Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION.........Senior Citizen Edition

This post falls under the same category as
Neil Diamond....
You either hate him or love him....
In our case.....that would be me and the daughter...
We both LOVE Woody Allen.....
So when daughter knew I was coming to NYC for a visit
She suggested that she take me to see Woody Allen play his clarinet
at the Carlyle Hotel....
He's been doing this for years and years on Monday nights and we
Have always wanted to go....

One other Thing to mark off that list before I die.....
So with reservations for dinner at 6:30 and the show to begin at 9:00 typical never happy where we get seated fashion.....
We moved our selves from the side corner of the room to the front of the
stage.....Much better for viewing....
Please don't ask why my eyeglasses are tinted orange....
I borrowed them from the Boss.....
I felt like the people that get free eye wear from
"The Lighthouse for the Blind".....
Dinner was took us about 2 hours from appetizer to desert....
And then the show began....
I must say that besides seeing the Three Tenors preform in front of the
Eiffel Tower back in 1998 this was the second best
musical show I have ever seen...
Woody looked much younger in person then in pictures....
He looks about 65 not 75.....
and the man really can play the clarinet....
Add to the fact that I love Dixieland and Big Band music and I was in
Hog Heaven....
He was very quiet and did not make eye contact with the intimate
size of the room....I believe there were only 78 people....

During the parts where he did not play this is how he sat.....
looking down at the floor....eyes closed....
Daughter suggested he could be a narcoleptic
And then he would perk up!!
I'm sure the trumpet player was leaning over and saying....
"Woody are you still with us or have you died??"

He ended the performance with a song....Yes folks he sang....
Everyone had left the stage and it was him and the banjo player and he softly sang
"I'll See You in My Dreams".....
The crowd went wild.....
the experience is something I will never forget....
He was awesome.....
And you can't visit the Carlyle Hotel with out seeing their tribute to the late
Bobby Short.....who played piano for years and years in the Cafe....
He was a National Treasure as they say.....
So Of course I made daughter take my picture in front of his picture....
The cost for all of this........Don't even ask......
For what daughter paid we should have been able to bring Woody home with us
as a souvenir......But it made Mom very very happy...
And that is priceless!!

It's getting to be that time of year again.....Yes, that's right.....
Sophie's 2012 Calendar....
I'll give you a's all about NYC....
I have seen a draft of the pictures and I'm thinking it's the best one yet....
So stop back after Christmas and see Miss B in all her Big City Glory....


  1. Wow! What fun that was for you? Perhaps he found it easier to keep track of where he was by listening with his eyes close so he didn't miss his next cue for when to play again. I am glad you had a fun time!


  2. Wow! That was an incredible gift and what a memory!

  3. What a great gift and such a fun time for you and your daughter. I look forward to the new calendar! hugs, Linda

  4. Can you tell how late it was when I wrote this post....I meant to write "edition".....Not Addition

  5. Oh Sue, those orange tinted glasses... they make you and daughter look like you are sisters. Keep wearing them!!!

  6. Well of course I am waiting for your grand daughters new calendar. Can't wait.

    Missed you at the coolie exchange.

    I can see you and your daughter had the greatest time ever.

    Is she coming home for Christmas?


  7. What a fabulous treat that must have been!

  8. Include me in the large group of folks who love Woody Allen!

    Happy Holidays
