Tuesday, March 13, 2012

WASTED SPACE...........to Mini Office.

One day I found myself sitting in this little area of the house.....
My Laundry Room....Talking on the phone to daughter...
The Boss was listening to the radio very loud and this was the only spot in the
House that was noise-free....
While sitting on that stool I wondered what I could do with this
Very Wasted Space opposite my washer and dryer....
That door leads to my back porch.....nice stone floor....High ceilings.....
Lots of cabinet space.....
But I bit Boring.....it needed a little spark....
Align Center
Sooooooo......For $1.00 each and found in the $1.00 Bin at Michael's......
Off came the boring knobs and on went "Cute"

Not bad for a Buck!!

Ta Da!!!
My "RELAX" sign that reminds me of my father....
He used to say "Reeeeeeelax" to my mother all the time....
I can still hear him saying it.....very sarcastically I might add...
I have a new thing for birds....
And I added the infamous "Good Humor" truck from the 50's.....
love love love the Toasted Almond bar.....
plant found at Ikea for $5.99.....
Picture of a Real Good Humor Truck taken by me on
Long Beach Island in New Jersey where they are still in Business...
Gotta have a big Initial.....
Of course....Miss B's calendar....
a little letter holder from Walmart
and a picture of me and my best bud Nunze....

$10.00 Clock from where else.....Ikea!!
And to finish off the space.....you gotta have a waste paper basket....
Another cheap find from the Dollar Tree.....
And that's my new Wasted Space Mini Makeover.....

p.s. is anyone else having a problem with "Anonymous" leaving bad comments on past posts
I have been getting them every day all day....
and I figure someone is trying to screw up my computer....
Not a nice thing to do since I do this for fun and I'm not bothering anyone....


  1. I like what you've done - especially those knobs!
    I haven't noticed any new Anonymous comments, but I'll check back. I don't know why some people get such a kick out being nasty.

  2. Love your makeover, Sue! Nice use of space! Have you set your blog so that you have comment moderation on posts older than a week? I have....and it takes the thrill out of it when I zap stuff and no one ever sees it! Or you could do comment moderation from the get-go. I once found a band of Japanese people discussing naughty things I did not want to know about (I used Google translate) on an old post of mine....using it like a bulletin board. Yikes! People never cease to amaze me! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Oh gosh, those knobs are so adorable! Love them!
    I just hate when someone mean tries to interfere in your space. It is frustrating. Love my bloggy world here.
    Come visit soon.

    Hugs Anne

  4. Those little knobs are adorable! How's your April calendar looking?

  5. Love what you did with the space and now you have an area all your own. As for the anonymous comments I use to get some Asians leaving comments and of course I had no idea what was said but they stopped after about a year.

  6. Sue, I love how you changed your "wasted" space to a wonderful space. LOVE the door/drawer knobs and special accessories that make it a fun place to work.

  7. It's always nice to find a use for that wasted space! Perfect spot for a mini office.
    I do get lots of spammers posting on older posts, they are annoying, but I am not going back to having to type in a code before a person can leave comment...that is more annoying tome!

  8. Sue this looks so cute! I love the knobs and the Good Humor truck is so fun. No anonymous comments here lately but I had some before, I would just delete and go on about my business. They stopped. Hugs, Linda

  9. Love that you are really using that space. It looks great. I love those knobs!!! When you get an anonymous comment send it to Spam. I got a whole slew of them and once I started doing that they just automatically go to Spam. I check my spam every once in a while to make sure that someone I wanted to hear from didn't get sent there. If that happens you can un-check that one so it appears on your blog.

    Some of those are just computer generated and will hit you over and over and over once you have been targeted. My last one was about how awful American women were and that they should be "squelched". lol I squelched him. He's been spam ever since! xo Diana

  10. I've never seen those knobs before but they are so cute. You made yourself you own woman cave! I love it - bright and lots of fun. sandie

  11. Love how you fixed up your little space. Very cute and creative.

  12. I'm having a few computer issues too, Sue, and am not happy about it. Love what you did to spruce up your laundry room. You are so fortunate to have all that wonderful space. It is amazing what can be found at Ikea!

  13. Love all the Good Humor fun items. I can hear those bells ringing...come to think of it I always hear bells:-). We use to sit on the corner in the summer and wait for him to arrive and when we heard those bells we would run after the truck like a pack of wild dogs with our dimes and nickels. We would then drive the guy crazy deciding what to buy. Think I purchased the chocolate sundae most days because I was infatuated with the little wooden spoon. Knobs are too cute. I use to get Chinese writing on my blog back in the day and just deleted it.

  14. Sue, You have one nice room to get away from it all! What cute little door knobs. And for a buck? bargain, baby!
    I don't allow anonymous comments, period! If you don't tell me who ya are- hmmph! too bad.. so sad... You aren't allowed...
