta to eat here....
it seems the owner is a graduate of Clemson who
came to Greenville back in the day when land
was cheap and started putting up
The company "Table 301"
owns 6 eateries plus a catering company
This place was fabulous...
Directly across the street from the Westin it
was so nice to run in out of the rain and have a
fabulous meal...
These scallops were better then the
ones I had at the Jules Verne at the Eiffel Tower
earlier in the year...
Paris vs. Greenville S.C.
Who knew???
Back to my morning stroll....
I thought this meter maid was giving this
Smart car a ticket....
but upon closer inspection
The Smart Car.....
is actually the Parking Authorities vehicle...
how cute is that...
I wonder how she gets in an out of that
There were a lot of Fountains in town...
This one is in front of Symphony Hall..
a beautiful clock stands tall on Main....
along with brick sidewalks and
old street signs....
Can you see the other statue in the
background....Statues are all over as

Liberty 1905..... 
More Statues.....
playing the flute...
Some naked guy and a violin player....
This was just out in front of an office
A hog.....
Not just any hog....this one "drooled"
Water out of it's mouth....
You have to look close...
Down South they love their Sunday Buffets.....
This one looked exceptional at only
"Dress is casual and all are welcome"
I'm sure they even make give you a take out
cup of sweet tea when you leave....
I loved the signs pointing you in the right
direction....I have been here twice now and have
not made it down to see the Falls....
It's that extra 3 blocks that just kills me...
This one points out all the hot spots in town.....
And where all the parking lots are....
But there is also plenty of free street parking.
There are more places to eat on Main Street....
then you can count....
Something for everyone....

Inside an office complex..... 
For Ladies who like to lunch....
this one confused me.....
Is it a Taco/Sushi joint...
Mexican and Asian together seemed a little
what do you do in the middle of winter...
Artificial flowers do the trick...
Getting ready for the lunch crowd.....
Just need a snack...How about a shop
that just sells popcorn....
Now your talking.....
Southern BBQ..
couldn't tell what type of food they had
Cup Cakes!!!!
the ever popular Indian Cuisine.... your age ladies...
Who remembers Lerner Shops...
no longer there of course...
But you can see where the letters were
taken off...
This is a great shop.....very similar to
and they have the biggest penny candy department
I have ever seen...
Barrels and Barrels of them...
but of course no longer a penny
As my photo tour was coming to an end....
My feet were starting to hurt....
Sue can only walk so far...
These guys were busy fixing the sidewalks....
Notice the guy all the way over on
the right...there is always one that just stands
around and supervises....
So that's it....
That is lovely downtown
Greenville S.C.

If your ever driving through the South you should
make a point of stopping even if it's just to
get a meal....and see the charm of Main Street...
And I will leave you with this.....
It seems for less then $14.50 you can come to
this place and Just "Sniff" their food....

p.s...I forgot the best part of Greenville...for all you 
people who know what the Christmas Tree Shoppes are
they have one in Greenville....that's enough reason for
any Southerner to visit...


  1. Sue that was a fun walking tour you took us on! I've never been to Greenville but it looks like a fun little town!
    hugs, Linda

  2. What a grat tour! I've never been to Greenville, but having experienced your tour, given the opportunity I'd go for it!

    - The Tablescaper

  3. Great little tour, Sue. Looks like a nice little town.

  4. Sue- What a great town- I have only ever passed through it. Too bad that the Westin disappointed...but glad you found a place with comfy beds. Hope your feet are all rested up by now- xo Diana

  5. Thanks for the tour...those scallops looks yummy!

  6. I have been there so many times - but never got to see the upper part of the town - lol. Doesn't have great memories for me - long story. But it looks like it is a great city. And that meal - better than the Eiffel Tower food!!?? It looked great. The room looked pretty good to me. I had such a wonderful time today. Thanks for everything. sandie

  7. I just discovered your blog and love it!
