Saturday, March 17, 2012


When we went House Hunting back in July I "requested" a few things from
The Boss....
My Dream Kitchen had to have a six burner Navy or Apple Green Porcelain
Viking Range with a Double Oven....
An Industrial size Pot Rack hanging over a Ginormous Island....
And a porcelain sink...
Knowing ahead of time that there was no house in the Atlanta Area with my
Specifications the Boss knew he would be doing a lot of "Happy Wife Shopping"....
Well one out of Four isn't Bad.....
A seven foot island was certainly suitable for my needs....
The house came with Two Wolf ovens....
A free standing Range with a griddle and a built-in spare Fancy Oven....
So there would be No Viking Range in my future.....
The Stainless Steel sink would have to stay because the granite top was cut to fit....
Two Down one for to go....
The Pot Rack.....
NOT HAPPENING......The Boss put his foot down that he knew for sure if I insisted on
having one hung from the 12 foot planked wood ceiling that one night while we were sleeping
The whole thing....ceiling and all would come crashing down....
See.....I'm not just a pot hanger....I hang anything that has a hook...
Feeling bad that my Dream Kitchen fell short a bit.....The Boss offered to replace the
Island marble top.....Thinking this would make up for the pot rack.
Seen in the picture above the previous Homeowner made of mess of it.....
And it was driving me crazy....stains everywhere.....
And we won't discuss that I Despise Stainless Steel of any kind....

See these three men......In unison before lifting the old counter they counted to
Three and they all tightened their belts....It was hysterical to watch....
They moved it down to the basement where the Boss made a work table out of it...
I was Happy......Getting something new in My Part of the World was just fine....
And I have learned to live with stainless knowing that WD40 is a God Send in keeping it
Somewhere hidden away in my computer are great pictures of the stone company
Cutting this huge piece of granite on a water saw.....I have no idea where they have gone...
But it was fascinating to watch them pick it up and move it to the saw and then I was able to see it on a computer screen and decide exactly where I wanted it cut....
Of course You know I had to have the piece right out of the center...
It is beautiful!!
it has a bit of green in it to match the painted island....a little black to match my
counters and a bit of cream to match my back splash...
I love the triple edge....
And I'm a Happy Camper or in this case a Happy Cooker.......except for
Protesting about the Pot Rack...or Lack of....
The Boss bought me a whole set of All-Clad Copper Core pots when we moved in....
They are still sitting under the counter in their boxes.....
They were suppose to hang on the rack over the island....
He tells me to "Get Over It".....
Until the day I do....the new pots will remain here.....
Hey.....I really wanted a Pot Rack!!


  1. That granite is a beaut!! Love the triple edge!! Waiting until you're 60 to get such a thing of beauty is double the fun, don't you think? Thanks for your comments on the blog and on FB. I'm getting lots of traffic - guess I should be unfocused more often. So much swirling around this old brain of mine at the moment. My kids are irritating me right now, but I'll calm down soon. Take care, Sally

  2. Beautiful granite, Sue...but, hey! The light you have over the island is fabulous! I love pot racks, too...but what you have is soooo unique! :-) Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Sue: Your granite is beautiful and from the little I can see so is your kitchen. Good luck on that pot rack. Mine was moved 3 times and finally decided I didn't want it. So I asked "my" boss the other night if we sold it in a garage sale and he said no it's still in the garage. Why are you asking, he asks! Well there is a little redo of kitchen in near future!!..Judy

  4. The granite is beautiful. Love how it looks in the kitchen. I think you should get your pot rack but hey what do I know! hugs, Linda

  5. Sue your new granite is gorgeous, love your whole kitchen!!

  6. Enclume makes a hammered steel freestanding 8-tier cookware stand that might work for you. I have a 6-tier one as my kitchen was too small for the 8-tier, and I love it. I think the 7-tier is a put-it-together yourself one, but the ends on top and bottom don't look right. It is pricey, but built very well with thick metal. I searched around on the internet until I found a bargain sale, so you could do the same if it is something that would work for you. Love the new countertop. What a dream kitchen!

  7. Love, love your entire kitchen! I'm inspired to get rid of my 'original' tile counter tops and make the move to granite!!! Wish my kitchen was large enough to accommodate an island.

  8. Love your kitchen...island, etc. I do not care much for stainless steel either...but MyHero loves that is what we have. I have had the AllClad for about 12 years and still love it as much as I did the day I got it! xo Diana

  9. Sue, the granite is lovely. Now I want to see the Boss's workbench that he made out of the old countertop. And tell him that the island just screams for a pot rack above it. I used to have one from Lowes with three down lights in the center. What would be really great is to suspend an old ladder above the island and use it as a pot rack with S-hooks to attach the pots. I like the hint about using wd40 to clean stainless steel. I use olive oil but the spray can would be handy.

  10. Tell the Boss that things that are anchored into studs will NOT come crashing down! LOL
    I can't believe that you cannot convince him. Go find a contractor who will prove him wrong and you right, 'cause that gorgeous granite topped island is screaming for a pot rack, baby! ~ Sue

  11. I am joining in the chorus of how beautiful this is = I love your new granite top. Your kitchen is just gorgeous. I am sure there is some way to be able to get that rack and make it stay! Sandie

  12. Wow..beautiful kitchen the island and granite!
    I think you did awfully well there...hubby sounds like a great guy!

  13. Love the flow of the granite!

  14. Love the new granite and I do use my pot rack all the time. In a way I want to remove and and do hanging pendants. I guess we just live with what we have for now.

  15. Gorgeous granite! I am still trying to decide what color to choose for our re do later this year. The triple edge is so pretty! That is a wonderful light overhead...I love pot racks too but you have something unique!

  16. I see a rack you can hang your pots on! In the next room, on the wall! :). Try it and you may get a pot rack sooner than you think!
    I still have my 42 year old Farberware pots! Not hang worthy, but have been used constantly!
